

中文摘要 本期計畫主要執行地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統及畜牧資源化管理系統相關工作,在垃圾欄除方面,行政院環境保護署(今環境部)自107年起盤整臺灣地面水體管理權責,擬定相關分工及作業方法,並於109年起配合向海致敬政策推動全國單位執行清淨河面作業並記錄成果。本(112)年度為精進全國地面水體垃圾管理,持續維運地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統與民眾網,也辦理水體權管單位資料分析,並推動垃圾攔除考核管理辦法,最後也透過跨部會研商會議交流,旨在維護我國地面水體環境清淨;畜牧糞尿方面,環境部為減少畜牧廢水排放,與農業部(原農業委員會)共同推行「畜牧糞尿資源化」,並自109年起逐步建立「畜牧糞尿資源利用管理系統」與「全國畜牧糞尿資源化網站」,欲提供相關單位資料建檔、查閱、管制、統計與資訊揭露服務。本計畫持續精進系統功能,完成畜牧業盤點與管理、資源化案件管理與追蹤功能、土壤及地下水監測填報與管考功能、空間化展示、媒合與公開成效,以及系統維運。 垃圾攔除方面,本期計畫針對「地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統」及「嶼水相惜民眾資訊網」,今年提升填報防呆機制,並於地理資訊圖台增加綜合查詢與水體現況評分查詢功能,也透過3場次系統操作說明會讓各單位熟悉操作。統計我國今年截至10月之地面水體垃圾,總量達8,808噸並以自然垃圾為大宗,其中竹木佔最多(43%),人為垃圾則以垃圾包為主。另於民眾網增加水體垃圾介紹,讓民眾了解單位作業成果之餘,意識到垃圾對環境的衝擊,呼籲民眾垃圾不落溪;另為深入陸域水體權責分工及執行流程,進行6個單位訪談,歸納臺北市各單位具值得效仿的管理機制,另訪談其他考核分數較低或攔除人為垃圾較多之單位。綜觀主要應針對人為棄置問題加強民眾宣導,及應限縮全國垃圾熱區並滾動調整單位作業區域。另蒐整國內外法規與調查技術之文獻與資料,可參考美國檀香山策略,應針對熱區周遭進行垃圾清理以預防和減少垃圾;也蒐整8種地面水體垃圾攔除技術並評估適宜性。亦透過頒獎典禮授獎予去年度執行優良的24個單位以示鼓勵,另辦理1場研商會議與各單位進行經驗分享與交流。最後,為提升垃圾攔除管理效益,調整113年度考核辦法,調整分數配比、增加抽查不合格之扣分機制及提高淨溪活動辦理分數佔比。 畜牧糞尿方面,本期計畫介接環境部與農業部列管畜牧業,比對領有牧場證號而未納入水污染列管之畜牧場約為2,577家,本年度共計建置沼液沼渣資源化核定資料共289筆、個案再利用核定資料共151筆;本(112)年度建立核定計畫、資源化農地資料、土壤檢測資料批次上傳功能、大代小或集中處理場及貯存桶與集運車輛等補助資料建檔功能,並新增資源化推動績效統計報表產製功能,藉由功能逐步完善,可提升使用者填報友善度,並蒐整更多有關資源化資料,另持續維運包含案件逾期通知、每月實際使用量批次上傳、RWD的實際施灌量查詢頁面、土水監測資料篩選及查詢頁面、檢測資料超標提醒、監測數據未填報提醒、檢測報告上傳功能等;此外,亦新增土壤、水質監測、流量、雨量等相關數據與地理圖資,以利橫向資訊了解;考量目前系統填報功能完善,透過辦理兩場次系統填報教育訓練,開放各縣市環保機關上線填報,以期系統資料逐漸完整,爾後可透過系統資料掌握資源化推動績效;另在政策資訊揭露方面,除提供資源化業務簡介、太陽光電及沼液沼渣施灌車隊宣導頁面外,亦新增資源化施灌效益說明、廢水處理設施維護說明,並強化施灌需求與效益試算表功能等。並辦理1場次系統農牧媒合及實際施灌紀錄宣導說明會,達到系統操作輔導與政策溝通的效果。 兩項系統維護已完成本期開發功能安裝及更新,共計10次資安掃描中並無中高風險存在,另委託第三方檢測機構進行弱點掃描亦無中高風險存在,於系統開發期間,每月計畫成員個人電腦防護檢查正常。 本計畫期望透過資訊系統的發展,在垃圾攔除方面,透過管理機制提升、資訊整合、調查技術發展及作業推動,精進垃圾攔除管理機制,達到我國地面水體的清淨目標;另在畜牧糞尿方面讓各單位能共享相關資料,以利資源永續利用,提升畜牧糞尿資源化推動效能。
中文關鍵字 水質保護、管考機制、地面水體垃圾攔除作業、畜牧糞尿資源化、沼液沼渣農地肥分使用、農牧媒合


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5998 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/25 專案結束日期 2023/11/20 專案主持人 余政剛
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 王瑞鋐 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年地面水體垃圾攔除及畜牧糞尿資源利用二項資訊系統管理計畫-成果報告(定稿).pdf 56MB

2023 Inland Water Waste Removal Management Project and Optimization of the System Managing the Usage of Livestock Excreta Resources

英文摘要 The plan of the current term mainly focused on works related to management systems of waste collection and removal in surface water bodies, and transforming livestock excrement into resources. On waste collection and removal, the Environmental Protection Administration (now the Ministry of Environment, MOENV), Executive Yuan, has been reorganizing the rights and responsibilities of the management of Taiwan's surface water bodies, and drafting approaches to divide works and operations since 2018. Moreover, aligned with the policy “Salute to the Seas,” the MOENV has been urging government units around Taiwan to implement river cleanup operations and record the results since 2020. To continue improving waste management of surface water bodies across the country in 2023, the plan run the management system of waste collection and removal in surface water bodies and the public-facing website “Cherish the Water,” analyzed data from water body management units, and promoted regulations to review and manage waste collection and removal. Finally, the experience of carrying out these tasks were shared with other departments and branches through meetings in the hopes to maintain the cleanliness of Taiwan’s surface water environment. On livestock excrement, in order to reduce the discharge of livestock wastewater, the MOENV and the Ministry of Agriculture (formerly the Agriculture Commission) jointly promoted "transforming livestock excrement into resources,” and gradually built "Management System of the Utilization of Livestock Excrement Resources" and "Husbandry Excrement Resources Web” since 2020 so to provide related units with data archiving, review, control and disclosure services, as well as producing statics out of the data. The plan continued to improve functions of these systems, delivering functions to inventory and manage the husbandry industry; manage cases and track resources; report, manage and review soil and groundwater monitoring data; display spatialized data; make matches and disclose results, and maintain the systems. On waste collection and removal, the plan of the current term enhanced functions of websites “Surface Water Waste Removal Management System” and“Cherish the Water,” adding error-proofing mechanism when producing reports and comprehensive inquiries and water body condition inquiries to the geographical information platform. These new functions were explained to related units through three system operation workshops. Statistics of Taiwan’s surface water waste as of October this year showed that the total amount reached 8,808 tons. Natural waste accounted for the majority, of which wood and bamboo took the largest share (43%), while bags of trash were the largest among man-made wastes. In addition, an introduction to water body waste was added to Cherish the Water website so that the public understands the results of efforts made by different units and is aware of the impact of waste on the environment, in the hopes that they public could respond to the call not to dump trash into streams. Besides, to have a deeper understanding about the division of rights and responsibilities of terrestrial surface water bodies, and implementation processes of related works, interviews were conducted with six units to extract management mechanisms of various units of Taipei City that are worth emulating. Interviews were also conducted with units that had lower scores at reviews or collected more man-made wastes. An overall conclusion of these interviews was that communication with the public about the problem of the disposal of man-made waste should be enhanced, waste hotspots across the country should be limited, and operation areas of units should be adjusted with flexibility. Literature and data on regulations and survey techniques from Taiwan and abroad were gathered, and it was suggested to refer to strategies of waste removal around hotspots implemented in Honolulu, the United States, so to prevent and reduce the amount of wastes. Eight techniques of surface water waste removal were also gathered to assess their suitability. An award ceremony was held to award 24 units that performed well last year as a token of encouragement, and a seminar was held to share and exchange experiences with related units. Finally, in order to improve the efficiency of waste removal management, the review mechanism of year 2024 was adjusted- the score proportion was changed so that more points would be deducted if a unit did not pass random inspections and more points would be added if a unit held river cleaning events. On livestock excrement, the plan of the current term mapped regulated husbandry operators under the MOENV and the Ministry of Agriculture and found that approximately 2,577 livestock farms had ranch certificate numbers but were not included in the water pollution control program. A total of 289 entries of approved liquor and fiber digestate recycling cases and 151 entries of approved reuse cases was built this year. Approved plans, data of farmlands involved in transforming excrement into resources, functions to upload soil testing data by batch, functions to archive supplementary data such as using larger facilities to replace smaller ones, centralized processing plants, storage buckets and container vehicles, and functions of producing statistical reports for results of promoting recycling were built and added in 2023. With more functions added, the systems became more user-friendly when producing reports and easier to collect more related data. In addition, maintenance of data including case overdue notices, monthly upload of actual usage data by batch, query page of the actual irrigation volume of RWD, screening and query pages of soil and water monitoring data, reminders of test data exceeding standards, reminders of unfilled monitoring data, and uploading of test reports, etc. was carried out continuously. In addition, relevant data and geographical maps such as soil and water quality monitoring, and amounts of flows and rainfalls were also added to facilitate a sectional understanding of information. As the functions of the systems became more comprehensive, two workshops on how to fill reports in the systems were held so that environmental protection departments of counties and cities could fill reports online, in the hopes to that the data in the systems would gradually become more complete, leading to better understanding of the achievements in “transforming livestock excrement into resources.” On policy information disclosure, in addition to an introduction to how to recycle and pages to promote solar PV and liquor and fiber digestate irrigation fleets, pages were added to explain benefits of irrigation with recycled resources and maintenance instructions on wastewater treatment facilities, and functions of spreadsheets to calculate irrigation demands and benefits were strengthened. One seminar to match demands of farmers and livestock raisers in the system and demonstrate actual irrigation records was organized so to provide guidance on system operation and communicate policies. The installation and update of functions developed in this term have been completed through two system maintenance tasks. A total of ten cybersecurity scans showed no medium or high risks. In addition, a third-party testing agency was commissioned to conduct a vulnerability scan which showed no medium or high risks either. During the system development period, monthly check of personal computers used by individual personnel involved in the plan also showed no abnormal results. The plan hoped that the development of information systems could enhance the management mechanism, integrate various data, develop investigation techniques and push for progress in the works of waste removal, so that the waste management mechanism could be improved and realize the vision of zero waste in Taiwan’s rivers. On livestock excrement, it is hoped that related information could be shared among units so that resources could be used in a sustainable manner and promote the efficiency in transforming livestock excrement into resources.
英文關鍵字 Water quality protection, management system, surface water waste removal operations, recycling of livestock excreta, liquor and fiber digestate as fertilizer for farmland users, match-making of agricultural and livestock farmers