

中文摘要 計畫期程自112年1月5日起至112年11月30日止。本次報告所列成果,包括(1)協助辦理12場次辦理毒化物運作廠商相關法令宣導說明會(2)輔訪455家化工原料業者(3)勾稽137件次運作紀錄、473件次GPS運送紀錄及4場次運送車輛GPS現場抽驗輔導(4)輔導350家毒化物運作業者(5)26場次組訓或聯防小組沙盤推演(包含無預警測試)(6)查核輔導115具偵測警報設備(7)辦理1場次毒性化學物質災害應變演練及15場次無預警通聯測試(8)20件毒化物或關注化學物質採樣及檢驗(9)完成編修新北市21區毒性化學物質運作風險模擬評估應變暨疏散避難計畫書(10)辦理2場次毒災應變人員應變或防護器材實務訓練(11)強化化災突發事件擴散模擬及3D模擬兵棋推演(12)559件環境用藥廣告輔導查核(13)完成106家環境用藥相關業者查核輔導(14)完成10場次市場偽、禁、劣藥查核(15)訪查10場次營業場所病媒防治施藥情形(16)查核905件環境用藥標示,共查獲21件過期劣藥(17)辦理6場次環境用藥宣導說明會(18)送驗分析15件市售環境用藥有效成分及含量(19)完成一至十月份病媒防治業施作紀錄申報勾稽(20)校園食安宣導會2場次(21)辦理2場次環境用藥教育推廣及影片製作(22)辦理1場次職業安全衛生管理講習或訓練。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質管理、環境用藥、 病媒防治業


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7550 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/04 專案結束日期 2023/11/15 專案主持人 尤文廷
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 賈筱蓉 執行單位 園鴻有限公司


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期末報告 202402162345228859.pdf 0MB

Management of toxic chemical substances and concerned chemical substances

英文摘要 This project conducted to a series of works to effectively manage toxic chemical substances, concerned chemical substances, and environmental agents. The works were listed as following: 1.To inspect the management of toxic chemical substances at plants and their emergency response plan. 2.To verify detection and alarm equipment for toxic chemical substances by the specialists. 3.To held forums to promote the effective management of toxic chemical substances. 4.To simulate the cinemas of toxic chemical substance disasters to understand the potential risk of toxic chemical substance operation premises, and researched that the fire and explosion have the impact and the harm to residents and the environment. 5.To verify the factory’s response for disaster incident without pre-caution. 6.To held forums to promote the safety for using environmental agents and the populace. 7.To train and held the forum for environmental agent suppliers. 8.To visit the environmental agent suppliers and plants, and pest control operators on sites. 9.To check and verify the labels and advertisements of environmental agents in the markets, night markets, environmental agent vendors and drugstores. 10.To check and verify the fake and illegal environmental agents. 11.To visit the chemicals vender to investigate the amount of concerned chemical substances in stock and flow of concerned chemical. At present, the progress of this project has achieved 100% and matched criteria of contract. The results of this project showed as following: 1.12 forums for factories of operating toxic chemical substances were held. 2.455 chemical industries were inspected. 3.137 operation records and 473 conveying records were verified. 4.350 factories of operating toxic chemical substances were inspected. 5.20 the factory’s response for disaster incident without pre-caution were done. 6.115 detection and alarm equipment for toxic chemical substances were verified. 7.A disaster prevention drill and 15 tele-communications without pre-caution have been held. 8.35 samples of suspiciously merchandises were analyzed. 9.21 district s’ emergent evacuation plans were finished. 10.2 training activities for emergency response personnel was held. 11.559 cases of advertisements for environment agents were checked. 12.106 operators of environment agents were visited. 13.10 traditional markets were investigated for environment agents. 14.10 places of business were visited for hiring pest control operators. 15.905 labels of environment agents were double-checked. 16.Operation records of pest control operators were verified from January to October. 17.6 forums for operators of environment agents. 18.An employee training was held.
英文關鍵字 Management of toxic Chemical Substances and concerned chemical Substances、Environmental Agents、Pest Control Operators