

中文摘要 我國於73年訂定「都市垃圾處理方案」,以掩埋為主要處理方式,另於80年訂定「垃圾處理方案」,以「焚化為主、掩埋為輔」為垃圾處理之主軸。鑑於國際上先進國家提出零廢棄之觀念,檢討我國垃圾處理方式,將過去末端處理方式漸採源頭減量與資源回收為主,92年行政院核定「垃圾處理方案之檢討與展望」,確立垃圾零廢棄政策目標,研訂新北市源頭減量精進計畫,相關工作計畫自112年1月30日起至112年12月29日止,規劃執行項目包含:源頭減量資源回收稽查(核)管制及申報、源頭減量資源回收稽查文件審查及教育訓練、政策規劃及推廣執行、推廣資源再使用及維護及更新網路平台等。本年度目前推動至112年12月27日止,依據本計畫目標說明各項成果摘要如後: 1. 源頭減量資源回收稽查(核)管制及申報:本計畫已完成源頭減量資源回收稽查(核)作業2,222家次,各項稽查(核)作業均依合約規範完成,免洗餐具777件(700件)、塑膠微粒100件(100件)、一次性外帶杯613件(600件)、乾電池100件(100件)、塑膠托盤100件(100件)、過度包裝302件含100件實測(300件)、網路購物包裝30件(30件)及聚氯乙烯200件(200件)。其中包含89件陳情案件,受理件數依序排列為一次用外帶飲料杯55件、免洗餐具30件、過度包裝2件以及乾電池與塑膠托盤各1件。本年度各項稽查(核)案件合格比例高,不合格案件有過度包裝3件及免洗餐具1件。 2. 源頭減量資源回收稽查文件審查及教育訓練 (1) 本計畫協助電池重金屬申請文件審查,已審查共計71件,廠商資料常於電池照片清晰度、資料表字樣不符及文件用印等項目發現疏漏,將持續依照機關審查重點審查並輔導廠商提交申請文件。 (2) 協助塑膠托盤審核已於112年3月31日受理廠商提交之成果報告書共16件,另廠商皆於112年11月30日前提交113年度塑膠托盤及包裝核減量計畫書,審理件數為16件,將依機關審查重點持續辦理。 (3) 針對源頭減量資源回收稽查(核)協助辦理6場次教育訓練,參與對象為轄內清潔隊稽查執行人員460名,以及針對執行計畫人員8名自辦教育訓練1場次。針對機關、學校減少使用免洗餐具及包裝水作業指引及一次用飲料杯限制使用實施辦理說明研商會議共計4場次。針對政策推廣與執行辦理說明會共計9場次。 3. 政策規劃及推廣執行 (1) 友善店家推廣:已完成28家友善店家新增作業,累計店家數量達450家次,並於112年4月20至6月24日辦理推廣活動擴大宣傳,至少減少5,000個一次性飲料杯或容器使用。 (2) reBAG平台建置及營運:已完成reBAG平台清查、新增及二手袋配送,目前營運點共計312處,二手袋部分共計配送1,350個塑膠袋、2,522個紙袋及460個環保袋。 (3) 不塑夜市或商圈推動:不塑夜市或商圈推動部分已於12月10日起完成辦理1場次推廣活動,輔導新莊廟街夜市及中和積穗夜市攤商共計69個攤位,補助2,484個可循環使用餐具,減少60,000個一次用免洗餐具。 (4) 餐飲業減塑推廣:已完成輔導推廣55家次店家提供自送或結合外送餐點採用環保餐具。並輔導新北市448家餐飲業者提供消費者自備購物袋、環保杯、環保容器或餐具給予優惠。 (5) 大型活動辦理減塑推廣:已於112年4月16日結合「2023 新北市鐵道馬拉松接力賽」活動及112年10月29日結合「2023蘆洲觀音山馬拉松」活動辦理,使用新北Ucup循環杯落實源頭減量,估計減少46,000個一次性產品使用。 (6) 辦理減塑或源頭減量推廣相關活動:結合循拾外送平台,推動新北市環保循環外送,總計44家餐飲業者上架。活動期間訂單數達196筆,循環餐盒使用量達14,166個。 (7) 循環包材減塑推廣:持續推動環保局「新北Ubox」循環包品牌,今年度媒合屈臣氏及配客嘉進行線上購物包裝循環利用推廣「新北UBAG」,專案提供4,000份循環包材推廣使用及1,000份活動推廣品。 (8) 源頭減量或減塑政策:輔導轄下47處公有市場辦理「新北市公有市場購物用塑膠袋減量計畫」,112年7月至11月已減少使用10萬8,972個塑膠袋,總計減少6,538公斤碳排量。 (9) 職業運動賽事導入循環杯政策:與富邦悍將及循拾在新莊棒球場辦理共計20場次循環杯推廣活動。總計進場觀賽114,940人次,使用10,474個循環杯,歸還9,507個循環杯,回收率達90.74%。 (10) 外燴業者減少一次用產品推廣:協助機關完成轄內外燴業者清冊,總計41家,並辦理說明會1場次。其中7家業者申請補助外燴一次用產品減量計畫,計畫內補助租賃及購買非一次性餐具,總計減少使用206塊塑膠桌布及13,726個免洗餐具。 (11) 旅宿用品宣導政策:配合環境部於112年7月17日公告「一次用旅宿用品限制使用對象及實施方式」辦理1場次說明會及現場輔導作業共計20家,並提供宣導文宣供業者張貼及調查減量情況。 4. 推廣資源再使用 (1) 二手物再使用推廣:於臺北大學辦理推廣校園二手物再利用1場次,另邀請二手物店家及機關辦理二手市集活動3場次,活動觸及人數達15,000人次。 (2) 二手物交流站推廣:112年度二手物寶藏地圖新增793家次,總計已彙整901家次。 5. 維護及更新網路平台 (1) 源頭減量列管資料庫:已完成更新本年度稽查家數100%,並於計畫執行期間持續維護及更新。 (2) 新北不塑之客友善地圖:已完成新增維護友善店家、reBAG袋袋相傳、以租代購及二手物維修站店家名單。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、源頭減量、減塑政策


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3700 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/16 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 曾炳勳
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳慶芳 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112減量回收及資源循環推動計畫補助計畫-成果報告(定稿).pdf 4MB 補助計畫成果報告

2023 New-Taipei City Waste Reduction, Recycling and Subsidy Program

英文摘要 The Municipal Waste Disposal Scheme (MWDS) was established in 1984, with burial as the main disposal method. In addition, in 1991, the "Garbage Disposal Plan" was formulated, with "incineration as the main method and landfill as a supplementary method" as the main axis of garbage disposal. The EPA submitted a report and suggestions on waste disposal to the Executive Yuan (Taiwan's Cabinet) in 2003 to promote Zero Waste and to launch the policy of "waste minimization and resource recovery". In view of the concept of zero waste proposed by advanced countries in the world, a review of our country's garbage disposal method has been conducted, and the former end-of-pipe disposal method has been gradually adopted as the main method of source reduction and resource recovery. The plan includes source reduction resource recycling audit control and reporting, source reduction resource recycling audit document review and education training, policy planning and promotion implementation, promotion of resource reuse, and maintenance and update of network platform. The plan is currently underway until December 29, 2022, and a summary of the results according to the objectives of this project is as follows. 1. Control and reporting of source reduction resource recycling audits The program has completed 2,222 source reduction resource recycling audits, and all audits were completed in accordance with contract specifications. 777(700) units of disposable tableware, 100(100) units of plastic particles, 613(600) units of disposable cups, 100(100) units of dry batteries, 100(100) units of plastic trays, 300(300) units of over-packaging products including 100 pieces of measured testing, 30(30) units of e-commerce packaging products, 200(200) units of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) in food packaging. The number of cases received, in descending order, was 55 for single-use takeaway cups, 30 for disposable tableware, 2 for over-packaging and 1 for dry batteries and plastic trays, with a total amount of 89 cases recieved. This year, a high percentage of inspection cases passed, while 3 cases of over-packaging and 1 case of disposable tableware have failed. 2. Source Reduction Resource Recovery Audit Document Review and Education Training (1) The program has assisted in the review of battery heavy metal applications. 71 applications have been reviewed, and omissions were often found in the clarity of battery photos, discrepancies in the wording of data sheets, and printing of documents. (2) A total of 13 reports on the results of the plastic tray audits were accepted on March 31, 2022, and the manufacturers are required to submit the plastic trays and packaging reduction plan by November 30, 2021. (3) 6 training sessions were organized for 460 inspectors from the cleaning teams and 1 training session for 8 staff implementing the program. A total of 4 workshops were held to explain the implementation of the guidelines on reducing the use of free cutlery and packaged water in institutions and schools and the restriction on the use of single use drinking cups, and 9 forums were held to promote and execute environmental policies. 3. Policy Planning and Promotion Implementation (1) Promotion of eco-friendly shops: 28 new shops and businesses have been added, bringing the cumulative number of shops to 450, and a promotional event was held from April 20 to June 24 to expand publicity and reduce the use of at least 5,000 disposable cups and containers. (2) reBAG platform construction and operation: The reBAG platform inventory, addition and distribution of second-hand bags have been completed, with a total of 312 operating locations and 1,350 plastic bags, 2,522 paper bags and 460 eco-bags distributed in the second-hand bag section. (3) The promotion of non-plastic night markets or shopping areas: The promotion of non-plastic night markets or shopping areas has been completed since December 10, with 69 stalls located at the Xinzhuang Old Street Night Market and Ji Sui Shopping Area received a total of 2,484 reusable tableware and reduced 60,000 uses of disposable tableware and cups. (4) Promoting plastic reduction in the catering industry: 55 restaurants have been guided to use reusable tableware for self-delivery or in combination with delivery meals. In addition, 448 restaurants in New Taipei City were guided to offer discounts to consumers for bringing their own shopping bags, eco-cups, eco-containers or cutlery. (5) Large-scale events to promote plastic reduction: The event was held on April 16 alongside the "2023 New Taipei City Railway Relay" and on October 29 coupled with the "2023 Guanyinshan Marathon", using the New Taipei Ucup recycling cups to reduce the use of disposable products at source, estimated at 46,000 pcs. (6) Promotion of plastic reduction or source reduction event: Partnered with food delivery platform, Loopick, a total of 44 businesses have participate to promote eco-friendly food deliverance service in New Taipei City. The promoting event have reached 196 orders since launched, with a total of 14,166 disposable container was reduced. (7) Promotion of plastic reduction and reusable package: Continuously promote the EPA's " New Taipei Ubox" brand of recycled packaging, the project provides 4,000 recycled packaging materials and 1,000 promotion products for use in online shopping delivery in collaboration with Watson. (8) Source reduction or plastic reduction policy: 47 public market has joined the “New Taipei City Public Market Shopping Plastic Bags Reduction Project”, a total of 108,972 plastic bags, accumulated to 6,538 KG of carbon emission was reduced since July. (9) Introducing reusable cups to professional sports events: Collaborating with Fubon Guardians and Loopick, held a total of 20 reusable cups promotional events in Xinzhuang Baseball Stadium. Cumulatively 114,940 attendances had participated the events, 10,474 reusable cups were borrowed and 9,507 were returned, with a 90.74% returned rate. (10) Promotion of disposable tableware reduction of roadside banquet catering businesses: Assisting EPA in establishing a list of 41 roadside banquet businesses in New Taipei City and organize 1 forum session. A total of 7 businesses had applied for subsidies to reduce the use of single-use products, the project aimed to aid rented and purchased non-disposable tableware and sum to reduce 206 pieces of plastic tablecloths and 13,726 disposable tableware. (11) Promotion of accommodation supplies policy: In tandem with the Ministry of Environment’s “Restrictions of single-use accommodation supplies” policy announced on July 17, organize 1 session of forum, provided 20 cases of on-site guidance and promotional materials, and investigate the current reduction situation. 4. Promotion of reuse of resources (1) Second-hand goods reuse promotion: 1 promotional campus event was held at National Taipei University, and 3 second-hand flea market were held which second-hand businesses and institution were invited, a total of 15,000 people were exposed to the event. (2) Second-hand exchange promotion: 793 businesses were added to the “National Unused Goods Treasure Map”, accumulate to 901 second-hand businesses in New Taipei City. 5. Maintain and update the web platform (1) Source Reduction Management Database: 100% of this year's audits have been completed and will continue to be maintained and updated during the implementation of the plan. (2) New Taipei Plastic Free Shopper Friendly Map: The list of businesses that maintain friendly shops, “reBAG Bag to Bag”, “Rent to Buy” and Secondhand Repair Station has been completed.
英文關鍵字 Recycle, Source reduction, Plastic reduction policy