

中文摘要 「112年度臺南市推動低碳永續家園執行計畫」共計有五大工作主軸,包括推動溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷調適工作;維運低碳永續家園運作、輔導轄內行政里執行及維運低碳永續行動項目;推廣建築綠化降溫工作;輔導設置太陽光電發電系統;因應氣候變遷及推動低碳永續教育培訓及宣導工作。 在推動溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷調適工作部分,本計畫管考各項指標與計畫成效,協助辦理環境部各項績效考評資料提送作業。本計畫已協助辦理溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷調適相關議題之諮詢、跨局處協調會議2場次,討論各局處關於「臺南市淨零永續城市管理自治條例(草案)」之修正意見以及「臺南市2050淨零路徑」;另召開低碳調適及永續發展委員會會議1場次,針對「2022臺南市永續發展目標自願檢視報告」提請委員指導並提供精進建議,作為後續推動永續發展政策參考。第2場低碳調適及永續發展委員會會議已經機關同意,經費轉為製作低碳永續家園及氣候變遷調適宣導品至少590份。 有關辦理今年度國際城市碳揭露平台(CDP)問卷填報,本計畫已在規定期限前(7月25日)完成上傳CDP平台,而CDP評分反饋結果於11月15日公告,本市在CDP揭露成果上獲得A-評分。另本計畫亦於6月26日完成環境部考核作業之上半年度資料提報,並已於11月17日函送第2次半年報相關執行成果。 在維運低碳永續家園運作方面,本計畫截至期末報告前,已新增147處行政里報名成功、5處行政里(東區德高里、中西區西湖里、後壁區長短樹里、柳營區中埕里、新營區民榮里)取得銅級認證、1處行政里(鹽水區橋南里)取得銀級認證,並協助完成環境部規定11處行政里查核作業、111年受輔導追蹤查核12處。低碳家園執行成果累計至今,已成功輔導458個行政里報名成功、50個行政里取得銅級認證、12個行政里取得銀級認證;37個行政區皆已參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中30個行政區報名成功、1個行政區取得銅級認證、6個行政區取得銀級認證。另本計畫已陪同參與南區生活圈相關會議1場次、屏東縣技術諮詢與審查小組會議1場次。 本計畫已協助執行三項輔導計畫。在「112年臺南市低碳永續家園建置輔導計畫」部分,輔導6處低碳社區進行示範建置、11處低碳社區認證維運,共計執行17處社區(里)改造或修繕。有關「112年臺南市建築綠化降溫建置輔導計畫」,共輔導2處行政里申請公共建築綠化降溫工程。另「112年臺南市太陽光電系統建置輔導計畫」,共輔導4處單位申請建置太陽光電系統,並於7月辦理4場次太陽光電系統建置推廣宣導說明會,於8月辦理太陽光電建置診斷評估作業5場次。 在因應氣候變遷及推動低碳永續教育培訓及宣導工作方面,本計畫已於6月辦理氣候變遷調適教育訓練1場次,邀請今年有意願進行低碳永續家園認證評等升等銅級之村里人員,共同參訪本市玉井天埔社區,並配合環保局發佈新聞稿。於9月、10月分別辦理低碳永續推廣宣導會社區場與學校場共2場次,社區場邀請東區各村里志工以「低碳生活」與「節能節水減碳」等主題辦理;學校場以「節能減碳」與「建築綠化」等主題辦理。於10月辦理低碳永續家園相關觀摩活動1場次,邀請本市低碳永續家園認證單位,結合綠色旅遊實際走訪雲林縣2處銀級認證之績優社區-西螺鎮埤頭里與虎尾鎮北溪里,激發地方創生能量,共同打造低碳城市,並配合環保局製作宣導文宣。 在宣導及行政配合事項方面,本計畫已協助參與5場次臺南推廣社區環境教育增能培訓,藉由培訓活動宣傳本計畫輔導辦法,提升在地社區對本計畫今年度輔導計畫認知;協助辦理「世界關燈日」宣傳活動,關燈日影片拍攝、拍攝道具準備、臉書粉絲專頁推播文字編撰、協助臉書封面設計;協助112年環保志義工輔導及區政考核說明會,研擬「推動參與低碳永續家園」考核項目,並製作區政考核說明會議簡報;協助撰寫111年考評績優與112年低碳永續家園推動成果新聞稿及臉書推播;有關低碳永續家園村里多元競賽活動,本計畫輔導銅級社區永康區西灣里與東區德高里參與競賽,協助撰寫與彙整參賽社區報名文件,並提送至氣候變遷署、製作社區簡報與陪同社區至高雄蓮潭國際會館參與競賽。最後,本計畫分別於8月、9月陪同社區參與低碳村里績優工作坊推廣認證場次及精進制度場次,共2場次工作坊。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷調適


專案計畫編號 11230105 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4380 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/16 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 林家弘
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林柔甄 執行單位 台頂顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年臺南市推動低碳永續家園建構執行計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 18MB

Tainan City’s Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Project in 2023

英文摘要 The "Tainan City’s Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Project in 2023" is divided into five main sections which include maintaining the low-carbon sustainable home system and promoting greenhouse gases reduction and climate change adaptation, assisting the administrative villages in the jurisdiction with implementation and maintenance of their low-carbon sustainable actions, promoting greenery and cooling-down of building, helping with installation of the solar power system, as well as educating and disseminating the clime change adaption and low-carbon sustainability promotion. Regarding greenhouse gases reduction and climate change adaptation, this project supported managing various indicators and project performance in order to provide performance assessment data to the Ministry of Environment. The project held 2 consultation and cross-bureau coordination meetings regarding greenhouse gases reduction and climate change adaptation, and 1 meeting of the Low Carbon Adaptation and Sustainable Development Committee. Through these meetings, each promotional implementation and objective was reviewed, and the achievements of all the departments that followed the periodic regulatory goals of greenhouse gas emissions were determined, as well as the city’s action plan and the effectiveness of the relevant indicators’ promotion were adjusted based on the actual situation. The second meeting of the Low Carbon Adaptation and Sustainable Development Committee has been cancelled and approved to use the fund on at least 590 disseminating supplies for promoting low-carbon sustainable home and climate change adaptation. Additionally, the project submitted the data of the first half-year assessment to the Ministry of Environment on June 26th, and sent the official document of the implementation results of the second half-year assessment on November 17 th. The project completed the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) questionnaire for this year and uploaded it to the CDP website on July 25th. The CDP score results were announced on November 15th. Tainan received an A- score in the CDP result. By the final report, this project obtained the following five results in terms of maintaining the operation of the low-carbon sustainable home system: 147 administrative villages registered successfully, 5 administrative villages acquired Bronze certification (Degao Village in East District, Xihu Village in West Central District, Changduanshu Village in Houbi District, Zhongcheng Village in Liuying District, and Minrong Village in Xinying District), 1 administrative village (Qiaonan Village in Yanshui District) acquired Silver certification, and 11 villages passed the tracing check as well as 12 subsidized villages in 2022 passed the tracing check. Until now, the low-carbon sustainable home system obtained several achievements as follows, 458 administrative villages registered successfully, 51 administrative villages acquired Bronze certification, 11 administrative villages acquired Silver certification, and all 37 administrative districts participated in the evaluation of low-carbon sustainable home certification, of which 30 administrative districts registered successfully, 1 administrative district obtained Bronze certification, and 6 administrative districts obtained Silver certification. In addition, this project participated in 1 meeting related to the life circle in the southern area of Taiwan and 1 Pingtung County’s Technical Consultation and Review Board Meeting. Furthermore, the project assisted in the implementation of three counselling subsidy plans: assisted 17 communities in total with renovations or repairs under the "Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Counselling Plan in Tainan City 2023," which included 6 low-carbon communities with reconstruction demonstration and 11 low-carbon communities with certification maintenance; assisted 2 administrative villages with public building greening and cooling construction under "Building Greening and Cooling Construction Counselling Plan in Tainan City 2023;" in July, the "Installation of Solar Power System Counseling Plan" supported 4 units implementing solar power system construction, and organized 4 seminars about promotion of solar power system construction, furthermore, conducted 5 solar power system installation diagnosis and assessment in August. In the part of the training and dissemination on climate change adaption and the promotion of low-carbon sustainability education, this project organized 1 educational training course on climate change adaptation in June, villages that cooperated with the Environmental Protection Bureau to upgrade to the Bronze certification for the evaluation of low-carbon sustainable home certification this year were invited to visit the Tianpu community in Yujing District, and helped the Environmental Protection Bureau issue a press release. In addition, the project organized 2 seminars on low-carbon sustainability promotion in September and October, one was held in the community and invited volunteers from villages of East district with the topic of "Low-Carbon Lifestyle" and "Energy and Water Conservation and Carbon Reduction; " another one was held for the campus with the topic of "Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction" and "Building Greening." In October, this project held 1 visiting tour related to the low-carbon sustainable home, inviting low-carbon sustainable homes in the city to visit two silver-certified high-quality communities in Yunlin County – Pitou Village in Xiluo Town and Beixi Village in Huwei Town, combined with actual green tourism practices in order to stimulate local creative energy to jointly build a low-carbon city. For the work of dissemination and administrative cooperation, this project organized 5 energizing training about the promotion of community environmental education in Tainan City, publicized the project's subsidy plans through the training and raised local communities' awareness of this year’s subsidy plan. The project also contributed to the communication campaigns of "Earth Hour," including filming a video on the day, preparing props for the filming, compiling the text for the Facebook page, and designing the Facebook cover. Moreover, this project conducted an assessment of the "Promotion of Participating in Low-Carbon Sustainable Home" for the environmental protection volunteer subsidy and district administration assessment committee in 2023 and prepared a presentation for the committee. Finally, this project consulted the Bronze certification communities of Saiwan Village in Younkang District and Degao Village in East District to participate in the low-carbon sustainable home village multi-competition, assisted in compiling the application documents of the participating communities, submitted them to the Climate Change Administration, and conducted the PowerPoint for communities and accompanied them to participate in the competition at Garden Villa Hotel in Kaohsiung City. This project also accompanied the community to participate in low-carbon village performance workshops in August and September, promoting the Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Certification and discussing the establishment of the Gold certification.
英文關鍵字 low-carbon sustainable home system, greenhouse gases reduction , climate change adaptation