

中文摘要 本計畫係配合政府2050淨零排放政策,其中戰略十淨零綠生活,從民眾日常生活(食衣住行育樂購)面向,擬定淨零綠生活關鍵戰略推動路徑研析與精進淨零綠生活多元溝通策略,撰寫宣導政策分析報告。 執行工作項目及成果包括:完成辦理3場次淨零綠生活公正轉型工作坊,並彙整6大面向與31項措施對應相關公正轉型議題及脆弱族群辨識、完成淨零綠生活關鍵戰略行動計畫進度彙整及人權、消費者、性平、兒少等相關報告;完成淨零綠生活產業輔導審查案件共計4,402件、完成辦理三場次宣導活動共計約788人次觸及、完成辦理淨零綠生活轉型創意徵稿活動、完成辦理臺東淨零綠生活常設展共計約2,200人次參觀、完成編修4首淨零綠生活主題曲及拍攝剪輯1支音樂影片等。 今年度相關多元溝通類型作品產出,建議未來除可加強相關平台資訊露出,亦可作為環境教育設施場所、社區大學體系、各級學校及村里等系統進行淨零綠生活的教育培力訓練教材。最後,本計畫以以不遺落任何人為核心價值,辨識出相關脆弱族群,並提出相關建議,作為環境部未來淨零綠生活戰略主責相關施政參考。
中文關鍵字 淨零、綠生活、多元對話


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9837.315 千元
專案開始日期 2023/10/06 專案結束日期 2024/09/01 專案主持人 李君如
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 黃楚竣 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 淨零綠生活多元溝通推廣專案工作計畫(成果報告).pdf 16MB

The promotion plan for Diversify communication of National Green Life on the Net Zero

英文摘要 This project is in line with the government's 2050 Net-Zero policy. The 10th strategic” Net- Zero Lifestyle” is focusing on the daily lives of the public (food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, leisure, and shopping). It proposes on research of key strategies to promote Net-Zero Green Lifestyle diversity communication methods of refined green life. The summary of the results is as follows: Completed to hold of 3 Net-Zero Green Lifestyle Just Transition workshops, consolidated reports on the 6 major aspects and 31 measures corresponding to related issues of Just Transition and Identify vulnerable groups. Summary of progress in completing key strategic action plans for Net-Zero Green Lifestyle and related reports on human rights, consumers, gender equality, children and adolescents, etc. Completed of 4,402 cases of guidance and review for the Net-Zero Green Lifestyle industry. Completed three publicity activities, involving a total of approximately 788 people. Complete the creative solicitation activity of Net-Zero Green Lifestyle transformation. Completed the Net-Zero Green Lifestyle permanent exhibition in Taitung, with a total of 2,200 visitors. Completed the editing of 4 Net-Zero Green Lifestyle theme songs and the shooting and editing of 1 music video. Since this year output the media works of Net-Zero Green Lifestyle diversity communication, we also recommend the audio and video about Net Zero Green Lifestyle Diversity communication can be viewed on a public platform. It can also be used as education and training materials for environmental education facilities, community college systems, schools at all levels, and villages. With the core value of leaving no one behind, this project identifies relevant vulnerable groups and give relevant suggestions to the Ministry of Environment as a reference for future policy implementation.
英文關鍵字 Net Zero, Green Lifestyle, Diversity Dialogue