

中文摘要 本計畫協助環境部氣候變遷署精進溫室氣體排放量盤查登錄及查驗管理制度,促進我國溫室氣體排放情形掌握,作為後續推動溫室氣體管制相關政策之決策參考。並依據氣候法第21條、第22條授權,修正發布溫室氣體排放量盤查登錄及查驗管理辦法、溫室氣體認證機構及查驗機構管理管理辦法,納入推動分級盤查、分級查驗制度相關規範,配合調整研修盤查作業指引、查驗指引、排放量清冊及盤查報告書等配套措施。另外,持續協助氣候署彙整統計環保局溫室氣體績效評比結果,以瞭解各環保局盤查與現場查核能力建構情形。而為提升國內溫室氣體查驗量能促使溫室氣體查驗制度順利推動,協助審查認查驗機構許可申請案件,並針對與本制度相關之事業、環保局及查驗機構等提供法規及系統技術諮詢服務。事業溫室氣體排放量資訊平台相關系統功能於計畫執行期間完成盤查登錄子系統、認證與查驗子系統功能優化調整,亦新建置盤查報告書 E 化產製功能提供事業便捷服務,強化系統資訊安全及相關功能維護運作。 本計畫相關工作執行為提升精進盤查數據品質,除透過持續蒐研國際盤查與查驗管理制度相關規範外,配合法制作業辦理12場次修法研商/座談會議,廣納各界意見並完成「溫室氣體排放量盤查登錄及查驗管理辦法」、「溫室氣體認證機構與查驗機構管理辦法」、「溫室氣體盤查登錄作業指引(113年版)」及「溫室氣盤查報告書範本」等修正發布,完成建置並上線溫室氣體排放量盤查報告 E 化功能系統,另研擬提出「溫室氣體查驗作業指引」修正草案等;亦配合各20場次溫室氣體排放源盤查作業之書面審查及現場查核掌握目前納管事業盤查登錄情形與數據品質狀態,據此回饋於盤查登錄及查驗管理辦法之排放量計算方法、數據檢測分析之相關規定。在認證與查驗制度部分,協助氣候署完成35件次許可審查,以及6件次之查驗機構許可證現勘審查;並完成5場次查驗稽查作業。本次稽查發現仍有少數案件未於規定期限內完成通報作業以及查驗過程中若有變更內容時未完整記錄,稽查作業發現現行查驗行程通報與查驗實務上的落差,並已規劃建議精進做法,供後續制度或資訊平台系統調整時參考。本計畫工作項目成果,係作為研擬盤查登錄管制及認查驗管理機制之相關建議,供氣候署後續政策推動及實施之參考。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體、溫室氣體排放量盤查登錄、認查驗機構管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 14981.1870 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/19 專案結束日期 2024/04/18 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 氣候署排放管理組 承辦人 張盈嘉 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA125計畫成果報告全文V1.pdf 14MB 期末報告

Improvement of Greenhouse Gas Measuring and Verification Management System 2023

英文摘要 The project assists the Climate Change Administration of the Ministry of Environment in refining the measuring, registration and verification management system for greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to enhance the understanding of national greenhouse gas emissions. Which serves as a decision-making reference for subsequent policies related to greenhouse gas regulation. Based on authorization from Articles 21 and 22 of the Climate Change Response Act, amendments to the Regulations for Measuring, Registration and Verification Management of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Regulations for Management of Certification and Verification Bodies for Greenhouse Gases are published. These amendments include incorporating specifications for graded measuring and verification systems and adjusting complementary measures such as measuring guidelines, verification guidelines, emission statistics, and measuring report templates. Additionally, continue to assist the Climate Change Administration to compile and analyze the greenhouse gas performance evaluation results of department of environmental protection to understand the capacity building status of measuring and on-site verification at departments. To enhance domestic greenhouse gas verification capacity and facilitate the implementation of the verification system, assist in reviewing permit applications for certification and verification bodies. Moreover, regulatory and technical consultation services are offered to entities, environmental protection departments, and verification bodies related to the system. During the project execution period, the relevant subsystems of the mandatory greenhouse gas reporting system, including the measuring, registration subsystem and the certification and verification subsystem, are optimized and adjusted. Additionally, a new electronic production function for measuring reports is established to provide convenient services to entities while strengthening system information security and maintenance operations. The execution of the project aims to enhance the quality of measuring data. In addition to continuous research on international measuring and verification management system standards, 12 sessions of legislative discussions/seminars were conducted and opinions from various sectors were collected. Amendments of regulations including the " Management of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measuring and Verification ", "Management of Greenhouse Gas Certification and Verification Bodies", "Greenhouse Gas Reporting Guidelines (2024)", and "Template for Greenhouse Gas Measuring Reports". Additionally were completed, and also launched the Electronic Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Reporting System online. Furthermore, the amendment to the "Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Verification" and other legislation are ongoing. Moreover, document reviews and on site verifications are conducted for 20 greenhouse gas emission sources to assess the current status and data quality of managed entities' measuring and registration. Feedback from these activities is incorporated into the emission calculation methods and data analysis provisions of the measuring, registration and verification management regulations. Regarding the certification and verification system, assist to the Climate Change Administration in completing 35 permit reviews and conducting on-site verifications for 6 verification body permits. 5 verification operations are also completed. Findings from these verifications reveal that a few cases have not completed notification procedures within the specified deadline, and incomplete records are found when changes occur during the verification process. Discrepancies between current verification itinerary notifications and verification practices are identified, and improvement measures are proposed for subsequent adjustments to the system and mandatory greenhouse gas reporting system. The outcomes of the project serve as recommendations for formulating measuring, registration control and certification, verification management mechanisms, providing reference for the Climate Change Administration's policy promotion and implementation in the future.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse gas, Greenhouse gas emission accounting, and registration, accreditation and verification organizations management