

中文摘要 本計畫於112年1月1日開始執行,主要工作內容包含相對準確度測試查核(RATA)及監督查核、不透光率(OP)查核及監督查核、標準氣體(CGA)、零點/全幅(Zero/Span)、二氧化氮/一氧化氮(NO2/NO)轉化器效率查核、CEMS法規符合度查核、CEMS法規說明會及CEMS訪查作業;人工監測站採樣分析、操作維護及校正作業;維護中洋工業區之監測/檢測設施及中洋工業區監測車空氣品質監測作業;環境道路交通音量監測及民眾陳情案件處理;辦理室內空氣品質訪查巡檢暨推動自主管理標章作業、室內空氣品質法規說明會及公私場所室內空氣品質稽查檢測,期末報告統計期間,各項工作執行進度如表1所示,成果說明,主要如下: (一)連續監測設施(CEMS)法規符合度及系統功能查核 在相對準確度測試查核作業,112年3月10日執行台灣化學纖維股份有限公司新港廠排放管道P501,測試項目氮氧化物差值平均值大於信賴係數,依據CEMS管理辦法附錄十規定需進行偏移校正因子(BAF)修正(修正時間112年4月26日至112年6月16日),而該廠於112年4月21日執行第2季RATA定期檢測作業,測試項目氮氧化物差值平均值小於信賴係數,可取消偏移校正因子(BAF)修正,於112年6月7日函覆第2季RATA檢測報告至環保局通知取消BAF修正;112年7月5日執行台灣化學纖維股份有限公司新港廠排放管道P301,測試項目氮氧化物及氧氣差值平均值均大於信賴係數,需進行偏移校正因子(BAF)修正(修正時間112年8月3日至112年10月5日),而該廠於112年8月18日執行第3季RATA定期檢測作業,測試項目氮氧化物及氧氣差值平均值均小於信賴係數,可取消偏移校正因子(BAF)修正,於112年9月18日函覆第3季RATA檢測報告至環保局通知取消BAF修正。 在不透光率查核作業,各管道校正誤差查核結果皆符合監測設施性能規格≦3 %不透光率規定,其中台灣化學纖維股份有限公司新港廠排放管道P101在低幅衰光器查核結果略為偏高,於現場告知廠方代表人員及儀器維護商,應查明原因或重新進行調校,以避免日後超出性能規格標準;另於11月23日配合該廠定期查核作業進行監督查核,偏高情形已有所改善,另外亦提醒廠方人員於零點補整累積至 4 %不透光率時,應清潔光學感應之表面,避免影響測值準確性。 在標準氣體查核作業,台灣化學纖維股份有限公司新港廠,排放管道P501於112年7月31日查核時,測項氮氧化物中低濃度查核結果13.35 %,接近性能規格標準上限;另於112年8月25日配合該廠定期查核作業進行監督查核,測項氮氧化物中低濃度查核結果仍偏高(11.84 %),告知廠方及儀器維護商,應重新進行線性調校,確保監測設施準確性,以免超出性能規格標準;其餘管道相較於110-111年查核結果,皆已有所改善,其結果也於查核結束後告知廠方及儀器維護廠商,使其了解監測設施目前狀況,希望廠方及維護商能夠持續保持下去。 在零點/全幅(Zero/Span)偏移查核部分,台灣化學纖維股份有限公司新港廠排放管道P101氮氧化物全幅偏移測試時,偏低-2.39 %,已接近標準誤差範圍±3%,經查前日及當日之校正結果皆為正偏差;嘉惠電力股份有限公司排放管道P002排放流率零點偏移測試時,偏高2.21%,此兩根管道查核結果於查核當日結束後已告知廠方及儀器維護廠商,請儀器維護廠商在進行管路確認是否有阻塞或監測設施之線性是否有偏移之現象並進行改善。 (二)連續監測設施(CEMS)連線資料查核 日報傳輸情形:嘉惠電力股份有限公司在112年7月10日因傳輸系統異常導致當日之日報資料未能於次日下午一時傳輸至本局(累計1次未傳輸),其餘各廠皆符合次日下午一時前傳輸之規定。 月報傳輸情形:南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司嘉義廠排放管道P001,111年12月份監測紀錄報表未依規定於112年1月15日前進行傳輸,依法裁處,其餘各廠月報傳輸情形皆符合次月十五日前須上傳規定。 (三)人工測站TSP採樣 針對轄內7座空氣品質人工監測站,每月執行TSP採樣與維護校正工作,其所使用之校正設備孔口流量計已完成追溯一級流量校正,而每季及採樣前、後均需進行校正作業,校正結果均符合檢測方法規範。 (四)中洋工業區監測/檢測作業 每月定期執行中洋工業區監控系統鋼瓶更換、清洗及監看即時監控系統,並於112年3月20至21日、112年6月8日至9日、112年9月25日至26日及112年11月07日至08日分別在太保市麻寮里活動中心及新港鄉三間村活動中心各執行1天次空氣品質監測車監測作業,各測項均符合空氣品質標準。 (五)噪音監測相關作業 執行12點次航空噪音監測作業,除新港鄉三間村活動中心符合第一級航空噪音防制區劃定原則(該區域已屬第一級航空噪音防制區)外,其餘各點次監測結果均未達第一級航空噪音防制區劃定原則。 執行機動車輛原地噪音稽查檢測,已辦理環警監聯合稽查作業41場次,共計攔查1,861輛次,其中4輛經審驗合格後任意變更為未經檢驗合格之排氣管,違反噪音管制法第8條直接進行處分,而針對有噪音之虞車輛進行檢測145輛次,其中檢測不合格30輛,車況異常通知回檢14輛,不合格率為21 %。 執行機動車輛行駛噪音(聲音照相科技執法)稽查作業,針對轄內屢遭民眾陳情路段或高噪音車輛出沒熱區辦理稽查,已辦理75場次執法取締作業,陳情案件中除中埔鄉135線道外,其餘路段截至現階段未再接獲陳情,顯示聲音照相科技執法已有其遏阻作用,而針對仍屢遭陳情路段,計畫將持續辦理取締勤務,以維護民眾居家環境安寧 於中埔鄉澐水國民小學旁(台三線)之標誌桿上,設置1套固定式聲音照相科技執法設備,藉以降低車輛噪音擾寧的問題,維護社區安寧。 協助環保局規劃並辦理附掛聲音照相科技執法告示牌,以期嚇阻及降低噪音車擾寧案件,總計完成3處區域附掛作業。 (六)室內空氣品質管理工作 室內空氣品質訪查巡檢作業,除冷O探索館及品O咖啡觀光工廠二氧化碳即時濃度值大於1,000 ppm之外,其餘各場所室內空氣品質狀況良好,針對檢測不良之場所現場給予初步簡易改善建議,如隨時保持空氣流通或加強通風換氣,可裝抽風扇增加空氣對流,使室內外空氣進行流通降低二氧化碳濃度;於下半年度進行複檢時,均已有所改善。 室內空氣品質公告標準方法稽查檢測,總計辦理7處場所,各場所檢測結果皆符合室內空氣品質標準,並輔導場所申請自主管理標章;其中財團法人嘉義縣私立開O殿福松老人養護中心細菌濃度偏高,於10月18日再次辦理複檢,其細菌濃度最高值為316 CFU/m3,相較前次檢測最高值1,417 CFU/m3,已大幅降低,顯見其改善效益。 自主管理標章推動情形,轄內16處公告場所均已取得標章使用權;非公告場所則有17處場所取得標章使用權,分別為8處社會福利機構、3處幼兒園、2處產後護理機構、1處醫療機構、1處航空站、1處表演廳及1處美術館。
中文關鍵字 連續自動監測系統


專案計畫編號 112CY13 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1050 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/01/31 專案主持人 黃昱璁
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃淑瑜 執行單位 捷思環能股份有限公司


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期末報告 112嘉義縣CEMS計畫_期末定稿.pdf 21MB 112嘉義縣CEMS計畫_期末定稿

2023 Stationary Source Air Pollutant Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) Performance Audit and Project in Chiayi County

英文摘要 The project started on 1th January, 2023, and the main works included RATA and supervision audit, OP and supervision audit, CGA, Zero/Span, the efficiency inspections on NO2/NO transformer, regulatory compliance audit, explanation session for online and regulations, CEMS evaluation; Maintaining the manual monitoring station’s operating and correcting functions; Maintaining detecting and testing facilities in the Zhongyang Protection Network; Air quality detecting in the Zhongyang industrial area by vehicles ; Indoor air quality inspections and inspections and promote self-management labeling operations, indoor air quality regulations briefing sessions, and indoor air quality inspections and testing in public and private places; The period of data statistic had been started from 1th January, 2023 to 31th December, 2023, and the contents are summarized as follows: (一)CEMS Regulations Conformity and System Function Check On March 10, 2023, the relative accuracy testing and audit were conducted for the Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation Sin-gung Plant emission stack P501. The average difference in nitrogen oxides exceeded the confidence interval, requiring a Bias Adjustment Factor (BAF) correction according to the CEMS Management Regulations Appendix 10 (Correction period: April 26, 2023, to June 16, 2023). However, during the routine testing on April 21, 2023, for the second quarter RATA, the average difference in nitrogen oxides was below the confidence interval, leading to the cancellation of the BAF correction. The cancellation was submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau on June 7, 2023 with the report for the second quarter. On July 5, 2023, emission stack P301 was tested, and the average differences in nitrogen oxides and oxygen both exceeded the confidence interval. A BAF correction was required (Correction period: August 3, 2023, to October 5, 2023). However, during the third-quarter RATA on August 18, 2023, the average differences in nitrogen oxides and oxygen were below the confidence interval, allowing the cancellation of the BAF correction. The cancellation was submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau on September 18, 2023 with the report for the third quarter. During opacity testing, all pipeline correction error audit results complied with the monitoring facility performance specifications (≤ 3% opacity). Notably, emission stack P101 at Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation Sin-gung Plant showed a slightly higher result in the low range attenuator audit. The plant was informed on-site, and corrective actions were advised to avoid future deviations from performance standards. A follow-up audit on November 23, showed improvements in the high readings. Additionally, the plant personnel were reminded to clean the optical sensor surface when the compensation accumulates to 4% of the opacity to maintain measurement accuracy. During the standard gas calibration on July 31, 2023, for emission stack P501, the nitrogen oxides at low concentrations showed an audit result of 13.35%, approaching the upper limit of the performance specifications. A follow-up audit on August 25, 2023, indicated a persistently high result (11.84%). The plant was advised to conduct a linear calibration to ensure the accuracy of the monitoring facility and prevent exceeding performance standards. Other pipelines showed improvements compared to the results from 2021-2022, and the plant and maintenance providers were informed of the facility's current status at the end of the audit. In the audit of Zero/Span offset, in Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation Sin-gung Plant, the Nitrogen oxides span offset test of Pipeline P101 was a low -2.39 % which was close to the range of standard error ±3%. The correction of the day and the day before were both positive errors. Chia Hui Power Company, the emission flow zero offset of Pipeline P002 was a high 2.21 % . We informed the plant and the instrument maintenance company of the audit result and suggested they check whether there was a blockage of the pipeline or an offset of the equipment’s linearity and make improvements. (二)CEMS Connection Data Audit Daily Transmission Status: On July 10, 2023, Chia Hui Power Company experienced a transmission system anomaly, failing to transmit daily report data by 1:00 PM the following day (1 instance of non-transmission). However, all other plants complied with the requirement of transmitting data by 1:00 PM on the next day. Monthly Transmission Status: For emission stack P001 at Nan Ya Plastics Corporation Chiayi Plant, the monitoring record report for December of the year 2022 was not transmitted by the required date of January 15, 2023. Legal actions were taken as per regulations. However, the monthly transmission status for all other plants met the requirement of uploading data before the 15th of the following month. (三)Manual monitoring station’s operating and correcting functions For the 7 manual air quality monitoring stations in the jurisdiction, monthly TSP and dust fall sampling and maintenance calibration work are performed. The calibration equipment used has completed the retrospective first-level flow calibration. Calibration operations are required every season and before and after sampling. (四)Monitoring and Test in Chun-yang Industrial Park For the monitoring system in Chun-yang Industrial Park, steel bottles were replaced and cleaned and real-time monitoring from the system was conducted regularly on a monthly basis. Besides, all-day monitoring car inspections for air quality were done in civil centres of Ma-liao Villiage, Taibao City and San-chien village, Sin-gung Township on 20 & 21 March, 8 & 9 June, 25 & 26 September, 7&8 November. of the monitoring was all by the air quality standard. (五)Noise Pollution Monitoring Conducted 12 rounds of aircraft noise monitoring operations. Except for the three village activity centers in Sin-gung Township, which comply with the first-level aircraft noise prevention zone delineation principles (already classified as a first-level aircraft noise prevention zone), the results at other monitoring points did not meet the criteria for the first-level aircraft noise prevention zone. Carried out 41 joint inspection operations with the police and motor vehicle offices, inspecting a total of 1,861 vehicles. Among these, 4 vehicles were found to have exhaust pipes that were arbitrarily changed to non-inspected qualified ones. Immediate measures were taken under Article 8 of the Noise Control Act. Additionally, 145 vehicles suspected of causing noise were inspected, resulting in 30 vehicles failing the test. A notice was issued for 14 vehicles with abnormal conditions, resulting in a non-compliance rate of 21%. Conducted 75 acoustic cameras for enforcement operations with technology targeting roads that have been frequently complained about by residents or areas with high-noise vehicle activities. Except for Section 135 in Jhongpu Township, no further complaints have been received in other areas, indicating the deterrent effect of the acoustic camera. For sections with persistent complaints, continuous enforcement measures are planned to maintain a peaceful residential environment. Installed one set of fixed acoustic cameras on the signpost near Yun Shui Elementary School in Jhongpu Township (Provincial Highway 3). This aims to reduce vehicle noise disturbances and uphold community tranquility. Collaborated with the Environmental Protection Bureau to plan and install the acoustic camera enforcement signs, aiming to deter and reduce noise disturbance incidents. A total of 3 regional installation operations have been completed. (六)Indoor Air Quality Management During the indoor air quality inspection patrol, the real-time carbon dioxide concentration in Leng-O Tourism Factory and Pin-O Tourism Factory exceeded 1,000 ppm. However, indoor air quality in other locations was found to be satisfactory. Preliminary and simple improvement suggestions were provided for places with poor air quality, such as maintaining constant air circulation or enhancing ventilation. Recommendations included installing exhaust fans to increase air convection, facilitating the flow of indoor and outdoor air and reducing carbon dioxide concentration. During the follow-up inspections in the second half of the year, improvements were observed. Conducted inspections using the standard method for indoor air quality announcement in a total of 7 locations. The results at each location met the indoor air quality standards, and guidance was provided to locations applying for self-management certification. The Jia Yi County Private Kai-O Elderly Care Center showed elevated bacteria concentrations. A follow-up inspection on October 18 revealed a significant reduction, with the highest bacteria concentration at 316 CFU/m3 compared to the previous highest value of 1,417 CFU/m3, indicating notable improvement. In the promotion of self-management certification, all 16 publicly announced locations within the jurisdiction obtained the right to use the certification. Additionally, 17 non-publicly announced locations acquired the certification, including 8 social welfare institutions, 3 kindergartens, 2 postpartum care facilities, 1 medical institution, 1 airport, 1 performance hall, and 1 art museum.
英文關鍵字 CEMS