

中文摘要 環檢所(現為國家環境研究院)於110年推動「一站式環境污染檢測智慧網建置計畫」,並建置環境檢測服務網(以下簡稱EAS系統)以整合所內與檢測機構管理相關系統本年度目前各工作項目執行主要成果如下: 一、系統逐步達成數化管理模式 112年完成標準方法與法規管制值管制模組、許可證列印模組及電子化評估、評鑑作業電子化與建置評鑑資料庫、查核行動化與建置查核系統功能、盲樣管理系統及盲樣統計模組建置、建置環境檢驗績效積分統計報表功能、品質管制數據管理、職災通報等8項數位功能,業務作業已陸續e化使用,針對使用對象陸續反映的問題已配合修改,透過系統縱向協助各業務流程數位記錄,橫向整合資料串接應用,讓作業模式走向數位管理化運作。 二、評鑑、查核作業工作流程e化 藉由完成評鑑、查核作業e化作業,以資料庫系統化管理與分類委員專長與案件資料,快速彙整評鑑與查核前置作業文件;搭配行動化作業,於現場可快速查閱歷史資料、直接編輯意見,後續由系統完成意見回覆與審核程序,節省等待時間,藉由工作流程e化所蒐集的資料,進行數據分析,從中獲得輔助檢測機構管理參考資訊,達到數位精準管理目標。 三、以生命週期思維,建構盲樣樣品管理機制 EAS系統於今年度建置盲樣管理模組,完整管理樣品自進樣、發放及能力測試結果紀錄,便利國環院掌握樣品狀態,也協助檢測機構第一時間取得樣品使用資訊。建置樣品溯源以及完整測試履歷,以利後續問題追蹤與解決,協助國環院有效率的實施盲樣樣品管理機制。 四、提出資料應用於管理架構 EAS系統建立檢測機構管理平台,針對數位管理轉型需求,統整各系統的機構人員與採樣資訊,便利一站式管理機構人員履歷,快速取得採樣資訊作業品質與合理性通知,並且檢測機構管理平台可因應資料應 用趨勢以及管理發展需求精進平台功能。 五、協助國環院完成升格與監資司資安要求 落實環境部所制定的資通安全政策,加上導入ISO 27001 資訊安全管理系統,確實執行與符合監資司資安的要求,完成比照以往要求的資安健檢及矯正措施以及國環院升格相關配合項目調整,嚴實把關資訊安全。
中文關鍵字 環境檢測服務網、檢測機構、數位管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5600 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/02 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 簡思敏
主辦單位 國環院檢測認證中心 承辦人 郭瓊梅 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 檢測機構管理數位轉型計畫(定稿本).pdf 23MB

Project of Digital Transformation for the Management of Analytical Organizations

英文摘要 The National Institute of Environmental Analysis, now rebranded as the National Environmental Research Academy (NERA), launched the One-stop Environmental Analysis Service in 2021. As a pivotal component of this initi-ative, the Environmental Analysis Service (EAS) system was established to integrate internal and management systems across analytical organizations. The accomplishments for the current year are detailed as follows: 1. Progression towards digital management mode Achieving a milestone in 2023, eight digital features were implement-ed. These included establishing modules for standard methods and regula-tory control value, as well as modules for permit printing and e-assessment. Additionally, inspection processes were digitalized, leading to the creation of an inspection database. Inspection activities were mobi-lized, and functions within the inspection system were established. A blind sample management system and a statistical module for blind sam-ples were established. Features such as the environmental inspection per-formance score statistical reporting function, data management for quality control, and occupational accident reporting were introduced. These digi-tal enhancements are seamlessly integrated into the e-processes. To ad-dress ongoing feedback from end-users, collaborative modifications were put in place. The system played a crucial role in vertically assisting vari-ous business processes through digital recording and horizontally integrat-ing data for seamless applications. This strategic approach ensured the progression of operational models toward digital management practices, fostering efficiency and cohesiveness throughout the workflow. 2. Digitization of evaluation and inspection workflow The digitization of the workflow for evaluation and inspection opera-tions led to streamlined processes. Systematic management and categori-zation of committee expertise and case data in a database facilitated the swift compilation of pre-evaluation and pre-inspection documentation. Enhanced by mobile operations, on-site personnel could quickly access historical data, directly edit opinions, and have the system manage opin-ion responses and review procedures, resulting in significant time savings. The data collected through workflow digitization underwent analysis to extract valuable insights. This data-driven approach aided in obtaining valuable information for the management of analytical organizations, contributing to the precise achievement of digital management goals. 3. Develop a blind sample management system based on a lifecycle ap-proach This year, the EAS system implemented a blind sample management module, facilitating the comprehensive management of samples from in-take to distribution and the recording of capability test results. This al-lowed the NERA to easily monitor the status of samples and assisted an-alytical organizations in promptly accessing sample usage information. The establishment of sample traceability and a complete testing history facilitated subsequent issue tracking and resolution, contributing to the efficient implementation of a blind sample management mechanism at the NERA. 4. Propose integrating data application in management architecture The EAS system introduced a management platform tailored for ana-lytical organizations, strategically addressing the requirements of digital transformation. This all-encompassing platform seamlessly integrates per-sonnel and sampling information from diverse systems. It served as a centralized hub for the efficient management of institutional personnel records and enabled the swift retrieval of sampling information for quali-ty and rationality assurance and timely notifications. The analytical or-ganization management platform was designed to enhance its functional-ities in response to data application trends and evolving management needs. 5. Facilitate NERA Upgrade and compliance with security requirements of the Department of Monitoring and Information Adhering to the information security policy established by the Minis-try of Environment and the adoption of the ISO 27001 information secu-rity management system, rigorous compliance and fulfillment of the in-formation security requirements mandated by the Department of Moni-toring and Information were guaranteed. This encompassed the execution of information security checks and necessary corrective measures as per past specifications, alongside adjustments to pertinent collaborative ele-ments to align with the NERA upgrade. This robust approach guaranteed a stringent safeguard of information security.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Analysis Service, ,analytical organization, digital management