

中文摘要 本計畫因應自然碳匯的國際趨勢與國內立法需求,提出自然碳匯發展策略及企業參與推動方向,重點在於分析國家清冊碳匯資料現況、建立森林、土壤、水庫湖泊碳匯的量測、報告與查證(MRV)機制,探討碳匯的共效益、碳交易市場機制與企業參與誘因,以完善相關支持體系。為提升自然碳匯專案的數據品質,本計畫提出森林、土壤、水庫湖泊的 MRV 機制, 包括標準化取樣方法、人員培訓及第三方查證,建議宜逐步引入本土化參數,增強碳匯估算的準確性和可信度。面對自然災害及人為擾動可能引起的碳匯逆轉風險,建議主管機關建立風險評估與管理體系,並採用碳信用緩衝池機制,由專案開發者預留一定比例的碳信用作為儲備,根據風險程度動態調整比例,確保專案的有效性。 此外,本計畫綜整自然碳匯專案的多重共效益,建議制定評估指標,鼓勵具高品質和多重效益的專案,以提升市場信心,促進碳市場活絡發展。另亦蒐集國外稅收優惠或補貼政策,降低市場波動風險、吸引企業參與等措施,供國內推動碳市場發展相關政策參考。 本計畫蒐整國際自然碳匯法規、量化及誘因機制,建立森林、土壤、水體MRV 範例,並結合國際趨勢、國內試算及專家意見。建議強化自願減量機制權責分工、建置數位化平台、完善溫室氣體清冊並擴及各生態系,推動資訊共享。亦應加強風險管理、國際對接與共效益評級,使自然碳匯順利轉化為減量額度。此舉有助政策制定、執行效率及永續發展。並建議持續追蹤國際標準動態,擴大試點示範,提升市場信任與國際競爭力,以確保自然碳匯貢獻長期穩定。
中文關鍵字 自然碳匯、量測、報告、查證、共效益與企業參與


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 11060 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/30 專案結束日期 2024/11/15 專案主持人 闕蓓德
主辦單位 氣候署減量交易組 承辦人 葉宇珊 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 【自然碳匯】成果報告書完整版pdf.pdf 41MB 本報告書包括計畫基本資料表、簡要版摘要、詳細版摘要、目錄及內文,第一章節背景及目標,闡述本計畫緣起與自然碳匯推動的必要性。為掌握國際上自然碳匯的科學評估工具與管理策略發展,以研提我國自然碳匯推動建議,第二章節蒐整國際上自然碳匯相關之成果報告,包含森林、農業土壤、水體等碳匯領域。第三章節主要針對可量測、可報告與可查證 (measurable, reportable and verifiable, MRV) 原則在碳匯推動與自願減量計畫上的實施內涵與執行要素進行分析。促進自然碳匯的規模推動有賴企業、金融機構的廣泛參與,第四章節即研析自然碳匯推動與環境、社會、經濟間的相互影響與輔助關係。為了完整呈現團隊工作成果,第五章說明專家學者諮詢會議辦理及其他行政配合事項。第六章節統整個章節研析內容,提煉結論並提出相關建議。

Establishing a measurement, reporting, and verification mechanism for natural carbon sequestration

英文摘要 This project addresses international trends in natural carbon sink and domestic legislative requirements, proposing strategies for natural carbon sink development and promoting corporate participation in carbon removal. The focus is on analyzing the current state of national carbon inventory data and establishing Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) mechanisms for carbon sinks in forests, soils, lakes, and reservoirs. Additionally, the project explores the co-benefits of carbon sequestration, carbon trading market mechanisms, and incentives for corporate participation to enhance the supporting systems. To improve data quality in natural carbon sequestration projects, the project proposes MRV mechanisms for forests, soils, lakes, and reservoirs, including standardized sampling methods, personnel training, and third-party verification. It also recommends gradually incorporating localized parameters to increase the accuracy and reliability of carbon sink estimations. In response to the risks of carbon sink reversal caused by natural disasters or human disturbances, the project advises authorities to establish a risk assessment and management system. This would include implementing a carbon credit buffer mechanism, whereby project developers reserve a certain percentage of carbon credits as a buffer and adjust the buffer ratio dynamically according to the risk level to ensure project effectiveness. Furthermore, the project reviews the multiple co-benefits of natural carbon sink projects and suggests the development of evaluation indicators to encourage high-quality projects with multiple benefits, thereby boosting market confidence and stimulating the carbon market. The project also collects international measures such as tax incentives or subsidies to reduce market volatility and attract corporate participation, providing references for domestic policies aimed at promoting carbon market development. This project consolidates international regulations, quantification methods, and incentive mechanisms for natural carbon sinks, and establishes MRV (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) examples for forests, soils, and water bodies. It integrates global trends, domestic calculations, and expert opinions. Recommendations include clarifying the division of responsibilities for voluntary reduction mechanisms, developing a digital MRV platform, improving greenhouse gas inventories to encompass various ecosystems, and promoting data sharing. Strengthening risk management, international coordination, and the evaluation of co-benefits will facilitate the smooth conversion of natural carbon sinks into certified reduction credits, thereby supporting policy formulation, enhancing implementation efficiency, and advancing sustainable development. It is also advised to continuously monitor evolving international standards, expand pilot demonstrations, and bolster market confidence and competitiveness. These measures will help ensure the long-term stability and contribution of natural carbon sinks.
英文關鍵字 Natural Carbon Sink, Measurement, Reporting, Verification, Co-benefits and corporate participation