

中文摘要 本計畫各項工作包括協助機關進行補助審查作業、宣導活動辦理、多媒體行銷、實車查核、問卷調查、推廣策略等六項進行規劃執行,統計至112年11月30日止,合約達成率依工作權重加權計算後為100%,整體進度管控達成率100%,無落後之情形,主要執行成果如下: (一)補助審查作業 持續配合花蓮縣政府推行「低碳友善環境」,持續維護花蓮的良好空氣品質,減少傳統高污染機車對空氣品質的破壞,鼓勵民眾使用低污染交通工具,提升本縣鄉親換購低污染交通工具之意願,協助環保局辦理「花蓮縣112年電動機車花東基金加碼補助」申請案件受理、審查及撥款等業務,今年度補助名額為1,000輛次,截至11月30日止,申請案件共1,000輛次,已撥款補助1,000輛次。 為提升民眾購買電動機車之意願,研析本縣電池交換站建構作業及通路行銷策略分析,結果顯示電池續航力及能源補充問題,而補助民眾購買電動機車非長遠之計,應著重在建構電動機車便捷使用環境。另推動電池交換優點,一方面電池在良好控制環境下充電,另一方面可延長電池使用壽命,亦可解決因電池充電而等待時間,為目前電力補給最佳方案。另今年度主要申請廠商為Gogoro與光陽,其中以重型為居多,申請年齡以41~50歲為居多,60歲以上為最少。 (二)宣導活動辦理 為提升於電動機車宣導效益,本計畫配合各機關於縣內各場大型活動中設置宣導攤位或於機關單位辦理試乘活動,且展示符合經濟部工業局TES認可之低污染運具,供民眾參考及試乘,提高民眾購買意願,截至11月30日止,共辦理5場次宣導活動,1場大型宣導活動。 為宣傳今年度本縣花東基金加碼補助縣民換購電動機車,製作新購及汰購電動機車補助之宣導摺頁500份及宣導品1,400份,摺頁及宣導品於辦理宣導活動時使用並發放。 (三)實車查核 為確認本縣111及112年申請電動機車補助,申請人是否遵守「花蓮縣新購電動機車補助計畫」內容,申請補助車輛時效內不得辦理過戶及異動等規定,本計畫依111、112年申請補助資料,查核申請人與車籍資料是否異動,截至11月30日止,共查核303輛次,無發現違規事項。 (四)問卷調查 為了解民眾使用電動機車後心得,針對歷年購買電動機車之民眾,本計畫設計有關使用狀況、使用心得及建議事項等相關問題問卷,於實車查核時,請受訪人員協助問卷填寫,截至11月30日止共回收324份問卷進行統計分析。 (五)媒體託播 為宣傳今年度本縣花東基金加碼補助縣民換購電動機車,本計畫委託中國廣播公司進行電台語音託播,3~11月每月依排定天數、次數進行播出,並結合清潔車強化宣導效果,委由各鄉鎮市公所於清潔車進行垃圾收運時進行播放,冀以提升縣民對於花東基金補助換購電動機車相關訊息之了解,增加民眾換購電動機車意願。 (六)其他 人力及物力支援:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 臨時交辦事項:皆依局內指示協助辦理。
中文關鍵字 電動機車推廣


專案計畫編號 EPB1111018 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2870 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 許博淵
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 鍾欣儒 執行單位 日揚環境工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年電動機車期末報告定稿.pdf 36MB

2023Hualien County Electric Motorcycle Promotion and Installation Plan

英文摘要 The various tasks of this project include assisting the agency in the planning and implementation of subsidy review operations, promotion activities, multimedia marketing, actual vehicle inspections, questionnaire surveys, and promotion strategies. Statistics will end on November 30, 2023 and the contract is concluded. The rate is 100% after weighting based on the work weight. The overall progress control achievement rate is 100%, with no lagging behind. The main execution results are as follows: (1) Subsidy review work We will continue to cooperate with the Hualien County Government in promoting "low carbon and friendly environment", continue to maintain Hualien's good air quality, reduce the damage to air quality caused by traditional high-polluting motorcycles, encourage people to use low-polluting means of transportation, and increase the willingness of residents in the county to purchase low-polluting means of transportation. Willing to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in handling the application case acceptance, review and allocation of "Hualien County 112 Electric Motorcycle Huadong Fund Extra Subsidy", this year's subsidy quota is 1,000 vehicles, and as of November 30, there have been a total of 1,000 applications. times, funds have been allocated to subsidize 1,000 vehicles. In order to increase people's willingness to buy electric motorcycles, the county's battery exchange station construction operations and channel marketing strategies were analyzed. The results showed that battery life and energy replenishment are issues, and subsidizing people to buy electric motorcycles is not a long-term solution. The focus should be on building electric motorcycles. Convenient use environment. It also promotes the advantages of battery swapping. On the one hand, the battery can be charged in a well-controlled environment. On the other hand, it can extend the battery life and solve the waiting time for battery charging. It is the best solution for power supply at present. In addition, the main applicants this year are Gogoro and Guangyang, with the majority of them being heavy-duty. The majority of applicants are between 41 and 50 years old, and the least is over 60 years old. (2) Handling publicity activities In order to improve the effectiveness of promoting electric motorcycles, this plan cooperates with various agencies to set up promotional booths at various large-scale events in the county or conduct trial rides at agencies and units, and display low-pollution vehicles that meet the TES certification of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. , for people’s reference and test drive, to increase people’s willingness to purchase. As of November 30, a total of 5 publicity activities and 1 large-scale publicity activity have been held. In order to promote the county's Huadong Fund to increase subsidies for county residents to purchase electric motorcycles this year, 500 promotional leaflets and 1,400 promotional materials were produced for new and retired electric motorcycle subsidies. The brochures and promotional materials were used for promotional activities be used and distributed. (3) Actual vehicle inspection In order to confirm whether the county applied for electric motorcycle subsidies in 2011 and 112 and whether the applicant complied with the content of the "Hualien County New Electric Motorcycle Subsidy Program", no transfer or change of ownership is allowed within the time limit for applying for subsidy vehicles. This plan is based on 111 and 112 Annual subsidy application information was checked to see if there had been any changes in the applicant's and vehicle registration information. As of November 30, a total of 303 vehicles had been checked, and no violations were found. (4) Questionnaire survey In order to understand people’s experience after using electric motorcycles, this project has designed a questionnaire on usage conditions, usage experience, suggestions and other related questions for people who have purchased electric motorcycles over the years. During the actual vehicle inspection, the interviewees are asked to assist in filling out the questionnaire. As of As of November 30, a total of 324 questionnaires were collected for statistical analysis. (5) Media broadcast In order to promote the county's Huadong Fund to increase subsidies for county residents to purchase electric motorcycles this year, the plan entrusted the China Broadcasting Corporation to carry out radio voice broadcasts. The broadcasts will be carried out according to the scheduled days and times every month from March to November, and will be combined with cleaning vehicles. To strengthen the publicity effect, township and municipal offices were entrusted with broadcasting it when the cleaning vehicles were collecting garbage, hoping to enhance county residents’ understanding of the information related to the Huadong Fund’s subsidies for the purchase of electric scooters and increase people’s willingness to exchange for electric scooters. (6) Others Manpower and material support: all assist in processing according to the instructions of the bureau. Temporarily assigned matters: all are handled in accordance with the instructions of the bureau.
英文關鍵字 Electric motorcycle promotion