

中文摘要 (一)辦理一次用飲料杯限制使用對象稽查工作 1.今年度(112年)一次用飲料杯列管名單共103家業者,截至4月已完成103間稽查及輔導工作。本縣113年9月1日起將實行轄內飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯(包含生物可分解塑膠材質),本計畫期間持續定期追蹤並加強輔導既有及新增之列管對象。 (二)推動一次用產品源頭減量 1.今年已擴大配合39間業者提供自備餐盒集點優惠服務,其中29間同步提供借用循環容器、環保外送等相關服務,服務皆於112年6月1日開始至年底,持續收集統計相關成果及減量成效。 2.已整理業者清單並更新於環保局官網,並持續辦理源頭減量宣導活動。 (三)垃圾強制分類及垃圾減量 1. 配合烈嶼鄉112年加強推動垃圾分類,已於5月23日完成破袋檢查50件,金城鎮、金沙鎮、金寧鄉及金湖鎮則維持9-10月進行破袋檢查各50件。 2.已於7月輔導全家便利商店於企業會議用餐以循環容器提供。 (四)推廣資源再使用 1.已辦理7場次金免廢日二手市集活動及2場次校園不用品市集活動,共1,104人參與,共促進總計4,250件二手物交流量。 2.以二手玩具為主題,輔導湖埔村使用Facebook粉絲頁及LINE官方定期推送不用品訊息,資訊平台推送則數為10則,二手玩具交流量為175件。 (五)各機關學校實施計畫辦理情形 1.蒐集並彙整轄內各機關學校免洗餐具及包裝飲用水源頭減量實施辦理情形,填報率為98.38%。 (六)輔導零售業者改用循環箱及減少商品包裝 1.已有5家次特產名產零售業者同意加入改用循環箱運輸貨物行列,使業者在雙向物流皆可重複使用,推估每年可減少使用29,760個紙箱。 (七)辦理減廢工作及源頭減量宣導 1.已完成便利商店業者、昇恆昌好饗咖啡及妙妙屋庇護工場等合作對象拍攝,於11月15日記者會上首播。 2. 3月1日、3月13日、6月29日、8月10日、10月1日,已於金門日報發布共5則循環杯及一次用飲料杯限制使用對象相關新聞 3. 已完成輸出50張宣傳海報,並張貼於旅服中心、觀光景點等場所。 (八)推動循環杯服務系統 1.已完成設置40個借還處,統計至11月30日循環杯借用25,405杯。 2.清洗站112年維持委託社福團體「財團法人晨光社會福利基金會」附設妙妙屋庇護工場合作,物流作業由全家與7-ELEVEN自行進行運作,其餘店鋪由本計畫團隊人員安排,並已設立LINE群組調度。 3.共辦理特定族群8場、大型活動6場獺金杯導入活動,共1,983人。 (九)協助環保局辦理事項及計劃管理 1.本計畫已於112年2月21日完成本計畫工作規劃書提送。 2.配合環境部函文交辦、重大政策施行與臨時交辦事項,辦理相關垃圾減量、減塑等作業。
中文關鍵字 循環容器、資源再使用、減少商品包裝、垃圾減量、獺金杯、循環杯


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4395 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/31 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 曾楷珺
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 翁上紘 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度金門縣推動廢棄物(含一次性用品)源頭減量及強化分類回收計畫 期末定稿_壓縮.pdf 6MB

Kinmen County promotes one-time reduction work plan for outlying islands

英文摘要 1.There are 103 companies on the single-use beverage cup management list, and as of April, 103 companies have completed inspections and guidance. Starting from September 1, 2020, the county will prohibit beverage stores within its jurisdiction from providing plastic disposable beverage cups (including biodegradable plastic materials). During this plan, we will continue to regularly track and strengthen counseling for existing and newly listed objects. 2.This year, we have expanded cooperation with 39 operators to provide preferential services for self-prepared meal box collection points, 29 of which simultaneously provide related services such as borrowing recycled containers, environmentally friendly delivery, etc. The services are all from June 1, 2020 to the end of the year, and continue to collect relevant statistics Results and reduction effectiveness. 3.We have conducted 7 second-hand market activities on Gold-free Day and 2 campus waste market activities, with a total of 1,104 people participating, promoting a total of 4,250 second-hand goods exchanges. 4.With the theme of second-hand toys, we coached Hupu Village to use Facebook fan page and LINE official website to regularly push unwanted messages. The number of messages pushed on the information platform was 10, and the number of second-hand toys exchanged was 175. 5.Collect and summarize the implementation and management of source reduction of disposable tableware and packaged drinking water in various institutions and schools within the jurisdiction, and the reporting rate is 98.38%. 6.Five retail operators of sub-specialty products have agreed to join the ranks of using recyclable boxes to transport goods, so that the operators can reuse them in both directions of logistics. It is estimated that the use of 29,760 cartons can be reduced every year. 7.On March 1st, March 13th, June 29th, August 10th, and October 1st, a total of 5 news related to the restricted use of recyclable cups and disposable beverage cups were published in the Kinmen Daily. 8.40 loan and return locations have been set up, and as of November 30, 25,405 circulating cups have been borrowed. 9.The cleaning station has maintained cooperation with the Miaomiaowu sheltered workshop attached to the social welfare group "Morning Sun Social Welfare Foundation" entrusted for 112 years. The logistics operations are operated by FamilyMart and 7-ELEVEN themselves, and the remaining stores are arranged by the project team personnel, and LINE group scheduling has been set up. 10.A total of 8 Otter Gold Cup introduction activities for specific ethnic groups and 6 large-scale events were held, with a total of 1,983 people.
英文關鍵字 Recycling containers, resource reuse, product packaging reduction, waste reduction, Otter Gold Cup, recycling cup