

中文摘要 現今氣候變遷已無可迴避,氣候變遷衝擊下從個人、社區、城市到國家等各層級都需要因應極端氣候,提升耐災韌性能力,如何在溫度持續上升、颱風豪大雨頻率增強等實境,做好防災減災,降低民眾災損風險,氣候變遷調適作為不可或缺。 本計畫以環境部氣候署過去四年在全台縣市建置之15處多功能智慧型雨水花園為標的(原為16處,但其中北投廣場雨水花園於2024年2月已拆除停止運作),協助各場址維護及運轉並提供管理諮詢。另外運用IoT即時監測系統蒐集現場數據並分析其成效,包含保水、降溫、水質等。為進一步推廣雨水花園,評估結合建築基地或其他工程的可行性,檢視國內相關法規以及召開建築產業產官學專家學者諮詢會議,提供後續擴大雨水花園實施之建議。因本計畫重點在於維護與推廣,透過現勘與訪談觀察提供持續優化建議,結合NbS、社區為本等面向,持續並更新保水降溫監控系統平台、辦理場址教具/教材競賽、宣傳及推廣等工作。今年完成教具教材競賽,並編撰雨水花園設施設計參考手冊等,本計畫的具體產出文件可提供後續相關場址應用,提高民眾及校園對於雨水花園、氣候變遷調適、環境教育等認知,協助政府推動相關政策,提高我國氣候變遷調適能力。
中文關鍵字 雨水花園、氣候變遷、調適韌性、保水降溫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 9808.778 千元
專案開始日期 2023/06/07 專案結束日期 2024/11/20 專案主持人 陳起鳳
主辦單位 氣候署調適韌性組 承辦人 李育儒 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA_RG(112)成果報告書.pdf 30MB

2023-2024 Promotion and Enhancement Plan for the Multi-Functional Smart Rain Gardens on their Climate Change Adaptation Resilience

英文摘要 Climate change is now unavoidable, and at various levels from individuals, communities, cities to countries, there is a need to adapt to extreme weather events and enhance disaster resilience. It is essential to be prepared for disasters and reduce risks to minimize the impact on people under the continuous rise in temperatures and increased frequency of severe typhoons and heavy rainfalls. Climate change adaptation is indispensable. The project targets the 15 multifunctional smart rain gardens established by the Environmental Protection Administration's Climate Bureau in various counties and cities across Taiwan over the past four years (originally 16 locations, but the Beitou Square Rain Garden was dismantled and ceased operations in February 2024). The project aims to assist in the maintenance and operation of the sites, provide management consultations, and utilize IoT real-time monitoring systems to collect on-site data for analysis of its effectiveness in water retention, temperature reduction, water quality, etc. To further promote rain gardens, the project evaluates the feasibility of integrating them with building sites or other engineering projects, reviews relevant domestic regulations, and convenes consultations with experts from the construction industry, government, academia, and research institutions to provide recommendations for expanding the implementation of rain gardens. The focus of the project is on maintenance and promotion, providing continuous optimization recommendations through on-site inspections, interviews, and incorporating aspects such as Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and community engagement. Continuing efforts include updating the water retention and temperature reduction monitoring system platform, organizing educational tool/material competitions for site facilities, as well as conducting publicity and promotional activities. This year, the educational tool/material competition was completed, and a reference manual for rain garden facility design was compiled. The specific output documents of this project can be used for future applications at relevant sites to enhance public and campus awareness of rain gardens, climate change adaptation, environmental education, and assist the government in promoting related policies to improve our country's climate change adaptation capabilities.
英文關鍵字 Rain garden, climate change, adaptation resilience, water conservation and temperature reduction