

中文摘要 新竹市轄區之「土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」為環保局每年重要的污染防治專案計畫,112年度工作目標包括:井體維護管理、轄內東光段及香山4處地下水限制使用地區進行豐水期監測作業;辦理農糧署農地同步採樣、農地定常監測及光電輔導作業;針對列管場址進行污染場址巡查與管理及外部驗證作業;對歷年來地下儲槽申報有誤或異常之地下儲槽業者進行現場查核作業及土氣追蹤;辦理地上儲槽系統法規符合度輔導查核作業及改善後複查;辦理土污法8、9條公告事業主管機關土壤及地下水污染評估調查、查證及檢測資料審查作業;辦理事業土地污染預防管理作業,依事業分群分級清單執行廠址環境評估調查及自主污染預防管理計畫書審查;辦理法規宣導說明會及土水環境教育宣導等相關活動,以達到教育與產官學交流,及法令政策推動宣達目的;辦理種子教師培訓課程,將環保觀念向下扎根;對轄區內具急迫性及危害性之事件進行應變處理,預防污染擴大。為此,新竹市環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為持續掌握轄內土壤及地下水污染狀況,於112年度委託富立業工程顧問股份有限公司執行「112年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-新竹市」(以下簡稱本計畫),依契約書規定於112年12月5日前提出期中報告(初稿),整體工作進度執行率為100%。本計畫整體工作重點大致可分類為(1)地下水污染監測、調查及井體維護管理作業;(2)農糧署農地同步採樣、農地定常監測及光電輔導作業;(3)污染場址巡查、管理與GSR查核作業;(4)污染場址改善驗證作業;(5)事業用地污染預防管理作業;(6)地下儲槽系統輔導管理與稽查管制作業;(7)地上儲槽系統輔導查核作業;(8)民眾陳情與緊急應變調查作業;(9)辦理土污法8、9條列管公告事業資料審查;(10)相關法規宣導與行政配合作業等10個單元,摘要列出各工作單元執行成果如下:一、地下水質監測與維護管理作業:完成112上半年度監測井內外部巡查113口及下半年度114口次監測井內外部巡查巡查(112年廢井1口及新增2口)、地下水位高程及水質參數量測,並依原則辦理井況評估24口,外觀維護12口、設施修復6口、再次完井13口及異物排除5口。本計畫額外承諾112年度東光段661地號O00194、O00427監測井枯水期採樣,並送實驗室分析VOCs管制項目,3月25日檢測結果顯示O00194監測井三氯乙烯(0.0818 mg/L)超過管制標準及O00427監測井氯乙烯(0.0183 mg/L)超過監測標準,豐水期於9月21日進行2口次(O00427、O00194)採樣,檢測結果顯示O00194監測井三氯乙烯(0.0452mg/L)超過監測標準,O00427監測井氯乙烯(0.0177mg/L)超過監測標準,考量殘留含氯污染物濃度回升情形,本計畫於112年9月15日協助辦理完成契約內容變更,針對潛勢較高之2口次O00194及O00427於9月28日進行EOS生物營養鹽注入,11月2日完成加藥後VOCs定期監測及菌相分析作業,評估場址地下水質是否已調適為厭氧脫氯環境及地下水污染濃度是否已明顯下降。今年度本計畫亦額外承諾以Frog-5000攜帶型吹補濃縮裝置快篩儀器量測東光段981地號周邊含氯污染物,上、下半年已進行周邊10口次監測井(監測井編號:O00066、O00300、O00193、O00338、O00067、O00069、O00197、O00200、O00361、O00341)篩測工作,篩測結果均無檢出超過管制標準。香山工業區定期監測部分,4處地下水受污染使用限制地區(仁愛段832-2、809、920、731地號)於112年9月7~8日以共約方式執行4處區域豐水期地下水採樣,解列後第一次定期監測結果均低於第二類地下水污染管制及監測標準以下。二、農糧署農地同步採樣、農地定常監測及光電輔導作業:配合農糧署年度「農作物污染監測管制及損害查處」計畫內容,於農業單位在食用作物採樣處,採集該作物植株根系土壤樣品同步採樣,本市112年度執行完成上半年第一期作15點次採樣(5點混1點)及下半年第二期作10點次採樣(5點混1點),其中2筆農地鎘作物超過限量標準,進一步分析土壤樣品顯示低於農地土壤監測標準;其餘作物檢測結果皆合格。本計畫配合環境部辦理農地污染潛勢分區預防管理工作,完成轄內41個灌溉小組農地(包含7個污染防治區、10個污染預警區及14個優良保護區)現勘作業,並依現況排除已無農地之灌溉小組(中央小組及冷水坑小組),上半年完成39筆農地採樣工作,經實驗室XRF分析重金屬濃度皆未超出管制標準值;7月29日至10月11日共執行汀甫圳八輪支線及汀甫圳牛埔溪支線連續水質監測、5組水質抽樣初驗、9組水質抽樣複驗及50組縮時膠囊,加強上游水質溯源及污染預防工作。另於10月19日~23日針對過去超過上限值3條圳路(九甲埔圳、隆恩圳、客雅南圳)以XRF進行底泥重金屬篩測乙次,檢測結果顯示底泥並未明顯遭受污染,主要介於底泥上下限值之間並無明顯污染潛勢。本年度持續協助盤點本市過去解列農地設置光電設施之意願,已有7筆地號之農地辦理設置光電設施,共計4案之申設面積達1.22公頃, 6月30日完成掛錶發電,總計發電量達1.55兆瓦(MW)。三、污染場址巡查、管理與GSR查核作業:(一) 污染場址巡查監督112年度新竹市土壤及水下水污染調查及查證工作計畫中,針對現有控制場址進行查核分類,4處控制場址包含貝民股份有限公司香山廠、新竹油品供油服務中心(東明段13地號)、新竹市東明段439地號(台肥大樓旁東勢街)、興雄工業有限公司。1處地下水限制使用地區-新竹市東光段981地號(前台灣木材防腐股份有限公司)。本計畫依據各場址改善成效及進度訂定列管場址分級管理制度分為四個級距,分為A+級、A級、B級及C級,每級巡查頻率不同,以提高對各場址之掌握度,強化場址管理效能。彙整分析轄內5處污染場址,共計1處A+級場址(每2週至少巡查1次,視情況增加巡查頻率)、1處A級場址(每2週至少巡查1次)、2處B級場址(每月至少巡查1次)及1處C級場址(每2個月至少巡查1次)。 (二)場址尾氣PID篩測及離場跟車本計畫承諾於巡查過程中,針對污染改善場址攜帶PID儀器(每季至少1次),量測其空氣品質中揮發性有機氣體濃度,包含SVE尾氣量測、廢水設備活性碳吸附後尾氣、開挖區周界空氣品質,並將量測結果記錄於場址巡查作業記錄表單中,評估場址二次污染防治是否符合場址計畫書所訂定之標準。每月針對離場作業跟車至收受端以確定無惡意棄置污染土壤之虞。(三) 綠色永續型整治最佳管理措施檢核程序本計畫已擇定GSR分數最高的貝民股份有限公司作為今年度GSR現勘查核場址,於112年5月16日完成「污染場址最佳管理措施場址檢核表」書面審查,7月21日完成「污染場址最佳管理措施場址檢核」現場查核。四、污染場址改善驗證作業:112年度完成3處污染場址-新竹油品供油服務中心(東明段13地號)、新竹市東光段981-1、981-2、981-3、981-5地號及興雄工業有限公司之驗證作業,其中新竹油品供油服務中心於112年3月31日完成土壤及地下水污染驗證作業,驗證結果顯示土壤TPH總計2點次超過土壤污染管制標準,地下水6口次查證點皆低於管制標準,需辦理再次改善,並於11月20日執行第二次驗證,驗證結果顯示土壤TPH總計4點次皆低於管制標準,已符合改善目標。新竹市東光段981-1、981-2、981-3、981-5地號驗證屬場址第二次驗證,並於112年5月18日完成土壤污染驗證作業,4點次土壤查證點之TPH皆低於土壤污染管制標準,已符合改善目標。興雄工業有限公司於112年10月18日完成5點次土壤污染驗證作業,5點次土壤查證點之重金屬皆低於土壤污染管制標準,已符合改善目標。五、事業土地污染預防管理作業成果:已於112年4月26日針對本年度管理名單之事業辦理1場次行前說明會及1場次宣導說明會,加強管理群(A群)事業共計出席15家次,自主管理群(B群)事業共計出席62家次。另於112年6月9日完成A群事業現勘15家次,其中3家次環境場址評估分數(REC)評分達8分以上,9月19日完成A群2家次(OO公司及OO公司)土壤污染查證作業,9月27日完成A群1家次OO公司土壤污染查證作業,查證結果顯示OO公司及OO公司土壤重金屬濃度有超過土壤污染管制標準,OO公司土壤重金屬及總石油碳氫化合物濃度為低於土壤污染管制標準,10月17~27日已完成B群6家次及C群9家次現場檢核作業。六、地下儲槽系統輔導、調查與管制管理作業:新竹市轄區內原有39家地下儲槽系統,另因112年1月1日起符合以地下儲槽形式存放汽、柴油之貯存設施系統業者須執行環境監測,故5月申報數新增9家次,合計48家次。本計畫協助環保局已完成112年1月份及5及9月份地下儲槽系統申報審查工作,申報率及審查率均達100 %。審查時若發現申報資料有缺失,則立即以電訪方式要求業者說明或更正,均已追蹤完成改善及補正申報資料。本計畫於112年7月10日已完成轄內22家地下儲槽系統(14家加油站及8家貯存系統事業)之現場輔導與查核作業,常見缺失如網路申報基本資料未填寫/填寫有誤(計8家)、未依規定每月執行人工量油及紀錄(計2家)、油槽加注口防溢堤有裂痕(計2家)、測漏管編號已模糊(計2家)、加油機底部油盆材質申報與現場不一致(計2家)、每月自主監測人員未簽名(計1家)、現場設施與網路平面配置圖不一致(計1家), 112年8月底前已完成缺失複查改善作業。本計畫依據112年度轄區內申報異常之地下儲槽系統及環境部污染潛勢評價機制評估為高污染潛勢者之地下儲槽系統,8月29~30日已執行3站次(OO加油站、OO加油站、OO站)測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測作業,檢測結果測值均低於500 ppmV。七、地上儲槽系統輔導查核作業:本計畫針對轄內符合「貯存水污染防治法第33條第1項經中央主管機關公告指定物質」之地上儲槽系統及貯存容器事業,辦理防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備法規符合度之現場查核作業,確認是否依據管理辦法規定設置防止污染設施及監測設備。並於112年4月25日,針對貯存設施相關從業單位(含地上/地下)辦理法規說明會,主要議題為說明「防止貯存系統污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」修法實施重點。112年11月底前完成轄內110年度及111年度已完成輔導但未符合法規之地上儲槽系統業者、環保局稽查發現應納入而未納入之貯存系統業者至少19家,並辦理防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備法規符合度之現場查核作業,確認是否依據管理辦法規定設置防止污染設施及監測設備。截至112年10月27日前已完成轄內26家次地上儲槽法規符合度確認及輔導工作。八、民眾陳情與緊急應變調查作業現階段成果:截至本計畫期末報告,尚未使用緊急應變經費。九、辦理土污法8、9條列管公告事業用地現階段成果:本市歷年申報案件平均約為20件次,截至112年12月20日,共計收受16件次,整體備查與審查方式以現場勘查及書面審查為原則,並依據土壤及地下水污染整治法與第8、9條相關法規進行,並針對現勘發現具有污染潛勢之OO公司進行5點次土壤重金屬污染查證作業,檢測結果均低於土壤污染監測標準。十、相關法規宣導與行政配合作業成果:依照合約規定提供工作計畫書、品保規劃書、相關設備與辦理人員保險等事項,並將資料發文至新竹市環境保護局備查。112年4月25日辦理「防止貯存系統污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」法規說明會,對象為針對轄區內貯存水污法第33條第1項公告指定物質之貯存設施業者。112年5月23日OO加油站,協助環保局辦理1場次事業觀摩光電設施參訪說明會,本場次宣導為本計畫自行協助環保局辦理。本計畫契約場次於9月25日配合轄內太陽光電場種植生薑之示範案場成果辦理光電宣導媒合會,8月22日及8月24日辦理兩梯次地方環境教育宣導活動,9月22日辦理「土污法第八、九條列管事業法規宣導說明會」,11月1日辦理環境教育「種子教師」培訓活動。截至112年12月20日止,已協助環保局召開土壤及地下水污染場址改善推動小組會議之4場次定期會、9場次臨時會、22件次轄內污染場址改善計畫書(進度報告)之審查工作。
中文關鍵字 新竹市土壤及地下水


專案計畫編號 PB10238 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 范惠茹
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 林大維 執行單位 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年新竹市土水計畫期末報告定稿(公開版).pdf 2MB 公開版

Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Project-Hsinchu City 2023

英文摘要 The overall work focus of this project can be roughly classified into (1) groundwater pollution monitoring, investigation and well maintenance and management operations; (2) Agricultural and Food Department synchronous sampling of agricultural land, regular monitoring of agricultural land and photoelectric guidance operations; (3) contaminated sites Site inspection, management and GSR audit operations; (4) Contaminated site improvement verification operations; (5) Industrial land pollution prevention and management operations; (6) Underground storage tank system guidance management and audit control operations; (7) Above-ground storage tank system Guiding and auditing work; (8) Public complaints and emergency response investigation work; (9) Handling the review of project information for listing management announcements in Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil Pollution Law; (10) Relevant laws and regulations publicity and administrative cooperation work.1.Groundwater pollution monitoring, investigation and well management: This year, the number of outward appearance inspections, 12 out-of-the-way maintenance operations were carried out and 1 wells for non-monitoring purposes were used to abolish, 6 wells were repaired. During the high and low water period at 2023, The test result of the 2 wells at 661 the Dung-guang area show that O00194 data exceeded the control standard for Trichloroethylene (0.0818 mg/L), and the Trichloroethylene is an upward trend compare with last year, then evaluate whether to initiate a response.This plan assisted in completing the change of contract content on September 15, 2012, and injected EOS biological nutrient salts on September 28 for the two batches of high potential O00194 and O00427, and completed the post-dosing VOCs on November 2 Regular monitoring and bacterial phase analysis operations are conducted to assess whether the groundwater quality at the site has been adapted to an anaerobic dechlorination environment and whether the groundwater pollution concentration has been significantly reduced..Frog-5000 measured trichloroethylene, dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride and other 10 monitoring wells (O00066、O00300、O00193、O00338、O00067、O00069、O00197、O00200、O00361、O00341). None of the screening tests exceeded the control standards.In the regular monitoring part of Xiangshan Industrial Zone, four areas with restricted use of contaminated groundwater (land numbers 832-2, 809, 920, and 731 of the Renai Section) will implement the flood season in the four areas on September 7-8, 2023 by joint agreement. Groundwater sampling and the first regular monitoring results after delisting were all below the second-category groundwater pollution control and monitoring standards.2.This plan "Crop Pollution Monitoring Control and Investigation". In 2023, completed the first phase of 15-point sampling in the first half of the year (5 points mixed with 1 point) and the second phase of the second half of the year with 10-point sampling (5 points mixed with 1 point). Two of the cadmium crops in farmland exceeded the limit standard. , further analysis of the soil samples showed that it was lower than the agricultural soil monitoring standard; the test results of other crops were all qualified.This plan cooperates with the EPA to handle the prevention and management of agricultural land pollution potential zoning, and completes the on-site survey of 41 irrigation group agricultural lands within its jurisdiction (including 7 pollution prevention and control areas, 10 pollution early warning areas and 14 excellent protection areas). According to the current situation, the irrigation groups (central group and Lengshuikeng group) that no longer have farmland were excluded. In the first half of the year, 39 farmland sampling tasks were completed, and the heavy metal concentrations analyzed by laboratory XRF did not exceed the control standard value; from July 29 to On October 11, a total of continuous water quality monitoring, 5 sets of water quality sampling preliminary inspections, 9 sets of water quality sampling re-tests and 50 sets of time-lapse capsules were carried out on the Tingfu Zhen Eight-wheel branch line and the Tingfu Zhen Niupu River branch line to strengthen upstream water quality traceability and pollution. prevention work. In addition, from October 19th to 23rd, XRF was used to screen heavy metals in the sediments of three Shenzhen roads that had exceeded the upper limit in the past (Jiujiapuzhen, Longenzhen, and Keya Nanzhen). The test results showed that the sediments It is not obviously polluted, mainly between the upper and lower limits of sediment, and has no obvious pollution potential.This year, we continued to assist in taking stock of the city’s past intentions to install photovoltaic facilities on farmland. We have applied for the installation of photovoltaic facilities on farmland in 7 land numbers, with a total application area of 1.22 hectares in 4 cases. Meter power generation was completed on June 30. , with a total power generation capacity of 1.55 megawatts (MW).3. The management of pollution improvement sites:According to the characteristics of each site and the improvement of the established management system, A+-level sites (inspection at least once every 2 weeks, and increased frequency depends on the situation), A-level sites (inspection at least once every 2 weeks), and B-level sites ( Inspect at least once a month) and C-level sites (inspect at least once every 2 months). During the inspections carring PID equipment (once a season) to measure the SVE exhaust gas and the surrounding air VOCs. Every month, and complete the soil improvement and follow the car for off-site operations in accordance with the prescribed route and timetable.4.This plan has selected Beimin Co., Ltd., which has the highest GSR score, as the current GSR survey site this year. It completed the written review of the "Site Checklist for Best Management Practices for Contaminated Sites" on May 16, 2023. On July 21, the on-site inspection of the "Best Management Practices for Contaminated Sites Site Inspection" was completed. 5.Three contaminated sites were completed in 2023 - Hsinchu Oil Supply Service Center (No. 13, Dongming Section), No. 981-1, 981-2, 981-3, 981-5, Dongguang Section, Hsinchu City, and Xingxiong Industrial Co., Ltd.’s verification work, in which the Hsinchu Oil Supply Service Center completed the soil and groundwater pollution verification work on March 31, 2023. The verification results showed that the soil TPH exceeded the soil pollution control standard 2 times in total, and the groundwater 6 times were verified. All were below the control standards and needed to be improved again, and a second verification was carried out on November 20. The verification results showed that the soil TPH was lower than the control standards for a total of 4 points, and the improvement goals were met. The verification of land numbers 981-1, 981-2, 981-3, and 981-5 in Dongguang Section, Hsinchu City is the second verification of the site.In May 2023 ,the soil pollution verification operation was completed on the 18th. The TPH of the 4 soil verification points was all lower than the soil pollution control standard, which met the improvement goals. Xingxiong Industrial Co., Ltd. completed 5 soil pollution verification operations on October 18, 2023. The heavy metals at the 5 soil verification points were all lower than the soil pollution control standards and met the improvement goals.6.On April 26, 2023, 1 pre-trip briefing and 1 publicity briefing were held for the enterprises on this year's management list. A total of 15 enterprises in the strengthened management group (Group A) attended, and a total of 15 enterprises in the independent management group (Group B) attended A total of 62 business visits were attended. In addition, on June 9, 2023, 15 on-site surveys of Group A businesses were completed, of which 3 had an Environmental Site Assessment Score (REC) score of 8 or more. On September 19, 2 Group A OO Company and OO Company soil pollution verification work. On September 27, the soil pollution verification work of OO Company in Group A was completed. The verification results showed that the soil heavy metal concentration of OO Company andOO Company exceeded the soil pollution control According to the standards, the concentration of heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons in OO Company's soil is lower than the soil pollution control standards. From October 17 to 27, on-site inspections of 6 Group B companies and 9 Group C companies were completed.7.Investigation and management of underground storage tank system: Gas station reporting rate was 100%, according to EPA classification principles for different frequency tracking.The inspections comprises PID/FID detection of four gas stations.Selected 3 stations for leak detection pipe function test and oil and gas detection operations, and the test results were all lower than 250 ppmV.8.Before the end of November 2023, the above-ground storage tank system operators within the jurisdiction who had completed the counseling in 2021 and 2022 but did not comply with the regulations, and the Environmental Protection Bureau found at least 19 storage system operators that should be included but were not included in the inspection, and took measures to prevent contamination of underground water bodies. On-site inspection of regulatory compliance of facilities and monitoring equipment to confirm whether pollution prevention facilities and monitoring equipment are installed in accordance with management regulations. As of October 27, 2023, the regulatory compliance confirmation and guidance work for 26 above-ground storage tanks within its jurisdiction has been completed.9.The average number of reported cases in this city over the years is about 20. As of December 20, 2023, a total of 16 cases have been accepted. The overall review and review method is based on the principle of on-site investigation and written review, and is based on the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law and Article 1 8. 9 relevant regulations were carried out, and 5-point soil heavy metal pollution verification operations were carried out for OO Industrial Co., Ltd. that was found to have pollution potential. The test results were all lower than the soil pollution monitoring standards.10.On April 25, 2023, a regulatory briefing meeting on the "Administrative Measures for the Installation of Facilities and Monitoring Equipment to Prevent Storage Systems from Pollution to Groundwater" was held, targeting storage facility operators that store substances specified in Article 33, Paragraph 1 of the Water Pollution Act within their jurisdiction. On May 23, 2023, I went to the PetroChina-Guangming Gas Station in Taiwan to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in organizing a business observation and photoelectric facility visit briefing. This promotion was for this project to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau in handling it. The contracted venue for this project will be a photovoltaic publicity and matchmaking meeting on September 25th in conjunction with the results of a demonstration case of ginger planting in a solar photovoltaic field within the jurisdiction, and two levels of local environmental education and publicity activities will be held on August 22nd and August 24th. On September 22, the "Publicity and Briefing Meeting on the Regulations on Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil Pollution Law" will be held, and on November 1, the environmental education "Seed Teacher" training event will be held.11.As of December 20, 2023, it has assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in convening 4 regular meetings, 9 ad hoc meetings, and 22 improvement plans for contaminated sites within its jurisdiction (progress report) ) review work.
英文關鍵字 Hsinchu