

中文摘要 目前政府已針對國內部分金屬與化學品基線資料以及廢棄資源等進行資料管理,但因各階段資料現由不同部會分工管理,所蒐集的資訊分散且格式不齊,因此本計畫針對政府現有管理平台進行資訊盤點,並結合產業訪視之結果建立一整合型金屬/化學品與再利用產業循環網絡平台系統,並進行國際循環指標及碳排研析。藉由串聯上下游以提供重點產業鏈資源流向與再利用產品追蹤,從原物料源頭至廢棄物處理再利用建立資源循環鏈管理平台。 今年度工作項目共計四大項,計畫起訖日3月30日至11月30日為止,目前執行進度已達100%,並符合查核點規劃。本計畫執行項目分為四大主軸,包括:(一)盤點政府機關各部會資源循環相關管理資訊平台,彙整現行金屬/化學品管理架構流程與相關基線資料來源,完成推估資訊流3大斷點,包括1-部會間資料項目不同、2-資源於原料使用、製造各階段無明確流布銜接資訊、3-廢棄物與再利用階段數據和流向缺漏,並針對各斷點擬定補足策略,規劃訪視循環鏈上下游廠商共15家,釐清實際物質流向及量能、產業純化技術與再生產品推廣現況等資訊以補足資訊流斷點,同時也提出質量守恆法查驗及推估數據正確性,並透過實地訪廠資訊驗證本計畫數據推估方式具一定可行性,但若要達到數據真實性與完整性,則可藉由未來實行履歷制度取得之真實數據加以驗證。除此之外,為了建立產業發展趨勢預測模型以作為金屬/化學品管理與推廣之參考,蒐整研析經濟部統計處共55種經濟統計指標,作為產業發展趨勢統計分析目標指標的影響因子,並依照蒐集的數據進行建模,預測2025、2030、2050年之五大產業使用量與廢棄量,以分析出具推動潛力之基本金屬製造業(使用量大、廢棄量大)。(二)金屬/化學品相關平台之資料庫架構及系統運作方式進行規劃,資訊平台之架構依照屬性規劃區分為三大類,包括:資料蒐集(資料庫建立、資料串連)、數據分析(物質循環流布、廢棄物產能趨勢)、服務功能(物質管理、可視化展示、資訊查詢等功能),將視未來計畫實行狀況與數據銜接可行性進行分年規劃執行。本年度計畫金屬/化學品履歷制度框架研擬著重於國內循環管理,並以廠外循環為主,不同材質的金屬與化學品在數位履歷規劃上可以有不同考量與作法,但目的都是要完整記錄產品的生命週期,提升可追溯性與資源循環利用。未來可運用公協會的力量,推動業者達成產品數位履歷的共識,降低啟動門檻。(三)完成蒐集歐盟循環經濟行動計畫、我國資源循環分析系統等資料,彙整出8大具參考性之指標,並以歐盟提出的特定廢棄物回收率、循環材料使用率等循環經濟相關指標資料,作為國內指標制訂的建議參考資訊。最後,研析製程分析法(PB法)、投入產出法(IO法)、複合分析法3種減碳效益估算方法學,擬以製程分析法(PB法)為主進行2項化學品新品及再生品碳排差異分析,輔以Aspen模擬軟體及廠商訪視進行活動數據蒐集,得再生循環之異丙醇與硫酸分別有16,400噸/CO2e與硫酸1,190噸/CO2e之減碳效益。(四)完成針對金屬化學品循環資訊相關議題辦理 3 場專家諮詢會議,主題分別為「金屬/化學品循環基線資料建立方法與循環資訊平台架構」、「化學品循環減碳效益估算方法學」以及「金屬/化學品資源管理之履歷制度流程框架」,共計45人次以及7位專家出席。並於10月份《工業材料雜誌442期》發表1篇計畫執行成果文章,主題為化學品(濃硫酸、異丙醇)與金屬(鋁、鎳)產業純化技術以及其再生產品推廣現況及未來可能的建議。
中文關鍵字 金屬及化學品資源循環、金屬及化學品資源循環資訊系統、金屬及化學品減碳效益


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10198 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/30 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 劉子瑜
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 李佳芸 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 金屬化學品循環資訊平台及減碳效益評估計畫_成果報告(上傳系統).pdf 9MB

Metals and Chemicals Recycling Information Platform and Carbon Reduction Benefit Assessment Project

英文摘要 The government has already managed data related to some domestic metals, chemicals, and waste resources. However, these data are currently managed by different government agencies, leading to dispersed information and inconsistent formats. Therefore, this project focuses on taking an inventory of the existing government management platforms and, based on the results of industry visits, establishing an integrated metal/chemical and recycling industry network platform system. The project also includes research on international recycling indicators and carbon emissions analysis. By connecting upstream and downstream stakeholders to provide information on resource flow and product reuse tracking in key industry chains, a resource recycling chain management platform will be established. The work for this fiscal year includes four major tasks, which are planned to be carried out from March 30th to November 30th. The current progress is at 100% and aligns with the planned checkpoints. The project has four main components: (1) Taking an inventory of the government's various departmental resource recycling management information platforms and consolidating the current metal/chemical management framework and baseline data sources. This includes identifying three major breakpoints in information flow: differences in data items between departments, lack of clear information on resource flow during raw material use and manufacturing stages, and data and flow gaps during waste and reuse stages. Strategies are formulated to address these breakpoints. Site visits to 15 upstream and downstream companies in the recycling chain were conducted to clarify actual material flow, capacity, industry purification technology, and the state of recycled products. Quality conservation law inspection and estimation data accuracy were also introduced, and on-site visits verified the feasibility of the data estimation method in this project. However, for data accuracy and completeness, real data obtained through a tracking system can be validated in the future. In addition, to establish a predictive model for industry development trends as a reference for metal/chemical management and promotion, 55 economic statistical indicators from the Ministry of Economic Affairs' statistics department were collected and analyzed. These indicators were used as influencing factors for the statistical analysis of industry development trends, and modeling was conducted based on the collected data to predict the usage and disposal of five major industries in 2025, 2030, and 2050, focusing on basic metal manufacturing (large usage, large disposal). (2) Planning the database structure and operational mode of the metal/chemical related platform. The platform's structure is divided into three categories: data collection (database establishment, data connection), data analysis (material circulation flow, waste production capacity trend), and service functions (material management, visualization display, information inquiry, etc.). Execution planning is based on the feasibility of future planning and data connection. The development of the metal/chemical traceability system framework in this year's project focuses on domestic recycling management, with a focus on outside-the-factory recycling. Different materials, metals, and chemicals may have different considerations and approaches in digital traceability planning, but the goal is to comprehensively record the product life cycle, enhance traceability, and promote resource recycling. In the future, the power of a public association can be used to promote consensus among industry players on digital product traceability, reducing entry barriers. (3) Gathering data from the European Union's Circular Economy Action Plan and Taiwan's Resource Recycling Analysis System, compiling eight reference indicators, and using the EU's proposed specific waste recovery rates and circular material usage rate as reference data for domestic indicator formulation. Finally, three methods for estimating carbon reduction benefits—Process-Based Analysis (PB), Input-Output Analysis (IO), and Composite Analysis—are analyzed. The primary method used is Process-Based Analysis (PB), which was used to analyze the carbon emission differences for two chemical industries, isopropanol and sulfuric acid, as well as aluminum and nickel. Carbon reduction benefits were calculated at 16,400 tons/CO2e for isopropanol and 1,190 tons/CO2e for sulfuric acid. (4) Organizing three expert consultation meetings on metal and chemical recycling information-related issues, covering topics such as the methodology and framework for establishing metal/chemical recycling baseline data, methods for estimating carbon reduction benefits in chemical recycling, and the process framework for metal/chemical resource management traceability. A total of 45 participants and seven experts attended these meetings. Additionally, the project published an article in the October issue of "Industrial Materials Magazine" (Issue 442), discussing the purification technology and promotion status of chemicals (concentrated sulfuric acid, isopropanol) and metals (aluminum, nickel) industries and providing recommendations for the future.
英文關鍵字 Metal and Chemical Resource Recycling, Metals and Chemicals Recycling Information System, Metals and Chemicals Recycling Information System