

中文摘要   移動污染源為影響地區性空氣品質主要的污染源之一,其排放量推估之準確性,受到推估模組相關因子影響,包含車齡分佈、平均車行里程、用油量等因子影響,各項管制策略至今仍難以透過定性、定量方式,定義其對於空品的貢獻量或與政策推動間的關係,故本計畫持續精進移污排放總量推估,提升排放量推估之準確性並適當的運用於移動污染源減量政策計算。   移污管制及政策推動成效可藉由排放量減量計算評估瞭解,本計畫研修各參數之合宜性,研擬適用於臺灣各地區之減量係數並逐一檢視政策推動之成效。此外,持續協助研蒐國際公共運輸、共享運具、區域性移動源管制策略及低污染運具推廣作法,並研擬低污染運具積分抵換及增量抵換相關方法分析。然而移污排放減量因涉及私人運具管理、交通管制手段、公共運具推廣及低污染運具推動等面向,需進行跨部會協商、資料統合,以有效針對國家各行政單位間相關政策進行勾稽,協助署內與其他各部會進行協商亦為重要工作的一環。   為精進移動污染源管制成效,掌握其各項活動指標及環境負荷,本計畫以圖表化方式呈現複雜之排放量數據,提供署內各項移動污染源管制精進作法及建議,成果摘述如下:   (一)掌握移動污染源各項活動強度指標,並完成彙整於排放清冊中,各項活動強度資料皆已更新至109~110年。   (二)車輛排放總量推估相關工作,已完成109年車輛參數蒐集並完成109年車輛活動強度、排放係數、排放量推估。   (三)車輛移動源歷年排放趨勢部分,隨車輛持續汰舊換新,新車排放標準加嚴,各車種尾氣排放係數逐年下降;109年相較於108年,非尾氣粒狀物成長2%、尾氣粒狀物下降5%、硫氧化物(SOX)下降7%、氮氧化物(NOX)下降6%、一氧化碳(CO)下降4%,碳氫化合物(HC)、鉛(Pb)無明顯差異。   (四)排放量推估結果受活動強度影響,疫情發展三級警戒期間,確實影響整體車輛活動強度,但除物流大貨車反向成長之外,其他車種活動強度均顯著下降。   (五)國內移動污染源各類管制措施於109~112年空氣污染防制計畫書提出之減量目標年度預估粒狀物(PM)減少約600公噸、氮氧化物(NOX)減少約6,000公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)減少約3,000公噸,分別達成時,相較於各年度排放總量,PM約可減量3~4%,NOX約可減量5%,NMHC約可減量3~4%。   (六)因應未來車輛結構變化,低污染運具帶來整體環境空氣污染減量效益之需求,配合經濟部能源局能源配比,初步建立國內電動車輛(電動機車、電動大客車及電動汽車)燃料生命週期之耗能及排放參數。   (七)配合整體空氣污染管制政策,研提相關減量計算公式,量化及檢核各項策略之減量效益,建議應優先投入資源於推廣大型柴油車汰舊換新並配合機車汰舊換新策略,以達到資源分配效益之運用。   (八)已協助研擬行政院環境保護署「補助電動大客車營運作業要點」草案,為提升公車電動化之減量效益,完成以營運里程及載客人次為補助基準之電動公車補助精進方案;後續將評估以延人公里為補助方式之可行性,提升大客車電動化空氣污減量的環境實質效益。   (九)低污染運輸可行推動方案精進建議,應結合都市發展程度,擇優推廣不同型式之低污染運具,並結合公共運輸導向,改變私人運具使用習慣。考量空氣污染減量的同時,深入評估各地區推廣低污染運具之可行性,研擬政策推動方案。   (十)持續推廣國內低污染運具政策,鼓勵民眾踴躍汰舊換低污染運具,同時研擬建置完善的基礎建設配套措施,建議初期政府推動鼓勵措施,針對電動車能源補充設施部分需求,布建公共能源補充基礎設施,避免充電站分配不均。
中文關鍵字 排放清冊、移動污染源、排放量空間分配、管制策略、非尾氣排放


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 13400 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/08 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 蘇淳太
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 劉俐君 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111A078_移動污染源排放資料建置及減量成效評估計畫.pdf 37MB

Mobile source database construction and reduction effectiveness evaluation program

英文摘要   Mobile source emission is one of the major pollution sources that affecting directly the local air quality. However, the accuracy of its emission factors, including vehicle age distribution, average mileage, fuel consumption, fuel efficiency, traffic flow, and road length, is challenging to characterize. In order to quantify the contribution of mobile source to air quality, it is still necessary to continuously improve the estimation of mobile source emissions, and quantify their impact in terms of policy purpose.   The effectiveness of mobile source emission control and policy promotion could be obtained through the assessment study of emission reduction. This program reviewed and adopted suitable reduction parameters of control strategies of mobile source to investigate their effectiveness on air quality. International transportation, public-shared vehicles, and low-emission vehicles promotion were also studied in this program. Cross-department cooperation and data integration is necessary on these issues. The coordination meetings where implemented in this program as well. Several achievements were obtained is this program and summarized as follows:   1. The mobile sources emission data, including the activity of unit strength index, publication frequency, and historical data, where updated to 2021.   2. Mobile source emission estimation, including vehicle activity intensity, emission factors, and emission, were completed for 2019.   3. With the implementation of vehicle emission standard increasing and replacement for old vehicles, the emission from vehicle tailpipe declined year by year. Comparing the difference of suspended particles emission in 2020 and 2019, non-tailpipe emission increased by 2% and tail pipe emission decreased by 5%, SOX decreased by 7%, NOX decreased by 6%, CO decreased by 4%. On the other hand, there is no significant difference for HCs and Pb.   4. Most of the vehicle travel intensity, except heavy-duty trucks, decreased significantly during the period of nationwide the level 3 epidemic alert, resulting in the emission from mobile source reduced through the lower vehicle travel intensity.   5. The predicted emission of PM decreases by 600 mt, (3~4% of total annual PM emission), NOX by 6,000 mt (5% of total annual emission), and NMHCs by 3,000 mt (3~4% of total annual emission).   6. The fuel life cycles and emission factors from electrical vehicles, including electrical motorcycles, buses, and trucks, were preliminarily established with local data in this program to account for the future requirement of electrical or low-emission vehicles.   7. Through the effectiveness assessment of several mobile source control strategies in this study, replacement for old scooter and heavy-duty vehicles is the prior recommendation in terms of emission reduction resources needed.   8. In order to increase emission reduction effectiveness on bus electrification, the draft of “Guidelines for Electric Bus Subsidy Pilot Program” was proposed. The subsidy are based on operating mileage and number of passengers. The subsidy based on continuously passenger-mileage will be evaluated in the future to further enhance the environmental substantial benefits of air pollution reduction through buses electrification.   9. Different feasible action plan of low-emission vehicle might apply in different area according to urban development level, public transportation plan, and personal transport usage.   10. This program continuously helps EPA to encourage people replacing old vehicle with low-emission one. In order to promote this policy, the plans of establishing complete charging stations and their supporting infrastructure were also proposed in this program.
英文關鍵字 Emissions Inventory, Mobile Source, Emissions Spacial Distribution, Control Strategy, Non-exhaust Emissions