

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包含:(1)完成空氣檢測方法盤點與分類。(2)3月23日完成辦理第一場專家諮詢會議。(3)完成方法更新清單篩選:本研究團隊依據評選需知內容,設定五項篩選範圍:A.110~113年曾提案增修之方法、B.檢測機構常受委託之方法、C.民國100年前未被驗證的C類方法、D.建議整併之方法、E.專家諮詢會議之委員建議等,從此範圍中篩選63個需要進行更新之方法清單。(4)從前述63個方法中篩選20個進行新版參考方法蒐集、中文翻譯與技術評析。(5)篩選具環境檢測業務需求與急迫性且新版方法有明顯變更之8個方法,完成空氣污染物調查操作技術程序書之撰寫。(6)10月30日完成辦理第二場專家諮詢會議,針對建議新修訂之8個環境檢測方法內容進行說明,收集彙整專家意見與方法草案修改後,提供給國環院未來方法修訂之參考。(7)完成執行乙醯胺等14種化合物檢測方法整併之初探,並公告為排放管道中乙醯胺等揮發性有機物檢測方法-氣相層析質譜儀法 (NIEA A764.70B)及周界空氣中乙醯胺等揮發性有機物檢測方法-氣相層析質譜儀法 (NIEA A763.10B),說明方法整併是可行的。
中文關鍵字 空氣,採樣分析方法,整合,優化


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/19 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 周劍平
主辦單位 國環院檢測技術中心 承辦人 楊倧儒 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 空氣環境檢測技術盤點與整合優化計畫-成果報告(含附件).pdf 17MB

Integration and Optimization of Sampling and Analytical Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants (1/2)

英文摘要 The main tasks of this project include: (1)Completing an inventory and classification of sampling and analytical methods for the determination of air pollutants. (2)Holding the first expert meeting on March 23rd. (3)Creating a list of methods to update: We will set five selection criteria: A.Methods that have been proposed for modification between 2011 and 2013, B.Methods were frequently used by the environmental technology companies, C.Class C methods that have not been verified before the year 2011, D.Methods were recommended for integration, and E.Suggestions from the experts. Select a list of 63 methods that need to be updated. (4) Select 20 methods from the aforementioned 63 for the collection of new reference methods, Chinese translations, and technical analysis. (5) Choose 8 methods with environmental measurement needs and significant changes in the new versions to draft technical procedure manuals for the determination of air pollutants. (6) Complete the second expert meeting on October 30th, collecting and summarizing expert opinions, and making necessary amendments to the method drafts. These revised drafts will serve as a reference for future method updates by the National Environmental Research Academy. (7) The preliminary study of the integration of 14 compound detection methods including acetamide was carried out. These compounds were also announced as detection methods NIEA A764.70B and NIEA A763.10B, respectively, indicating that the method integration is feasible.
英文關鍵字 Air, Sampling and analytical methods, Integration, Optimization