

中文摘要 為解決移動污染源對環境造成的污染,稽查取締與宣導作業刻不容緩,今年度本縣環保局持續落實路邊稽查、自主管理、保檢合一、空氣品質維護區及淨區管制,藉以改善本縣空氣品質。本計畫各項管制工作相關成果摘要說明如下: 統計本年度『臺東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫』執行期程自112年1月1日至112年11月15日止,總執行進度達100.0%。 履約工項包含(一)柴油車排煙檢測、稽查及管制業務、(二)柴油車自主管理及保檢合一業務、(三)辦理烏賊車檢舉案件相關業務、(四)柴油車管制政策相關宣導業務、(五)柴油車排煙檢測站實驗室之品質管理系統運作、(六)南迴改區域、空氣品質維護區及淨區管制業務、(七)配合推動空氣品質維護區劃設評估及規劃業務、(八)動力計排煙檢測站操作及設備維護業務、(九)配合行政院環境保護署或機關辦理柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑相關業務、(十)配合機關及行政院環境保護署相關管制、考核與提報業務及(十一)其他配合辦理事項等,均依工作期程表進度目標執行。本年度期末執行成果依契約工項順序重點說明如下: 一、 柴油車排煙檢測、稽查及管制業務 (一) 動力計檢測作業 動力計檢測目標1,000輛次,截至112年11月15日止,動力計檢測數計1,292輛次(合格1,269輛次、不合格數23輛次(不合格率1.8%),目標達成率100%。另馬力不足退驗19輛次(退驗率為19/(1,292+19)=1.4%)。 (二) 目測判煙通知作業 目測判煙通知案件目標數400件,截至112年11月15日止,通知數403件,目標達成率100.0%。 (三) 路邊稽查作業 1. 路邊稽查目標數600輛次,截至112年11月15日止,實際稽查執行629輛次,目標達成率100%。 2. 路邊攔檢目標數400輛次,截至112年11月15日止,實際攔檢執行404輛次,目標達成率100.0%。檢測1~3期車目標40輛,實際檢測共161輛,目標達成率100%。 檢測不合格車輛數36輛,檢測不合格率8.9%,符合目標8%以上。 (四) 場站檢測作業 1. 場站檢測場次目標6次,截至112年11月15日止,實際42次,目標達成率100%。 2. 場站檢測目標650輛次,截至112年11月15日止,實際檢測數計997輛次,目標達成率100%。檢測997輛次,檢測結果合格996輛,不合格1輛,不合格率0.1%。 (五) 寄發設籍本縣偏遠地區(含離島)之1~3期柴油車輛主動到檢通知書 寄發目標1,000件,截至112年11月15日止,實際寄發1,258件,目標達成率100.0%。回檢367輛皆改善合格,回檢率29.2%。 (六) 車牌辨識系統作業分析 1. 針對轄內自主管理車隊未到檢車輛或到檢率低於50%之車隊,以及1~3期從無檢驗紀錄之柴油車輛寄發到檢通知至少1000輛次,截至112年11月15日止,共寄發通知書1,050輛次,目標達成率100%。 2. 透過3支車牌辨識系統進行第1季至第3季車流量調查統計並分析,亦提供花蓮縣及屏東縣資料共享。 (七) 柴油抽測檢驗硫含量(必要時,得由原檢驗硫含量20件中改抽1件為檢驗含多環芳香烴)作業 檢驗目標數20件,截至112年11月15日止,共採樣送驗20件油品,目標達率100.0%。其中檢驗項目包含檢驗硫含量19件、檢驗PAHS(多環芳香烴)1件;其中採樣對象包含柴油車油品13件、船舶油品7件,檢驗完成20件油品檢驗結果皆合格。 (八) 協助機關辦理營建工程(第1及第2級)施工機具黑煙檢測並核發自主管理標章 營建工程(第1及第2級)施工機具黑煙檢測目標40處,截至112年11月15日止,實際稽查42處,目標達成率100.0%。分別於一級工地處執行21處,登記機具共29台,實際檢驗機具22台、1台目測判煙、重複登記機具6台;二級工地執行21處,檢驗機具25台,實際檢驗機具19台、目測判煙3台、重複登記機具3台。檢測結果均符合4期排放標準並核發自主管理標章43張(檢測符合4期標準核發39張、目測判煙合格核發4張)。 (九) 漁港交通船舶污染管制作業 1. 交通船公司簽署自主管理至少3家,截至112年11月15日止,實際簽署7家,目標達成率100.0%。 2. 每月至少安排2次(6月至9月旅遊旺季期間應每週至少安排1次)目測判煙稽查作業,截至112年11月15日止,實際稽查32次,目標達成率83.3%。共稽查39艘次;納管船舶共9艘,其中已有稽查過1次以上9艘,尚未稽查到0艘;稽查5艘交通船中,有4艘船目測皆無污染之虞,1艘(天王星)於1月至9月期間均具高污染情形,目前已開立罰單並限期改善。 3. 船舶油品採樣至少1件,截至112年11月15日止,實際採樣7件,目標達成率100.0%。檢驗結果均合格。 (十) SCR系統改裝車輛查核 SCR系統改裝車輛查核作業至少30輛,截至112年11月15日止,實際查核52件,目標達成率100%。查核結果均合格。 (十一) 檢測不合格車輛改善完成率 【(改善完成車輛數/檢測不合格車輛總數之比值乘以100%)】所得之比率須大於90%,截至112年11月15日止,實際改善率100.0%,目標達成率100%。不合格車輛67輛,改善66輛(複驗合格63輛,報廢1輛、繳銷或停駛1輛,逾期未檢裁罰1輛)。 (十二) 柴油車納管情形 計算起訖日為112年月1月1日起至112年11月15日,納管率需逹到80%,截至112年9月環境部柴油車系統統計臺東縣柴油車納管率為118.33%,目標達成率100%。目前全國排名第一。 二、 柴油車油品檢測管制及落實自主管理業務 (一) 柴油車自主管理到檢率 1. 公務單位、國營事業及私人業者主動到檢通知書目標40家,截至112年11月15日止,實際寄發70家,目標達成率100%。 2. 前述寄發家數之總車輛到檢率需達85%,計算期程為111年11月1日至112年10月31日),截至112年11月15日,已有30家符合到檢率達85%以上,依合約篩選前40家到檢率較高之車隊統計,到檢率為87.4%。目標達成率100%。 3. 十輛以上大型車輛之公務單位、國營事業及私人業者進行訪談及簽署目標40家,截至112年11月15日止,實際簽署69家,目標達成率100%。 4. 推動業者/車主同意其擁有或雇用車輛採用4、5期柴油車占比30%以上,前述推動工作訪談至少30家,截至112年11月15日,已簽署49家,目標達成率100%。 5. 輔導及推動家數至少達本縣符合條件總家數之50%以上:本縣轄區內擁有或雇用10輛以上柴油大客(貨)車業者/企業主共有70家,截至112年11月15日,已有55家符合使用4期以上比例達30%以上,符合率達78.6%,大於目標率50%以上。目標達成率100%。 6. 自主到檢核發自主管理標章目標1,500張:截至112年11月15日止,共檢測1,702輛(車隊自主管理799輛、自動到檢903輛),檢測合格1,701輛,核發標章數1,701張,優級1,634張(佔96.0%),合格級68張(佔4.0%)。目標達成率100%。 (二) 保檢合一作業 1. 推動本縣保養廠申請汽車修理業認可作業進行訪談目標5家,截至112年11月15日止,實際訪談5家,目標達成率100.0%。 2. 認證保養廠每月儀器比對1次,截至112年11月15日止,實際執行11次。 3. 認證保養廠每季定期檢查執行1次,截至112年11月15日止,實際執行4次(2月、5月、8月及11月)。 4. 認證保養廠邀請專家學者辦理評鑑1次,已於112年9月11日辦理完成。 三、 辦理烏賊車檢舉案件相關業務 (一) 受理37件舉發案件數,其中,其中不全案件數3件,不辦案件數15件;應辦案件可通知數19件,已通知數19件;處份數0件;可回覆數32件,已回覆數32件。 (二) 完成購置獎勵品500件,目標達成率100.0%。 四、 柴油車管制政策相關宣導業務 (一) 宣導說明會目標辦理2場次,截至112年11月15日止,實際於112年4月27日辦理1場次,目標達成率50.0%。第2場次預計10月22日辦理。 (二) 完成購置宣導品500份,目標達成率100.0%。 (三) 完成製作宣導摺頁500份,目標達成率100.0%。 (四) 完成製作關東旗2幅,目標達成率100.0%。 (五) 完成製作手拿牌5個,目標達成率100.0%。 (六) 完成張貼海報20處,目標達成率100.0%。 (七) 辦理相關議題教育訓練目標1場次,於112年4月27日辦理1場次,目標達成率100.0%。 (八) 問卷調查目標300份,截至112年11月15日止,實際執行調查329份,目標達成率100%。 (九) 辦理多元化媒體宣導 1. 辦理縣內免費電子看板進行相關政令文字宣導,於4月、7月、10月查核託播情形每次至少5家:目前完成查核15家,目標達成率100.0%。 2. 辦理電台宣導至少2次,截至112年11月15日止,實際辦理2次,目標達成率100.0%。 五、 柴油車排煙檢測站實驗室之品質管理系統運作 (一) 維持機關檢測站之實驗室TAF認證資格。 (二) 112年2月支付機關檢測站年費20,000元。 (三) 每月辦理機關檢測站之實驗室檢測品保品管相關措施一次(每季提報至機關備查),截至112年11月15日止,實際執行4次。 (四) 內部稽核教育訓練1場次,截至112年11月15日止,實際於112年5月8日辦理1場次,目標達成率100%。 (五) 辦理檢測站年度品質管理審查會1場次,預計於112年11月辦理。 (六) 每月辦理在職訓練,已辦理11場次。 (七) 2月、5月、8月及11月進行實驗室檢測人員檢測能力比對(需有機關人員現場查核)及檢測儀器多點校正,已於2月、5月、8月及11月分別辦理共完成4場次。 (八) 執行排煙檢測站品保測試,依據112年穩定性測試值重新繪製新的管制圖,並持續每月查核測試,截至11月15日無異常情形。 (九) 與財團法人車輛研究測試中心及與其他縣市機關檢測站(至少1站) 辦理相關性測試比對,分別已於112年4月21日與財團法人車輛研究測試中心及臺中市南屯站辦理相關性測試比對,目標達成率100%。 六、 南迴改區域、空氣品質維護區及淨區管制業務 (一) 空氣品質淨區篩選無標章車輛通知主動到檢至少500件,截至112年11月15日止,共寄發通知數共526件。目標達成率100.0%。 (二) 南迴改區域篩選無檢驗紀錄車輛通知主動到檢至少500件,截至112年11月15日止,共稽查524輛次。目標達成率100%。 (三) 空氣品質維護區管制成果 1. 於3月、5月、7月及9月提供偏鄉定檢服務共4場次,共檢驗160輛柴油車,檢驗結果皆合格,並核發自主管理標章。 2. 氣球活動期間假日執行9次巡查,稽查數275輛次,依期別分析為1~3期車20輛(佔7.3%)、4-6期車255輛(佔92.7%),顯示4-6期車比例較高;篩選不符合車輛僅2輛不符合情形,符合車輛數273輛,符合率達99.3%。 3. 車牌辨識稽查累計自111年7月1日至112年10月31日11,594輛,1~3期車共1,141輛,篩選未符合管制且第一次進入車輛共344輛,並通知限期改善,後續依改善期過後再次進入發現仍未符合管制共5輛,已依法裁罰限期改善。 4. 依據車牌辨識統計,管制前111年6月30日前,1~3期比例38.8%,管制後自111年7月1日至112年11月15日,1~3期比例已降至12.2%。 5. 微型感測器全天候紀錄空氣品質,監測PM2.51至10月期間無空品不良情形。 (四) 空品不良季節1月至3月協助機關於空氣品質維護區執行相關柴油車管制作為,包含車牌辨識及柴油車檢測服務。112年1月1日至112年3月31日,柴油車檢測服務共檢驗32輛車,檢驗結果皆合格並核發自主管理標章。 七、 推動空氣品質維護區劃設評估及規劃業務 (一) 資料蒐集與分析及空氣品質維護區評估規劃:於111年4月提交「臺東縣池上伯朗大道周邊區域道路空氣品質維護區」實施移動污染源管制措施評估計畫書。於112年7月送審,10月3日完成核定,11月2日公告。 (二) 移動式檢測服務規劃:分別於2月1次、4月2次、6月1次、8月1次及10月1次執行共6次,共檢測206輛,平均執行1天可檢驗34輛。檢測結果均合格並核發自主管理標章。 (三) 空氣品質維護區告示牌架設規劃:已規劃於評估計畫書中,待核定公告後施作。 (四) 車牌辨識系統架設:已規劃於評估計畫書中,待核定公告後施作。 (五) 空氣品質維護區劃設協商說明會:已於111年6月20日辦理。 (六) 空氣品質維護區劃設研商會議:已於111年11月3日辦理。 (七) 微型感測器:已於112年4月28日架設1處。 八、 動力計排煙檢測站操作及設備維護業務 (一) 需提供至少30次晚間(時段:18時至20時)辦理民眾預約之檢測服務,截至112年11月15日止,實際提供31次,目標達成率100.0%。 (二) 每2個月辦理扭力計全幅校正器裝設及操作教育訓練,實際辦理6次訓練,目標達成率100.0%。 九、 配合行政院環境保護署或機關辦理柴油車排煙檢測站評鑑相關業務 (一) 分析近5年全國柴油車評鑑成績與本縣評鑑成績之比較提升策略規劃,於2月提出規劃書。 (二) 應辦理1場次實地評核教育訓練,於8月23日完成辦理。 (三) 每月月底前需針對評鑑考核準備與缺失改善進行自評(或辦理內部教育訓練),實際辦理11場次內部教育訓練。 十、 近三年檢測資料分析 詳本報告書3.10 近三年檢測資料分析。 十一、 配合機關及行政院環境保護署相關管制、考核與提報業務 (一) 環境部考評績效成果 1. 推廣電動公車(配分3分),得分1.0分。3台電動巴士於112年6月19日開始營運。 2. 柴油車污染改善管理措施(配分3分),得分1.71分。 (1) 柴油車汰換及污染改善(配分1.5分) 目標數179輛,依據環境部數據統計截至10月31日,汰舊車輛數33輛、調修燃油控制系統案件數81輛,共114輛,達成率為63.7%。得分0.96分。 主要原因為歷年老舊高污染車輛數已逐年減少,稽查易,透過本團隊分析稽查1~3期大型車成果,目視判煙可通率17.3%、車辨不符合率33.3%、路邊稽查合格率100%、動力計檢測合格率97.2%、場站檢測合格率100%,顯示1~3期大型車檢驗合格率高及被通知率亦低之情形,則較難以提升車主汰舊或執行污染改善意願。 (2) 環保局授權保養廠核發標章(配分1.5分) 環保局於112年攜帶黑煙檢測設備至認可保養廠核發優級或合格自主管理標章且於標章效期內經查證未有污染之虞達一定數量之家數1家,核發標章445張。得分0.75分。 3. 空氣品質維護區劃設作為(配分3分),得分2分。 (1) 完成法制作業程序之預告及研商會議程序:已於111年10月11日辦理預告,及於111年11月3日辦理研商會議,完成法制作業程序之空維區預告及研商會議,得分2分。 (2) 完成報請前項空氣品質維護區核定前應辦理事項,並於112年10月17日前提送本署(以本署收件日為準)且經本署確認已踐行各項程序:臺東縣池上伯朗大道周邊區域道路空氣品質維護區評估計畫書已於7月提出送審,並於10月23日核定。 4. 推動營建工地施工機具取得自主管理標章(3分),得分2.2分。 (1) 第一級營建工程(2分):年度目標管制量為20處,截至11月15日,共執行21處,達成率100.0%。得分2.0分。 (2) 第一級營建工程(1分):年度目標管制量為20處,截至11月15日,共執行21處,達成率100.0%。得分1分。
中文關鍵字 油品檢測、柴油車排煙檢測


專案計畫編號 111400130773 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7500 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 馮啟智
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 曾德安 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 28MB 112年柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫-期末報告(定稿)

Inspection of Diesel Vehicle Emission and Diesel Oil of Taitung County in 2023

英文摘要 In order to solve the pollution caused by mobile pollution sources to the environment, inspections, bans and publicity work are urgent. This year, the county Environmental Protection Bureau continued to implement roadside inspections, independent management, integrated inspections, air quality maintenance areas and clean area controls to improve the local environment. County air quality. A summary of the relevant results of each control work under this plan is as follows: According to statistics, the implementation period of this year's "Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Smoke Testing and Oil Testing Plan" is from January 1, 2020 to November 15, 2020, and the total implementation progress reaches 100.0%. The contract performance items include (1) diesel vehicle smoke detection, inspection and control business, (2) diesel vehicle independent management and integrated inspection and maintenance business, (3) business related to handling squid vehicle detection cases, (4) diesel vehicle control policy Relevant publicity business, (5) Quality management system operation of diesel vehicle smoke testing station laboratory, (6) South return area, air quality maintenance area and clean area control business, (7) Cooperation in promoting the establishment of air quality maintenance areas Assessment and planning business, (8) dynamometer smoke emission testing station operation and equipment maintenance business, (9) cooperating with the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan or agencies to handle diesel vehicle smoke exhaust testing station evaluation related businesses, (10) cooperating with agencies and administrative agencies The relevant control, assessment and reporting business of the Environmental Protection Department of the Academy and (11) other cooperation matters are all implemented in accordance with the progress targets of the work schedule. The execution results at the end of this year are highlighted as follows according to the order of contract projects: 1. Diesel vehicle smoke detection, inspection and control business (1) Dynamometer testing operation The target of dynamometer testing is 1,000 vehicles. As of November 15, 2020, the number of dynamometer testings was 1,292 vehicles (1,269 qualified vehicles and 23 unqualified vehicles (failure rate 1.8%)), and the target achievement rate was 100%. . In addition, 19 vehicles were rejected due to insufficient horsepower (rejection rate 19/(1,292+19)=1.4%). (2) Visual inspection of cigarette judgment notification operations According to visual inspection, the target number of tobacco judgment notification cases is 400. As of November 15, 2020, the number of notifications was 403, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. (3) Roadside inspection operations 1. The target number of roadside inspections is 600 vehicles. As of November 15, 2020, 629 vehicle inspections were actually carried out, with a target achievement rate of 100%. 2. The target number of roadside inspections is 400 vehicles. As of November 15, 2020, 404 vehicles were actually stopped and inspected, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. The target of testing 40 vehicles in Phases 1 to 3 was actually tested at 161 vehicles, with a target achievement rate of 100%. The number of vehicles that failed the inspection was 36, and the inspection failure rate was 8.9%, meeting the target of more than 8%. (4) Site inspection operations 1. The site inspection target was 6 times. As of November 15, 2012, the actual number of inspections was 42 times, and the target achievement rate was 100%. 2. The station inspection target was 650 vehicles. As of November 15, 2012, the actual number of inspections was 997 vehicles, and the target achievement rate was 100%. 997 vehicles were tested, 996 vehicles were qualified, and 1 vehicle was unqualified, with a failure rate of 0.1%. (5) Send a voluntary inspection notice for diesel vehicles registered in remote areas of the county (including outlying islands) for periods 1 to 3 The target is to send 1,000 items. As of November 15, 2020, 1,258 items were actually sent, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. All 367 vehicles inspected were improved and passed the inspection, with the inspection rate being 29.2%. (6) Operation analysis of license plate recognition system 1. For vehicles within the jurisdiction’s self-managed fleet that have not arrived for inspection or whose inspection rate is less than 50%, as well as for diesel vehicles with no inspection records, at least 1,000 inspection notices have been sent out in periods 1 to 3, as of November 2012 As of the 15th, a total of 1,050 notifications were sent, with a target achievement rate of 100%. 2. Carry out traffic flow survey statistics and analysis from the first to the third quarter through three license plate recognition systems, and also provide data sharing in Hualien County and Pingtung County. (7) Sampling testing of diesel fuel to test sulfur content (if necessary, one of the 20 original sulfur content tests may be changed to test for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) The inspection target number is 20 pieces. As of November 15, 2020, a total of 20 pieces of oil products have been sampled and submitted for inspection, and the target achievement rate is 100.0%. The inspection items included 19 sulfur content tests and 1 PAHS (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) test; the sampling objects included 13 diesel vehicle oil products and 7 ship oil products. The inspection results of 20 oil products were all qualified. (8) Assist the agency to handle black smoke detection of construction equipment (levels 1 and 2) and issue independent management labels There are 40 targets for detecting black smoke from construction machinery in construction projects (levels 1 and 2). As of November 15, 2020, 42 places were actually inspected, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. There were 21 implementations at the first-level construction site, with a total of 29 registered machines and tools, 22 actual inspection machines, 1 visual inspection machine, and 6 duplicate registration machines; 21 implementations at the second-level construction site, 25 inspection machines, and 19 actual inspection machines. Taiwan, 3 visual smoke detection machines, and 3 duplicate registration machines. The test results all met the Phase 4 emission standards and 43 independent management labels were issued (39 were issued if the tests met the Phase 4 standards, and 4 were issued if the smoke was judged to be qualified by visual inspection). (9) Pollution control operations from fishing port traffic vessels 1. At least 3 transportation shipping companies have signed for independent management. As of November 15, 2020, 7 companies have actually signed the agreement, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. 2. Arrange at least 2 times a month (at least once a week during the peak tourist season from June to September) visual inspection of tobacco smoke. As of November 15, 2020, there have been 32 actual inspections, and the target achievement rate is 83.3%. . A total of 39 ships were inspected; a total of 9 ships were under management, 9 of which have been inspected more than once, and 0 have not been inspected yet; 4 of the 5 traffic ships inspected were visually inspected, and 1 was not at risk of pollution. (Uranus) has high pollution conditions from January to September, and fines have been issued and improvements are scheduled within a deadline. 3. At least one piece of ship oil product must be sampled. As of November 15, 2020, 7 pieces have been actually sampled, and the target achievement rate is 100.0%. The inspection results are all qualified. (10) SCR system modified vehicle inspection The SCR system has inspected at least 30 modified vehicles. As of November 15, 2020, 52 vehicles have been actually inspected, with a target achievement rate of 100%. The inspection results are all qualified. (11) Improvement completion rate of vehicles that failed to pass inspection [(The ratio of the number of vehicles that have been improved/the total number of vehicles that failed to pass the inspection multiplied by 100%)] The obtained ratio must be greater than 90%. As of November 15, 2012, the actual improvement rate is 100.0% and the target achievement rate is 100%. There were 67 unqualified vehicles and 66 vehicles were improved (63 vehicles passed the re-inspection, 1 vehicle was scrapped, 1 vehicle was surrendered or suspended, and 1 vehicle was fined for failure to inspect within the time limit). (12) Diesel vehicle management situation The calculation start and end date is from January 1, 2020 to November 15, 2020, and the acceptance rate needs to be 80%. As of September 2012, the diesel vehicle system statistics of the Ministry of Environment, the diesel vehicle acceptance rate in Taitung County was 118.33 %, the target achievement rate is 100%. Currently ranked No. 1 in the country. 2. Diesel vehicle oil testing control and implementation of independent management business (1) Diesel vehicle independent management inspection rate 1. The target of voluntarily sending inspection notices to 40 public institutions, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. As of November 15, 2020, 70 were actually sent, with a target achievement rate of 100%. 2. The total vehicle arrival rate for the aforementioned number of shipments must reach 85%, and the calculation period is from November 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012). As of November 15, 2012, 30 vehicles have arrived. The inspection rate reached over 85%. Based on the contract screening of the top 40 fleets with higher inspection rates, the inspection rate was 87.4%. The target achievement rate is 100%. 3. Interviewed and signed the target of 40 public institutions, state-owned enterprises and private operators with more than ten large vehicles. As of November 15, 2012, 69 companies had actually signed the contract, with a target achievement rate of 100%. 4. Promote business operators/vehicle owners to agree to use phase 4 or 5 diesel vehicles in more than 30% of the vehicles they own or hire. The aforementioned promotion work has interviewed at least 30 companies. As of November 15, 2020, 49 companies have signed, and the target achievement rate is 100 %. 5. Counsel and promote the number of households to reach at least 50% of the total number of eligible households in the county: There are 70 operators/business owners who own or employ more than 10 diesel buses (trucks) in the county's jurisdiction. As of 112 On November 15, 55 companies were in compliance with the use of more than 4 phases, accounting for more than 30%, and the compliance rate reached 78.6%, which is more than 50% higher than the target rate. The target achievement rate is 100%. 6. The target of issuing 1,500 self-managed labels independently: As of November 15, 2020, a total of 1,702 vehicles were inspected (799 vehicles were independently managed by the fleet and 903 vehicles were automatically inspected), 1,701 vehicles passed the inspection, and the number of labels issued was There were 1,701 tickets, of which 1,634 were excellent (accounting for 96.0%) and 68 were qualified (accounting for 4.0%). The target achievement rate is 100%. (2) Integrated maintenance and inspection operations 1. Promote maintenance shops in this county to apply for auto repair industry accreditation operations and interview 5 target companies. As of November 15, 2012, 5 companies were actually interviewed, and the target achievement rate was 100.0%. 2. The certified maintenance factory conducts instrument comparison once a month, and as of November 15, 2020, it has been actually performed 11 times. 3. The certified maintenance factory conducts regular inspections once a quarter. As of November 15, 2020, it was actually conducted 4 times (February, May, August and November). 4. The certified maintenance factory invited experts and scholars to conduct an evaluation once, which was completed on September 11, 2012. 3. Handling business related to squid car detection cases (1) The number of 37 reported cases accepted, including 3 incomplete cases and 15 unhandled cases; 19 cases that should be handled can be notified, and 19 cases have been notified; 0 cases have been punished; and the number can be replied to 32 items, 32 items have been replied. (2) Complete the purchase of 500 bonus items, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. 4. Publicity business related to diesel vehicle control policies (1) The target of holding 2 publicity and briefing sessions was as of November 15, 2012, but one meeting was actually held on April 27, 2012, with a target achievement rate of 50.0%. The second session is expected to be held on October 22. (2) Completed the purchase of 500 copies of promotional materials, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. (3) Completed the production of 500 promotional leaflets, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. (4) Completed the production of 2 Guandong flags, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. (5) Complete the production of 5 hand cards, and the target achievement rate is 100.0%. (6) Completed the posting of posters in 20 places, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. (7) The goal of handling 1 session of education and training on related topics was held on April 27, 2012, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. (8) The target number of questionnaire surveys is 300. As of November 15, 2020, 329 surveys were actually carried out, with a target achievement rate of 100%. (9) Handle diversified media publicity 1. Manage free electronic billboards in the county to publicize relevant government decrees in writing, and check the status of broadcasting by at least 5 companies each time in April, July, and October: 15 companies have been checked so far, and the target achievement rate is 100.0%. 2. Handle the radio promotion at least 2 times. As of November 15, 2020, it has actually been handled 2 times, with a target achievement rate of 100.0%. 5. Operation of the quality management system of the diesel vehicle exhaust testing station laboratory (1) Maintain the laboratory TAF certification qualification of the agency testing station. (2) In February 2012, the annual fee of the agency testing station was paid at 20,000 yuan. (3) Implement measures related to laboratory testing and quality control at the agency testing station once a month (submit to the agency for review every quarter). As of November 15, 2020, it has been actually implemented 4 times. (4) One session of internal audit education and training was conducted as of November 15, 2012. One session was actually conducted on May 8, 2012, with a target achievement rate of 100%. (5) Handle one annual quality management review meeting of the testing station, which is expected to be held in November 2020. (6) On-the-job training is conducted every month, and 11 sessions have been conducted. (7) Comparison of testing capabilities of laboratory testing personnel (on-site inspection by agency personnel is required) and multi-point calibration of testing instruments in February, May, August and November. A total of 4 sessions were completed each month. (8) Carry out quality assurance testing at the smoke emission testing station, redraw a new control chart based on the 112-year stability test value, and continue monthly inspection and testing. As of November 15, there are no abnormalities. (9) Conduct correlation tests and comparisons with the Vehicle Research and Testing Center and other county and city agency testing stations (at least 1 station). The tests were conducted with the Vehicle Research and Testing Center and Taichung City South respectively on April 21, 2020. The station handles correlation tests and comparisons, and the target achievement rate is 100%. 6. South return area, air quality maintenance area and clean area control business (1) At least 500 notifications for screening unmarked vehicles in air quality clean areas were proactively inspected. As of November 15, 2020, a total of 526 notifications were sent. The target achievement rate is 100.0%. (2) In the South Return Area, vehicles without inspection records were screened and at least 500 vehicles were proactively inspected. As of November 15, 2020, a total of 524 vehicles were inspected. The target achievement rate is 100%. (3) Control results of air quality maintenance areas 1. A total of 4 rural inspection services were provided in March, May, July and September. A total of 160 diesel vehicles were inspected. The inspection results were all qualified and independent management labels were issued. 2. During the balloon event, 9 inspections were carried out during the holidays, and the number of inspections was 275. The analysis by period was 20 vehicles in phases 1 to 3 (accounting for 7.3%), and 255 vehicles in phases 4 to 6 (accounting for 92.7%), showing 4 -The proportion of vehicles in Phase 6 is relatively high; only 2 unqualified vehicles were screened out, and the number of qualified vehicles was 273, with a compliance rate of 99.3%. 3. A total of 11,594 vehicles were inspected through license plate recognition from July 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012, with a total of 1,141 vehicles in phases 1 to 3. A total of 344 vehicles that did not meet the control and entered for the first time were screened, and improvements were notified within a time limit. Subsequently, after re-entering after the improvement period, it was found that a total of 5 vehicles still did not comply with the control, and they have been punished and fined within the prescribed time limit in accordance with the law. 4. According to license plate recognition statistics, before June 30, 2020, the proportion of Phases 1 to 3 was 38.8%. After the regulation, from July 1, 2020 to November 15, 2020, the proportion of Phases 1 to 3 has dropped to 12.2%. %. 5. Micro sensors record air quality around the clock, monitoring PM2.51 and there is no defective air quality from October to October. (4) During the defective air product season from January to March, we assist the agency in implementing relevant diesel vehicle control measures in the air quality maintenance area, including license plate recognition and diesel vehicle inspection services. From January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020, the diesel vehicle inspection service inspected a total of 32 vehicles. The inspection results were all qualified and independent management labels were issued. 7. Promote the assessment and planning of air quality maintenance zones (1) Data collection and analysis and air quality maintenance area assessment planning: Submitted in April 2011 "Road air quality in the area around Chishang Brown Avenue, Taitung County"
英文關鍵字 Diesel Emission Inspection, Inspection of Oil