

中文摘要 為推行土壤及地下水污染之施政策略及執行績效評核相關作業,本計畫執行工作及說明分述如下: 一、年度績效管考及頒獎典禮 為具體呈現地方環保機關土壤與地下水業務執行成效,本計畫已協助環境部環境管理署(以下簡稱環管署)研擬113、114年度績效考核計畫,並藉由辦理年度績效考核(草案)研商會議,確保地方環保機關完整瞭解各考核項目執行方向;另透過季報、績效考核系統、指引手冊及客服專線等作業,協助環管署及地方環保機關完整控管112、113年度績效考核之管考進度;依據111年度及112年度地方環保機關績效考核執行成果,於112年及113年分別完成「年度績效考核頒獎典禮」。整體管考作業及相關內容詳如本報告書第三章說明。 二、土壤及地下水污染整治業務推動績效展現 為完整展示土壤及地下水業務推動績效,並藉由易理解且親民方式呈現,以提升年報閱覽之友善度,111年度及112年度土壤及地下水污染整治年報(以下簡稱年報)以不同故事性元素連貫章節首頁懶人包、圖表資訊轉譯數據成果、土水資訊小廣告及業務成果聚焦排版等設計,有效凸顯年度成果重點,多元呈現各項業務推動成果;同時更於年報完成編撰後上線年報各版本之電子書於土壤及地下水污染整治網,提供民眾以即時又便利的方式閱覽年報。整體年報編撰作業詳如本報告書第四章說明。 三、施政作業及相關行政協助 協助完成113年度及114年度「施政先期作業」及「包裹式預審作業」;依據各業務執行現況及未來規劃,完成施政推動計畫2.0版修訂;以及提供相關技術諮詢及協助。施政先期、包裹式預審作業執行及施政推動計畫相關成果詳見本報告書第五章說明。 四、土壤及地下水污染整治種子人才培訓活動 進行112年度人才培訓活動學員現狀追蹤,調查活動課程對現行學業及課業之助益,以及土壤地下水領域之認識及興趣增長等,並將依回饋意見納入113年度活動課程規劃。於土水人才培訓課程,課綱主要安排室內講授、戶外實作及成果發表三大部分,並邀請產學界專家擔任講師進行授課,課程包括法規、調查作業、污染整治及風險評估等課程,配合政府政策納入綠能議題參訪及政風宣導等豐富整體課程。已於113年7月1日至5日完成113年度種子人才培訓活動辦理。種子人才培訓活動相關學員現況追蹤及113年度活動規劃詳見本報告第六章說明。
中文關鍵字 績效考核、土壤及地下水整治年報、土壤及地下水種子人才培訓營


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 13400 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/16 專案結束日期 2024/10/31 專案主持人 呂婉君
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 賴文惠 執行單位 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 土壤及地下水污染施政策略及績效評核計畫(三)全文v1.pdf 29MB 本計畫主要工作內容包含辦理業務推動成果宣導、研修績效管考辦法及推行、擬定施政推動策略、以及培訓專業人才等面向,提升各環保機關業務辦理,進而完備各項土壤及地下水相關業務推動之成效。

Project of implementation policy and performance evaluation on Soil and groundwater pollution III

英文摘要 In order to promote the implementation of soil and groundwater pollution policies and performance evaluation-related tasks, this project includes the following work: 1. Promote governance blueprints and business results To present the implementation results of soil and groundwater tasks by local environmental protection agencies, this project assisted the Environmental Management Administration (hereinafter referred to as the EMA) under the Ministry of Environment in formulating the 2024 and 2025 Annual Performance Assessment Plans. Through organizing consultation meetings for the 2024 Annual Performance Assessment (Draft), this project ensured that local environmental protection agencies fully understood the execution directions for each assessment item. Furthermore, through quarterly reports, a performance assessment system, a guidance manual, and a customer service hotline, the project supported the EMA and local environmental protection agencies in comprehensively managing the progress of the 2023 and 2024 performance assessments. In accordance with the results of the 2022 and 2023 performance assessments, the 2023 Annual Performance Assessment Awards Ceremony was successfully organized. Similarly, the 2024 Annual Performance Assessment Awards Ceremony was also held, reflecting the achievements of local environmental protection agencies for that year. Detailed descriptions of the performance management operations are provided in Chapter 3 of this report. 2. Results and Performances of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation To effectively display the results of soil and groundwater remediation work in an accessible and understandable manner, the 2022 and 2023 Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Annual Reports (hereinafter referred to as the Annual Reports) were structured with storytelling elements, featuring chapter summaries, visual data representations, infographics, and advertisements promoting soil and groundwater remediation initiatives. These reports highlighted key achievements and comprehensively presented the results of various remediation activities. Following the completion of the reports, electronic versions were made available on the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation website, ensuring public accessibility and convenience. Detailed descriptions of the compilation and presentation processes for the Annual Reports are provided in Chapter 4 of this report. 3. Providing related technical resources, consultations, and analysis based on overall business and policy objectives This project facilitated the completion of preliminary policy operations and comprehensive pre-review processes for 2024 and 2025. In line with the current status of various tasks and future planning, the 2.0 version of the policy promotion plan was revised. The project also provided relevant technical consultations and assistance. Detailed descriptions of the results from the preliminary policy operations, comprehensive pre-review processes, and the policy promotion plan revisions are provided in Chapter 5 of this report. 4. Soil & Groundwater Processional Training Camp The project conducted follow-up surveys on participants in the 2023 talent development activities to assess the benefits of the courses on their academic progress and interest in the field of soil and groundwater remediation. Based on the feedback received, adjustments were made for the 2024 training program. The curriculum included three primary components: indoor lectures, outdoor practical exercises, and results presentations. Experts from both academia and industry were invited to serve as instructors, covering topics such as regulations, investigation operations, pollution remediation, risk assessment, and green energy project visits, along with government integrity promotion sessions. The 2024 talent development event was successfully held from July 1 to July 5, 2024. Detailed descriptions of the tracking surveys and 2024 training program are provided in Chapter 6 of this report.
英文關鍵字 Performance Assessment, Annual Report on Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation, Soil and Groundwater Talent training camp