

中文摘要 近年來隨著工商業蓬勃發展與活絡,人民生活水平提升情況下,帶動相關消費及產生大量廢棄物,衍生後續妥適清除處理及處理量能調度等相關問題。因此,如何透過推動垃圾強制分類、加強回收等工作,將過去垃圾處理思維由消極的管末處理,轉化成「源頭減量」及「資源循環」的永續利用行動方案,配合量化目標之確立,以提升嘉義市於循環經濟與節能減碳之貢獻,本工作計畫內容包括有資源回收工作、廢棄物源頭減量、優質公廁及美質環境等,將透過結合民眾、機關企業、學校、社區,推動促進源頭減量、提升回收效能及暢通循環體系等執行工作內容。 計畫成果包括責任業者落實登記、申報、繳費及回收標誌輔導作業,在定期(每單月)通報業者主動申報共分為三階段,統計至十月底,第一階段寄發電子郵件通知未申報業者共計發出566封電子郵件、第二階段電話通知未申報業者共計382通電話告知、第三階段針對仍未申報之業者,則到場稽查輔導件數共計44件。而在稽查販賣業者部分,共計執行170家販賣業者及310件商品主動稽查,查獲36件疑似違規責任物,皆是未登記,包括玻璃容器24件、鐵容器7件及塑膠容器5件;辦理環保署函請及其他縣市移入(送)之未登記、未按期申報繳費及未標示回收標誌等違規責任業者之稽查與處分工作,共計34件,皆已完成輔導;而在販賣業者逆向回收輔導查核作業及宣導工作,列管之販賣業者共計有678家,新增18家,故列管之販賣業者共計有696家次,統計至12月止,共稽查696家次,達成率達100%,其中有22家業者歇業解除列管、1家非連鎖業者解除列管、1家已無販售電池解除列管及2家重複列管解除列管,查核過程中相關業者均非常配合且均符合規定、未違反相關規定,查核人員將持續針對販賣業者是否有違規情形加強巡查;另在資源回收相關稽查工作、成果彙整及考核庶務工作,辦理社區、機關、學校、團體之資源回收分類執行情形,統計至12月止,已完成稽查社區502處、機關25處、學校75處及團體15處,共計已巡查618處,將輔導有設置資源回收桶之社區,針對回收物進行細分類及自行變賣;轄內從事回收、處理業共計有24處,累計共240件次到場查核,回收商不合格的原因大多為「無明確標示沖淋設備或設置緊急告示牌」及「回收物分區不明確或無明確標示」,將持續輔導業者完成改善;協助辦理廢機動車輛占用道路通報巡查工作,張貼移置共計581台,實際移置209台;在破袋稽查共分為定點破袋及沿線破袋,定點查核已執行98處及沿線查核82處,共計破袋1,334包,開立勸導單已達24件,破袋不合格率1.79%;資收個體業者輔導管理已完成240處訪查,須持續複查共計有4位,缺失原因大多為堆置路邊或超量堆積,已輔導缺失者定期清運並避免超量堆積;已媒合19位個體業者協助社區或里進行資源回收推動工作;資收關懷計畫補助共補助63位,目前經費共支應219萬4,937元,經費執行率為76.08%;歷年形象改造資源回收站追蹤查核37處,現場查核中29處單位設備妥善保存並使用正常,8處查核有異常情形,大多為耗材或設備損壞,;里資收便利站目前設有15站,截至目前止共辦理283場次,共回收112,969.51公斤及家電資訊類共1,641台,兌換累積人次達5,873人;廢農藥容器及廢玻璃巡迴回收活動,共回收廢農藥罐2,572.3公斤、廢玻璃瓶4,715公斤及提神飲料廢玻璃瓶98公斤,兌換累積人次達179人;針對廢玻璃容器易遭棄置地點,加強巡檢清理作業,累計已巡檢40處,共計已清理12處;巡迴資收物兌換活動或環保DIY實作活動已辦理15場,共計有603人次參與兌換,而參與宣導活動共計1,596人;茶葉渣專案清運量共回收87,290公斤;嘉全果菜市場配合堆肥再利用,清運量達150,600公斤;落實「行政機關、學校減少使用免洗餐具及包裝飲用水作業指引」,已辦理6場次說明會,共計138人次參與,目前1至11月填報率已達100%;擇定特定區域或商圈輔導業者提供循環容器借用,預計輔導30家業者加入,目前已有32家,後續將陸續輔導更多業者加入;辦理飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯實施日期評估作業,已建立轄內飲料業者清單325家,並於5月23日及6月1日召開2場次說明會,預計於8月提報環保署禁用實施日期為113年4月1日;辦理不用品回收、交換活動,目前已完成辦理5場次,共回收舊衣物500公斤,舊物20樣,共230人次參與兌換活動,而在臉書推播抽獎活動共1,315人次參與、臉書觸及率共計51,663人次;共辦理6場次二手物市集,包含3場次免廢市集及3場次二手物買賣市集,共計2,219人次參與,免費分享取用3,610件二手物品、達成5,431件二手物買賣,共計活化使用9,041件二手物品;實施辦公室減廢嘉E點活動,累計14,996人次參與使用環保餐盒訂餐,有效減少使用14,996個免洗餐盒,如以1個紙容器重量約20公克計算,約已減少產生299,920公克(299.92公斤)的垃圾量;公廁列管總數為661座,已於第1季完成轄內所有建檔列管公廁資料正確性盤點,並於將資料更新於Eco-life網站,已完成11,147座次公廁巡查及建檔資料。每月建檔管理公廁平均達總座數之5%(含)以上;強化公廁場站維護及管理,初步調查已有5個單位有意願補助裝置扶手,預計補助40支扶手(蹲式廁所26支、坐式廁所14支);空屋空地已完成4季巡查,包含中央部會列管之25處及地方區公所列管之200處,目前各項工作均依規劃如期進行,將持續控管各工作量化之執行,以確保年度合約及考評成績之目標達成。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、垃圾分類、責任業者、販賣業者、個體業者


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2846.706 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 林健文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 許景惟 執行單位 志欣環保工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度嘉義市資源循環暨推動廢棄物源頭減量及強化分類回收暨優質公廁及美質環境推動工作計畫-期末定稿v1.pdf 73MB

2023Year Chiayi City's Promote Waste Source Reduction , Strengthen Classification and Recycling Subsidy Program

英文摘要 In recent years, people’s living standards are enhanced along with the flourishing development and the perking up of industry and commerce. It drives relevant consumption and generates huge amount of waste as well as causes subsequent issues related to proper disposal and processing capacity control. Therefore, the article finds out how to transform the mindset of waste disposal from the passive end management in the past to action plans of “source reduction” and “resource recycling” for sustainable use through promoting waste mandatory classification and strengthening recycling. Cooperated with the setup of quantitative goals, it enhances the contribution made by Chiayi City in circular economy as well as energy saving & carbon reduction. The content of the work plan includes implementation of resource recycling, waste source reduction, premium public restroom, and quality environment. The public, institutions and en-terprises, schools, and communities are gathered together to promote source reduction, enhance recycling effectiveness, and unblock circulatory system as well as others. The outcome of the work plan includes the registration, declaration, payment, and recycling symbol guidance implemented by responsible enterprises. The responsible enterprises then report the status of the voluntary declaration completed by owners regularly (every odd month). It contains three stages. Up to the end of May, the first stage is to send email to notify those owners who fail to complete the declaration. A total number of 566 emails were sent. The second stage is to notify the undeclared owners by phone, and there were 382 telephone calls made. The third stage is to conduct field audit on those who still fail to declare, of which 44 owners received field audit. In terms of auditing dealers, a total number of 170 dealers and 310 items of products were audited. Seventeen cases were related to suspected items that violated regulation, and all of them were not registered, including 24 cases of glass containers, 7 cases of iron containers, and 5 case of plastic container. For the inspection and punishment to the responsible enterprises that violate regulations in failure of registration, failure of on-time declaration and payment, and failure of labeling recycling symbols requested by Environmental Protection Administration in official letters and transferred in (submitted by) other counties and cities, 34 cases were involved and all complete supervision. As for the audit and promotion of reverse recovery carried out by dealers, a total number of 678 dealers were in the control list. Twelve dealers were added to the list, and there were 696 dealers in the control list in total. Up to the end of December, there were 696 dealers audited with a completion rate of 100%. Among them, 22 dealers closed down and were removed from the list, 1 non-chain dealer was relieved to control, and 2 dealers were duplicated and were cancelled. During the audit, all the dealers cooperated well and met regulations. There was no violation found, and the auditing personnel will continue enhancing the inspection on dealers for any violation. In addition, regarding the administrative matters related to auditing, performance collection, and assessment of resource recycling as well as the implementation of resource recycling and classification in communities, institutions, schools, and groups, 502 communities, 25 institutions, 75 schools, and 15 groups completed the audit by the end of May; it was 618 places in total. Communities that have set recycle bins will be supervision to classify the recycled items and sell off them independently. There were 24 companies in the jurisdiction engaged with recycling and disposal businesses, and the accumulated number of on-site audit was 240 cases. Most of the reasons for failure of meeting the regulations were mainly “no clear remarking on showing and rinsing equipment or no emergency sign set” and “the zone of recycled item classification is not clear or no clear sign set”. The supervision will continue until the companies complete improvement. In assisting reporting and inspection of waste motor vehicle occupying roads, 581 vehicles were given a notice for relocation and 209 vehicles were actually relocated. Breaking bags for inspection contain fixed-station inspection and along-the-route inspection. 98 places of the fixed-station inspection and 82 places of the along-the-route inspection were completed for breaking 1334 bags for inspection. Warning tickets were issued to 24 cases, and the failure rate of the broken bags was 1.79%. For the supervision and management of individuals for resource recycling, 240 stations were audited, and 4 of them required re-inspection. The deficiencies were mainly stacking by the road or excessive accumulation. The stations were advised to clear out and dispose regularly as well as avoid accumulation excessively. Nineteen recycling individuals have been match-made to assist communities or villages for resource recycling promotion. 63 individuals were subsidized through resource recycling care program. At the moment, NT$2,194,937 were spent from the budget with a budget implementation rate of 76.08%. 37 resource recycling stations were tracked and audited for image transformation scheme. 29 units were found proper equipment, appropriate storage, and normal operation during the field audit. Four units were found with abnormity, and most of them involved with consumables or equipment damage. There were 15 village resource recycling convenience stations es-tablished so far, and 283 sessions of recycling activities were held. In total, 112,969.51kgs of items and 1,641 sets home appliance and information products were recycled; it was accumulated 5,873 persons for exchange. In the tour activities of waste agriculture container and waste glass recycling, 2,572.3kgs of waste agriculture cans, 4,715kgs of waste glass bottles, and 98kgs of waste gloss bottle for energy drink were recycled; it was accumulated 179 persons for exchange. In the event of reinforced inspection in the location that waste glass containers tend to left to, 40 places were inspected in accumulation; 15 places were cleared up. 13 sessions of touring resource recycled item exchange ac-tivities or environment-friendly DIY activities were held, and there were 603 persons participating in exchange and 1,596 persons participating in promotional activities. The amount of clearance in used tea leaves project recycled 87,290kgs. Chiachuan Fruit and Vegetable Market adopts composting for reutilization and achieved the amount of clearance in 150,600kgs. To implement “Guidelines for Administrative Agencies and Schools to Reduce the Use of Disposable Tableware and Packaged Drinking Water”, 6 sessions of presentation were held with participation of 138 persons. Currently, the registration rate from January to November achieved 100%. Selecting specific areas or shopping areas to supervise business owners providing the service of reusable container lending. It is expected to supervise 30 business owners joining the scheme, and there were 32 so far. We will continue supervising more business owners for their participation. For the evaluation of the implementation date of tea shops not providing disposable plastic drinking cups, a list of 325 tea shops in the jurisdiction was established, and 2 sessions of presentation were held on May 23 and June 1. It was planned to submit to Environmental Protection Administration in August that the implementation date of prohibition is on April 1, 2023. Currently, 2 sessions of unused item recycling and exchange activities were completed. We recycled 500kgs of old clothes and 20 items of old articles, and there were 230 persons participating in the exchange activities. 1,315 persons participated in the notification lucky-draw activities on FB, and the number of reach on FB was 51,663 persons in total. We held 6 sessions of second-hand markets, including 3 sessions of waste-free market and 3 session of second-hand trading market. There were 2,219 persons participating the activities, and we achieved 3,610items of second-hand products to share and exchange without charge as well as 5,431 items of second-hand products trading. In total, there were 9,041 second-hand products reactivated. We implemented office carbon reduction activities and accumulated 14,996 people participating in using recyclable lunch box when ordering meals. It reduced the use of 14,996 disposable boxes effectively. If calculating in 20g per box, it reduced the amount of rubbish in 299, 920g (299.92kgs). The total number of public toilets in the monitoring list was 661 toilets. The verification of correctness of the list of public toilets under monitoring in the jurisdiction was completed in the quarter 1, and the information was updated in the website of Eco-life. 11,147 public toilets were inspected and filed. The average number of public toilets filed for management every month was 5% (included) of the total number of public toilets. In terms of strengthening public toilet maintenance and management, the initial investigation showed 5 units were willing to subsidize armrest installation. It expects to subsidize 40 pieces of armrest (26 for squatting toilets and 14 for sitting toilets). Four quarters of inspection on empty houses and empty lands were completed, including 25 places on the monitoring list by central government and 200 places by local district office. Currently, all tasks have been carried out according to the schedule. We will continue monitoring the implementation of quantifying each task to ensure achieving the goals for annual contact and assessment.
英文關鍵字 Recycling, Garbage classification, responsible supplier, vendors, ragpicker