中文摘要 | 本研究以目前台灣地區土壤污染面積最大的銅和鋅作為主要研究對象,發展並應用銅-鋅-鉛多重金屬同位素於土壤污染源之鑑識,為達成計畫目標,本研究已完成同位素分析方法之建立,包含:(1)蒐集彙整國內、外關於銅-鋅-鉛多重金屬應用於土壤污染源鑑識的文獻與技術資料,作為方法建立之參考並提供文獻於報告中。(2)以多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀,建立並精進高精準銅-鋅-鉛金屬同位素比值分析技術,包含樣品前處理、化學純化以及儀器量測方法等。過程中以國際土壤標準品進行全量消化並確認其回收率及實驗背景值,以確校與驗證分析技術。鋅同位素質譜術則已完成雙示蹤劑(67Zn-70Zn double spike)之校正,並完成國際土壤標準品之量測,其鋅同位素結果與世界其他主要實驗室之測值一致。高精準銅-鋅-鉛金屬同位素比值分析技術已於本年度建立完成。(3)在環境樣本方面,選定彰化曾受銅污染農地之案例。已完成場址之勘查、樣品採集(包含土壤、底泥等樣品)、土壤消化、重金屬濃度量測,並完成部分實際土壤樣品銅-鋅-鉛同位素比值分析與初步數據討論。(4)技術之教育訓練及技術移轉已於2023年10月24日及2023年10月31日進行,內容包含銅-鋅-鉛元素純化技術以及儀器測量與分析。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀、土壤污染、金屬同位素 |
專案計畫編號 | NERA034112014 | 經費年度 | 112 | 計畫經費 | 3450 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2023/01/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 黃國芳 |
主辦單位 | 國環院環境治理研究中心 | 承辦人 | 柯雅婷 | 執行單位 | 中央研究院 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 以多重金屬同位素應用於土壤污染源鑑識之可行性研究(1).pdf | 8MB | 成果報告 |
Tracing metal soures in polluted soils using multiple metal isotopes (1/2)
英文摘要 | This study is the first year of the project “Tracing metal soures in polluted soils using multiple metal isotopes (1/2)” We aim to develop an accurate and high-precision multi-isotope (Cu-Zn-Pb) technique for a variety of environmental samples, such as soils, bedload sediments, and water samples, as well as further evaluate the potential use of Cu-Zn-Pb isotopes as a tracer for metal pollutions in contaminated soils. In this project, we have (1) reviewed/summarized the literature regarding the method developments and applications of multi-isotopes for tracing metal sources in contaminated soils; (2) successfully developed a high-precision Cu-Zn-Pb isotopic technique on a variety of environmental samples and drafted the protocol for Cu-Zn-Pb isotope analysis in soils; (3) applied the soil Cu-Zn-Pb isotope systems in the polluted soils in Changhua County; and (4) trained the NERA staffs for the analytical techniques developed in this project on 24th and 31rd October, 2023. For the soil samples collected from Changhua County, the farmland soils were polluted by local industrial sources (mainly Cu and Zn). We investigated the samples after farmland remediation, including soils, sediments, and potential sources of metals from the two factories. The preliminary results show that three sources of Cu can be identified with the implementation of Cu and Pb isotope ratios, suggesting that the stable Cu isotope ratio can be used as a powerful tool for metal source tracing in the polluted soils. Furthermore, the two factories (with the same industry) are characterized by distinct Zn isotope data, indicating that the Zn isotopes may serve as a potential tracer for further distinguishing the metal pollutions from the same industry. | ||
英文關鍵字 | MC-ICP-MS, soil contamination, metal isotopes |