

中文摘要 本計畫已完成主要工作內容及專案成果,在法制面部分,針對強化事業水措管理措施,研析「畜牧放流水暫停澆灌規定」、「簡化守法者檢測申報」、「完備切削油使用處理之許可申報管理」相關規定,並提出水措管理辦法修正及其配套管理表單草案。此外,對於營建工地作業廢水管理方式,建議比照逕流廢水管理方式,並輔導業者妥善處理,但如有違反水污防治法第30條水污染行為之規定,則應予以處分;對於廢水所含污染物資源循環再利用之管理建議,提出初步法規修正建議,惟仍建議再審慎評估其技術可行、衝擊程度,再行規劃分階段之推動作法。針對許可管理規定檢討研修,主要依許可申請審核執行現況問題,協助檢討相關許可管理與認定方式。針對罰鍰額度裁罰準則檢討研修,主要工作係檢討疏漏違規之處分態樣、處分基數及情節重大實務疑義,並提出建議之修正草案。 除行政管制措施之研析外,在資訊系統與行政配合作業上,主要持續精進罰鍰額度線上系統;配合系統改版作業辦理相關支援;編製111年綠色國民所得帳;提出相關水污染管制統計報表;持續追蹤低污染既有未登記工廠管制及許可申請進度,以及完成辧理112年度地方執行異常分析診斷查核專案作業考核方式及進度追蹤。同時,計畫執行期間均配合環境部針對計畫各項工作內容進行討論及協助相關行政事宜,包括完成法規彙編本及專責人員訓練教材修訂與編製作業、4期水質保護電子報以及辦理本年度「法規競賽三部曲」教育訓練。
中文關鍵字 事業廢水、許可管理、資料庫管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6435 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/10 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳木麟
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 郭權展 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA144精進事業及污水下水道水措及檢測申報管理計畫成果報告.pdf 46MB 111A134事業廢水檢測申報及許可申報管理計畫成果報告

The Project of Improvement of Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management for Business and Sewage Sewer Systems

英文摘要 The project has been completed and the results are provided. Regarding strengthen water pollution control measures for business, we study and analyze relevant regulations on "Regulations on Suspension of Irrigation for Using Livestock Discharge", "Simplified Testing and Reporting for Law-abiding Business ", and "Complete Management of Permit Application and Test Reporting for Use and Treatment of Cutting Oil", and proposed amendments to the Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations and draft supporting management forms. In addition, for the management of construction site operational wastewater, the recommendation is to adopt the management approach for runoff wastewater and advise businesses in handling it properly. If there is a violation of Article 30 of the Water Pollution Control Act, a penalty should be imposed. For the management of resource recycling from pollutants in wastewater, preliminary regulatory amendments are suggested. However, it is recommended to reassess its technical feasibility and impact carefully before proposing a phased approach for implementation. Regarding the current permit management regulations, the main focus is on addressing issues encountered during the review and execution of permit applications. The aim is to review related management and certification rules. In the review and training of Penalty Criteria, the primary task is to review the patterns of penalties for leakage, the basis for sanctions, and practical uncertainties in cases with significant circumstances. Subsequently, propose a draft for suggested amendments. Furthermore, we continue to improve the penalty amount online system; cooperate with the system revision operation for related support; complete the compilation of the 2022 Green National Income Account; propose relevant statistical reports on water pollution control; continuously track the progress of control and licensing applications for existing low-polluting unregistered factories, and complete the planning of the 2023 abnormality analysis and diagnosis check project. Meanwhile, the project implementation team cooperate with the MOENV to discuss and assist in administrative matters regarding the various tasks of the project, including completing the revision and compilation of the compilation of regulations and training materials for specialized personnel, 4 water quality protection e-newsletters, and handling this year's "Regulatory Competition Trilogy" training.
英文關鍵字 Industry Wastewater, Database Management, Permit Management