

中文摘要 本計畫為掌握嘉義市空氣品質長期變化趨勢,經由工作成效評核及專案技術支援,研擬適當之空氣污染管制措施,採取「對內整合、對外合作」策略,協助跨縣市合作交流及跨局處資源整合工作,強化空氣污染減量力道;協助執行「嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫(109年至112年)」及「嘉義市清淨空氣推動委員會」之減量行動,並就各項管制措施執行進度進行追蹤,適時提出建議,並協助研擬修訂「嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫(113年至116年)」,配合本市空氣污染防制業務行政工作;辦理各項空氣品質防制策略宣導工作,建立市民正確空氣污染防制及健康防護觀念。本計畫執行期間自112 年1 月1 日起至112 年12 月15日止,執行成果摘要如下: 一、 污染物排放清單與空氣品質現況 依據本計畫檢討更新和掌握之TEDS11.1排放量資料,本市各類空氣污染物排放量分別為懸浮微粒(PM10)553公噸、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)224公噸、硫氧化物(SOx)36公噸、氮氧化物(NOx)1,088公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)3,951公噸,各污染物排放量相較前版本TEDS10.1約降低7.4%~39.3%。 近5年,本市AQI>100比例由107年25.5%降至111年12.6%,整體改善率50.5%;其中AQI>100_PM2.5由17.0%降至7.7%,改善率54.8%;AQI>100_O3_8hr由8.5%降至4.9%,改善率41.9%。112年1~11月AQI>100為14.1%,其中AQI>100_PM2.5占7.2%、AQI>100_O3_8hr占6.9%。112年統計至11月,本市共發生3站日AQI≧151的紅色警戒事件,較111年同期4站日紅色警戒改善。 二、 嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫(109年至112年)執行成果 本市空氣污染防制計畫(109年至112年)計有34項管制措施,包括固定污染源8項、逸散污染源10項、移動污染源12項及綜合性管理4項。統計109年~112年至10月,本市29項實質減量措施,有20項已達標,有5項預計12月可達標,4項受疫情及政策調整因素,無法達標。各污染物減量成果分別為:PM10減量130.79公噸/年(達標率121%)、PM2.5減量74.14公噸/年(達標率126%)、NOx減量811.59公噸/年(達標率152%)、SOx減量17.87公噸/年(達標率127%)、NMHC減量686.69公噸/年(達標率132%)。 三、 研擬嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫(113 年至116年) 本計畫依據112年10月環境部提供之撰寫指引及減量手冊編撰「嘉義市空氣污染防制計畫(113 年至116年)」,依照各類污染源管制特性,遵循環境部空氣污染防制方案八大面向,研擬本市30項管制措施(71項子策略)包括:精進行業減量技術8項、車輛及機具全盤掌握7項、建構跨部會專案管理5項、區域開發重點監控2項、特定季節強化應變2項、連結淨零政策減污4項、綜合管理及輔助工具1項及及跨域合作管制項目1項,並辦理跨縣市聚焦討論會議及完成空氣污染防制計畫(113年至116年)初稿。 四、 跨縣市合作及跨局處整合 呼應本市「對內整合,對外合作」策略,針對多面向空氣污染來源,對內整合局處資源,跨局處辦理嘉義市清淨空氣推動委員會2場次,滾動檢討成效。因本市空氣品質受鄰近縣市排放影響占比高,加強對外合作,積極參與跨區域合作平台,包括南部地區跨區合作預防應變小組11場次、雲嘉南高屏交流協商會議2場次、中臺灣區域治理平台-空污環保組會議2場次,與中央及縣市夥伴共同努力,提升區域空氣品質。 五、 提升空氣品質改善維護計畫執行績效及品質 本計畫除定期分析空氣品質變化,提交各類成效資料外,並召開2場次空污減量成效內部工作檢討會,提升本市空氣品質改善維護計畫執行績效及品質,並配合環境部112年度績效考評,預估年度自評得分含加分項目可達95.4分,協助上傳月報、季報及空氣污染防制基金決算等資料,提升本市考評成績。 六、 協助建立空氣品質不良應變機制 為預防空氣品質不良,強化通報應變能力,導入智慧程式應用,建立空氣品質不良日預報及逐時通報機制,自動於通訊軟體Line即時發布並通知各機關執行應變防護(制)措施。112年(至11月),總計實施空氣品質不良通報應變67次,依指標污染物類別,分為PM2.5、O3-8hr、PM10等3 類,PM2.5通報44次占65.67%最高、O3-8hr通報21次占31.34%,PM10通報2次占2.99%,總計促成PM10削減6.98公噸、PM2.5 削減1.71公噸。 七、 空氣品質淨化區、裸露地及綠牆維護管理 本市空氣品質淨化區計有7處,綠化面積4.25公頃、長度6.8公里,基地類型包括裸露地綠化3處、環保公園2處,自行車道2處,本計畫已連續4年推動認養率百分百,每月進行查核並完成追蹤改善提報,登錄環境部相關網站。辦理1場次空氣品質淨化區專家現場輔導查核作業,給予各淨化區維護管理作業指導與建議。 本市18處裸露地,針對維護管理較佳的9處進行每季查核,維護管理較差的9處進行每月查核,目前本市裸露地皆已全數鋪設草皮,管制比例達百分百。 本市108~111年計有4所公立國小透過環境部經費補助設置清淨綠牆,本計畫以每季追蹤方式記錄學校維護情況,並全面訪查尚未申請環境部經費設置之24校(國中8校、國小16校),評估學校的地理位置、建築物特性、日照程度等因素是否適合設置清淨空氣綠牆,實地訪查結果,計有13校以自有經費設置綠化,加上透過環境部經費補助4校,總計17校已設置綠化措施,國中小學清淨綠牆設置率達61%。 八、 強化空氣品質防護觀念宣導 完成11場次空氣污染防制防護觀念宣導活動(含5場次空氣污染防制防護種子講師宣講),宣導人數約3,227人次,配合有獎徵答或遊戲與民眾互動,並利用社群媒體定期發佈空氣污染防制防護相關知識及健康防護觀念等宣導圖文,已完成登載10則,讓「綠生活.好空氣」觀念深植人心。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、空品淨化區、AQI、空品區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3800 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林宛臻 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年嘉義市清淨空氣整合推動計畫-期末報告-定稿(上傳).pdf 30MB

2023 Chiayi City Clean Air Integrated Management Plan

英文摘要 The implementation of this plan is to grasp the long-term change trend of air quality in Chiayi City, through work effectiveness evaluation and technical support, and then develop appropriate air pollution control measures. The strategy of "internal integration and external cooperation" to assist cross-county and city cooperation and exchanges and cross-bureau resource integration are also implemented. Assist in the implementation of the “Chiayi City Air Pollution Control Plan (2020~2023)” and “clean air promotion committee meetings”, and tracked the implementation progress of control measures; furthmore, we assisted to plan and rolling revised "Chiayi City Air Pollution Control Plan (2024~2027)" and other administrative matters related to the air pollution prevention and control business. The implementation period of this year's project is from January 1, 2023 to December 15, 2023. The summaries of the main works are as follows: 1. Air Pollution Emission and Air Quality Trend Based on TEDS 11.1 database, the annual emissions in Chiayi City are PM10-553 tons/y, PM2.5-224 tons/y, SOx-36 tons/y, NOx-1,088 tons/y, NMHC-3,951 tons/y, respectively. Compared with TEDS 10.1 database, the emissions have reduced by 7.4%~39.3%. Based on the 5-year monitoring data between 2018 and 2022 in Chiayi City, the AQI>100 ratio drops from 25.5% to 12.6% (50.5% improvement rate); the AQI>100_PM2.5 ratio drops from 17.0% to 7.7% (54.8% improvement rate); the AQI>100_O3_8hr ratio drops from 8.5% to 4.9% (41.9% improvement rate). As of November, the AQI>100 ratio in 2023 is 14.1%, the AQI>100_PM2.5 ratio and AQI>100_O3_8hr ratio are 7.2% and 6.9%, respectively; the red alert poor air quality station days(AQI≧151) has decreased from 4 days in 2022 to 3 days in 2023. 2. Achievement of the Chiayi City Air Pollution Control Plan (2020~2023) This project also assisted to analyze the achievement of the Chiayi City Air Pollution Control Plan (2020~2023), including 34 control measures. As of Sep. 2022, there are 29 permanent control measures, including 20 measures attained, 5 will be attained in Dec., 4 will be unattained due to COVID-19 pandemic or policy change). The reduction achievements (achievement tatio) are as follows: PM10: 130.79ton (121%); PM2.5: 74.14ton (126%); NOx: 811.59ton (152%); SOx: 17.87ton (127%); NMHC: 686.69ton (132%). 3. Develope draft of the Chiayi City Air Pollution Control Plan (2024~2026) To develope the city's air pollution control plan from 2024-2026 based on MOENV’s guidelines and reduction calculation manual. The total 30 measures include 8 Refined industry reduction technology, 7 Comprehensive control of vehicles and machinery, 5 Establish cross-department project management, 2 Regional development and monitoring, 2 Enhanced management in specific seasons, 4 Net zero carbon policy, 1 Comprehensive management and 1 Cross-county, city cooperation project. Finally, the project assisted to conduct cross-county and city focused discussion meetings and completed the draft of the air pollution control plan (2024-2026). 4. Cross-county, city and bureau integration Chiayi City adopts the policy of "internal integration and external cooperation" to respond with multi-air pollution sources. For internal integration, the project assisted to hold two sessions of clean air promotion committee meetings; for external cooperation, the proejct participated in 11 sessions of “Air Pollution Interregional Cooperation Prevention Response in Southern Taiwan”, 2 sessions of “Yun-Chia-Nan and Kao-Ping Exchange and Consultation Meetings” and 2 sessions of “Central Taiwan Regional Governance Platform-Air Pollution Protection Group Meetings” to work with central and other local governments to improve air quality together. 5. Improve air quality maintenance plan execution performance and quality The project assisted to hold two sessions of “work performance review meetings”. The self-assessment of air quality improvement work performance evaluation scores expected to reach 95.4 in 2023. We also have assisted in reporting and uploading the first to third quarterly reports, monthly reports from January to September and Air Pollution Control Fund-related statistics. 6. Establish notifications mechanism of poor air quality In order to prevent poor air quality, the project introduced intelligent program applications to report forecast and hourly notification for poor air quality. Aa of November, a total of 67 notifications of poor air quality were implemented. Among them, the number of PM2.5 notifications reached 44 times accounted for 65.67%, O3-8hr reached 21 times accounted for 31.34%, and PM10 reached 2 times accounted for 2.99%. The reductions are PM10 6.98 ton and PM2.5 1.71ton, respectively. 7. Air quality purification areas, bare areas and green walls There are 7 air quality purification areas in the city with a green area of 4.25 HA、6.8 KM, including 3 bare green areas, 2 environmental parks and 2 bicycle lanes. The project has promoted the adoption rate to reach 100% for 4 consecutive years; to conduct monthly reviews to report to the Ministry of Environment; to hold 1 session to entrust experts and scholars to conduct inspection and evaluation. There are 18 bare areas in this city. 9 areas with better maintenance were inspected quarterly, and 9 areas with poor maintenance were inspected monthly. Currently, all 18 bare areas have been paved with turf. 4 green walls were built through funding subsidies from the Ministry of Environment, and we conduct quarterly tracking to record maintenance status. We also visited 24 schools (8 junior high schools and 16 elementary schools) that have not yet applied for funding from the Ministry of Environment to evaluate if they have appropriate places to build. The results show 13 schools have environmental greening measures with their own funds and 4 green walls funding subsidies from the Ministry of Environment, a total of 17 schools have greening measures (61% of junior high schools and elementary schools in Chiayi City). 8. Enhance air pollution prevention and protection advocacy activities A total of 11 air pollution prevention and protection advocacy activities have been held, including 5 propaganda are scheduled for seed lecturers. With rewarded quizzes or games to interact with the public, 3,227 people participated in. To use social media to publish knowledge about air pollution prevention and protection monthly. Currently, 10 advocacy news was released by press and media, and to plant the concept ”Green Life, Good Air “ in the hearts of citizens.
英文關鍵字 air pollution, Air quality purification area, control AQI