

中文摘要 112年環境部低碳永續家園評等認證成果,本計畫共計協助取得2處鄉鎮銅級及5處村里銅級,累積村里參與率達70.5%。另於低碳行動項目輔導與執行部分,共計協助8處社區自願性提案,實施低碳行動改造,總計減碳量約可達15,283公斤CO2e。 就臺東縣溫室氣體排放掌握工作,依環境部公告「縣市層級溫室氣體盤查計算指引」,經第三方驗證單位(BSI)查驗通過,臺東縣110年總排放量共計為126萬420公噸CO2e,森林碳匯量為229萬3,448公噸CO2e。另完成11家工業及住商部門業者溫室氣體排放源盤查,經查核後全數符合規定並完成登錄。 本計畫不僅完成低碳永續家園基礎工作,更因應臺東縣產業與特性,積極針對農業及觀光等實施精進創新作為,包含以臺東慢食節活動為輔導對象,成功取得ISO20121國際永續認證;輔導與協助關山鎮電光村(銀級)原民返鄉青年小農所創日出禾作社「小老闆直火烘焙電光珈琲」,完成ISO14067碳足跡盤查,並經第三方查驗(BSI)通過,同時移轉自CIX碳權交易所購得碳封存之碳權進行抵換,達成全國第一件碳中和的「零碳精品咖啡」產品。此外更輔導部落、社區建立在地化淨零節能教育共享基地工作,試行辦理1場次「一起碳索布古拉夫」淨零碳旅遊。更完成協助編撰臺東縣第二本地方自願檢視報告,藉此揭露與檢視永續作為持續精進。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、氣候變遷因應、零碳觀光、永續發展


專案計畫編號 112400130116 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6910 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/27 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 吳奉書
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 林威志 執行單位 環榮永興股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年臺東縣推動低碳永續家園執行計畫(期末報告).pdf 36MB

The promotion of low-carbon sustainable home Implementation project for Taitung County in 2023

英文摘要 This project has assisted in achieving a total of two townships at the Copper level and five villages at the Copper level in the 2023 Ministry of Environmental's low carbon sustainable homes certification. The accumulated village participation rate reached 70.5%. Additionally, in the guidance and implementation of low-carbon actions, 8 community voluntary proposals were assisted, leading to the implementation of low-carbon action transformations, with a total estimated carbon reduction of approximately 15,283 kilograms of CO2e. Regarding the GHGs emission control work in Taitung County, according to the Ministry of Environmental's "Guidelines for Calculating GHGs Inventory at the County/City Level," verified by the third-party verification unit (BSI), the total emissions of Taitung County in 2021 amounted to 1,264,200 tons of CO2e, with a forest carbon sink of 2,293,448 tons of CO2e. Furthermore, 11 industrial and residential/commercial sector emitters completed GHGs emission source inventories, all of which were verified to be compliant and completed registration. This project not only completed the foundational work for low-carbon sustainable homes but also, in response to the industries and characteristics of Taitung County, actively implemented innovative measures focusing on agriculture and tourism. This includes providing guidance to the Taitung Slow Food Festival, successfully obtaining ISO 20121 international sustainability certification; assisting the Kaadaadaan Village (Silver level) indigenous returnee youth farmers' cooperative " HeZuo Friendly Crops." in establishing " HeZou Friendly Crops Drip coffee," completing ISO 14067 carbon footprint assessment, verified by a third party (BSI), and simultaneously transferring carbon credits purchased from the CIX carbon trading platform for carbon offset, achieving the country's first "Net-zero coffee" product. Additionally, it assisted tribes and communities in establishing localized net-zero energy education, conducting one net-zero tourism trial event. Furthermore, it completed the assistance in compiling Taitung County's second local voluntary review report, aiming to continuously improve sustainable practices through disclosure and review.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon Sustainable Homes、Climate Change Response、Zero-carbon Tourism、Sustainable Development