

中文摘要 本計畫執行時間由112年5月15日至113年5月14日止,執行期間皆依期程規範辦理,整體進度達成率為100%。本計畫透過健全河川揚塵預報模式、更新揚塵預警應變機制、落實合作平台及提升民眾滿意度等四大面向,使河川揚塵預警應變機制更為健全。在河床變化掌握,透過跨單位合作完成63.76公頃之裸露面積改善,112年10月與111年10月相較下減少102公頃;在微型監測儀器方面,於三大流域共設置15座,現地主要分為三種型態,包含境外污染、空品不良及強風特報等,境外污染型態現地PM10皆呈現高濃度;空品不良則呈現低風速高濃度,隨著風勢增加而下降;強風特報則為高風速低濃度,顯示本市河川揚塵防制具有一定成效,使強風下懸浮微粒未隨之增加,另辦理社區環境效益分析,施工後皆有效減少PM10濃度;在民眾滿意度方面,配合村里宣導說明會辦理,整體滿意度為100%,對於河川揚塵有改善感受度為82%;在環境清理方面,包含協調各單位於應變期間執行道路清掃及本計畫東北季風期間之清理,共總計67,143.6公里;計畫執行期間PM10削減量為174.6公噸,連續10年無河川揚塵事件日發生。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵,監測分析,預警系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 340 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/15 專案結束日期 2024/05/14 專案主持人 龍玉琳
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧姻彣 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年臺中市河川揚塵防制計畫.pdf 36MB

2023 Project of Prevention and control the riverbed fugitive dust in Taichung City

英文摘要 This project has started from the 15th of May 2023, and officially completed on 14 May 2024.The entire process was followed by the schedule specifications. As of the 10th of April 2024, the achievement rate was up to 100%.The main propose of this project is to improve the dust forecasting system integrity and can be separated into four aspects:Strengthen the river aeolian dust forecast model,Upgrade the aeolian dust forecast contingency mechanism,Implementation of the collaboration platform,Enhance public satisfaction. According to the observation of riverbed changes, there was an accomplishment of bare lands improvement works with a total area of 64.46 hectares by Inter-Agency Cooperation. This made a decrease of 110.08 hectares of bare lands compared to the same period last year.15 micro monitoring devices were established near three main river area. Based on the data analysis, In-Situ can mainly divided into 3 parts, including long-range transport , air quality unhealthy event, and strong wind warning.On the days with long-range transport, it showed high PM10 concentrations. On the other hand, days with air quality unhealthy presented lower wind speed and higher PM10 concentration, and PM10 decreased when the rose of the wind speed. Nevertheless, PM10 concentrations were lower on the days with strong wind warning. That means, the river aeolian dust prevention plan in this city is highly effective. Moreover, the effects of General community environment was also analyzed. After construction, it led to a decrease in PM10 levels. In terms of public satisfaction, it was carried out by the Village public communication campaigns this year. Overall satisfaction have achieved a 100% rating, and there’s 82% can truly feel the improvement of river aeolian dust. Regarding the environmental cleanliness, include street sweeping that needed to cooperation between different departments, and cleaning among northeast monsoon, covering an overall distance of around 67,143.6 kilometers. Results showed that not only decrease 174.6 tons of PM10 during the project period, but no any aeolian dust event occurred continuously for 10 years.
英文關鍵字 riverbed fugitive dust, monitoring and analysis , early warning system