

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的包括(一)執行臺灣本島15條主要河川、7類50種化學物質之河川底泥與魚體之採樣檢測及數據解析,並與歷年整體調查結果進行研析;(二)檢測數據資料庫更新管理,並介接至指定資料庫;(三)應用多元化學物質管理決策模式工具,並研提化學物質管理建議。第一部分已完成南崁溪、頭前溪、客雅溪、中港溪、後龍溪、大安溪、烏溪、北港溪、朴子溪、鹽水溪、二仁溪、典寶溪、東港溪、蘭陽溪及新城溪等15條河川之底泥及魚體採樣及分析,檢測項目包括得克隆及甲氧滴滴涕、全氟烷基物質、農藥及其代謝物(嘉磷塞及氨基甲基膦酸、陶斯松、施得圃)、短鏈氯化石蠟、壬基酚及雙酚A、鄰苯二甲酸酯類、多溴二苯醚類及六溴聯苯類、多環芳香烴化合物、金屬等9類104種檢測物質,共計獲得17,264筆檢測數據。環境流布調查結果發現化學物質含量較90年至99年調查結果有降低趨勢,顯示列管後之管理策略有助於降低底泥與魚體中化學物質濃度。本年度調查結果發現相較110年調查結果,底泥中檢測項目整體測值下降,惟部分檢測項目如短鏈氯化石蠟、壬基酚、雙酚A、鄰苯二甲酸酯類、多溴二苯醚類及六溴聯苯類在部分河川底泥測值較前一次調查結果有上升情形。本年度魚體中全氟烷基物質及多溴二苯醚類等檢測項目整體測值上升,部分河川魚體中短鏈氯化石蠟測值相較110年調查結果有上升情形,可能因河川底泥中相關測項檢測結果上升,魚體有較長時間累積或與魚體長度/重量及生活習性有關,需待進一步分析魚體之體長、體重與化學物質含量之關係,才可證實推測。建議未來應持續監測觀察其環境流布之趨勢,亦可繼續納入國際關注、國內使用量高、具環境及人體危害特性之化學物質進行長期調查。 第二部分已完成「化學物質環境流布調查資訊網站」歷年檢測結果及科普資料更新,協助一頁式英文網頁英譯,並將歷年環境流布調查數據介接至環境部環境資源資料交換平台(CDX平台)。 第三部分管理決策模式工具應用,藉由樞紐分析、桑基圖及調查指紋結果圖等觀察特定污染物於特定時間點及特定介質中分布關聯。另結合毒理學優先指數(ToxPi)多元毒理資訊整合工具辨識臺灣北部9條河川流域需優先關注採樣點及化學物質,結果顯示102個化學物質中以農藥、多環芳香烴類、多溴二苯醚類及鄰苯二甲酸酯類化學物質為需優先關注者,另河川下游段為需優先管理區段,且南崁溪為9條河川中需加以關注之河川,相關結果亦結合化學物質檢測結果及列管污染源資料一同呈現於地理資訊可視化界面,進而作為管理決策參考依據。
中文關鍵字 化學物質、環境流布、河川、底泥、魚體、管理決策模式工具


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 14200 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/06 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 李俊璋
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 黃怡菁 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112DA005_計畫成果摘要(詳細版).pdf 1MB

The project for background investigation of environmental distribution of chemical substances in 2023

英文摘要 The aims of the present project were to (1) investigate distribution of 7 groups and 50 concerned chemicals in 15 rivers around Taiwan, (2) update the analytical data and link to assigned database (3) apply multiple chemical management decision-making model tools and provide management suggestions. First, sediment and fish samples were collected from 15 rivers around Taiwanincluding Nankan River, Toucian River, Keya River, Jhonggang River, Houlong River, Da-an River, Wu River, Beigang River, Puzih River, Yanshuei River, Erren River, Dian Bao River, Donggang River, Lanyang River and Shincheng River. Concentrations of dechlorane plus (DP), methoxychlor, perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs), pesticides and their metabolites (including glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and chlorpyrifos, pendimethalin), short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs), nonylphenol (NP), bisphenol A (BPA), phthalate esters (PAEs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabrominated biphenyls (HBB), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and metals were measured in collected samples. In total, 17,264 analyzed data were obtained. The analyzed concentrations of certain chemicals in sediments showed decreasing trend. It indicates that the control strategies for these chemicals are effective to reduce their releasing into the environment. However, the concentrations of specific chemicals such as PFASs, SCCPs, NP, BPA, PAEs, PBDEs and HBB in certain river sediments and fishs were higher than those in the previous survey. The findings may be related with the living habit and size (length/weight) of fish or due to decreased contaminated levels of river environment and long-term accumulation of these chemicals by fish. We recommened that it was necessary to continuously monitoring their distribution trend. In the future, candidate chemicals with global concerns, high production volume, environmental hazards and human health effects could be further included for long-term investigation. Second, the analytical data and popular science information were updated to the "environmental distribution survey of chemical substances Information Website". Translation of the website to English and linking the environmental distribution survey data to the Central Data Exchange (CDX System) of the Ministry of Environment were completed. Third, application of multiple chemical management decision-making model tools via pivot analysis, sankey diagram, and fingerprints of the river survey determined , the distribution and correlation of specific pollutants at specific time points and specific media Meanwhile, Toxicological Priority Index (ToxPi) combined the diverse toxicological information integration tool was used to identify and rank the priority of chemicals and sampling sites in nine river basins in the northern Taiwan. The results showed that pesticides, PAHs, PBDEs and PAEs have high ToxPi scores by different data sets. Besides, downstream sampling sites of rivers may need to be paid attention in future sampling strategy, especially in Nankan River. The relevant information is also presented on the geographical information visualization interface using the chemical analysis results and the data from the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register for further decision-making reference.
英文關鍵字 Chemical substances, Environmental distribution, River, Sediment, Fish, Management Decision Model Tool