

中文摘要 我國政府於2022年制定「2050淨零排放路徑規劃」,推動產業減碳、淨零轉型,促使國家永續發展;其中12項關鍵戰略第8項「資源循環零廢棄」,環境部提出「綠色設計源頭減量、能資源化再利用、暢通循環網路、創新技術與制度」等四項推動策略,達成資源全循環的目標。 本計畫研究重點在結合『綠色設計源頭減量與能資源化再利用、與暢通循環網路』之目標,透過設計研究 (服務模式、循環設計、體驗設計..等) 整合塑膠循環價值鏈,包括通路商、品牌商、製造商、物流業者與回收業者等協同合作,導入綠色設計,從源頭啟動轉型,建立易循環、易拆解、易模組、易回用之減塑產品與服務示範,推動『塑膠易循環與易回用之服務系統』,藉此以提高塑膠循環率與再應用率,從塑膠生產、消費到棄置的週期,都有規範和標準可循,從源頭減廢,降低對塑膠用品的依存度或用量、轉向重複填裝與重複使用的商業模式,共同建構塑膠循環資源價值。 透過研析零售業現況、零售包裝減量與循環方案…等,執行擇選與消費者接觸點最廣、且兼具減塑知識宣傳與體驗、具市場與消費影響力之通路節點,或能以大帶小、改變塑膠生產之品牌商作為第一階段循環合作示範,以提升消費者減塑行為,與促進製造廠商使用易循環塑膠,創造綠色生活永續影響力,驅動相關夥伴響應循環,共同建構低碳社會。
中文關鍵字 重複使用、循環設計、源頭減量


專案計畫編號 112AB023 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9800 千元
專案開始日期 2023/06/15 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 吳於軒
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 吳郁煌副工程司 執行單位 台灣設計研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境部_塑膠循環計畫期末報告 by 1226_對外公開版V1.pdf 8MB

The Promotion of Plastic Recycling Business Model and Circular Design Project

英文摘要 This project focuses on combining the goals of "green design, source reduction, resource reuse, and smooth recycling network" through design research (service model, recycling design, experience design, etc.) and integrating the plastic recycling value chain, including channels, brands, manufacturers, logistics companies and recyclers. Through design research (service model, recycling design, experience design, etc.), we integrate the plastics recycling value chain, including channel distributors, brand owners, manufacturers, logistic operators and recycling operators, to introduce green design, to start the transformation from the source, to establish a demonstration of plastic products and services that are easy to recycle, dismantle, module, and reuse, and to promote the "service system for easy recycling and reuse of plastics", in order to increase the recycling rate of plastics, and to improve the recycling rate of plastics. In order to increase the rate of plastic recycling and reuse, there are regulations and standards to follow from the cycle of plastic production, consumption to disposal, to reduce waste at the source, to reduce the dependence on or the number of plastic supplies, to shift to the business model of refilling and reuse, and to jointly construct the value of recycled resources of plastics. Through analyzing the current situation of the retail industry, retail packaging reduction and recycling programs, we have selected the brands that have the widest contact points with consumers, have both the knowledge of plastic reduction and experience, and have market and consumer influence, or can lead the small and large, and change the production of plastics as the first stage of the recycling cooperation demonstration, in order to enhance the consumers' behavior of plastic reduction and promote the use of easy-to-recycle plastics by manufacturers, to create a sustainable impact of green life, and to drive relevant partners to respond to the cycle, and to jointly build a low-carbon society.
英文關鍵字 reuse、circular design、source reduction