

中文摘要 目前我國流通之既有化學物質超過2萬種,為提升化學物質之管理效率,必須判斷應優先管理之化學物質並瞭解其生態及人體健康毒性,但若完全仰賴以傳統測試方法建立化學物質資料,則需消耗大量人力、時間及金錢。本計畫運用化學資訊學(Cheminformatics)工具方法建立既有化學物質毒性預測資料,搭配國土利用、環境污染資料、人口特性等地理空間資料,試行運用可取得之參數建立視覺化系統,評估其應用可行性。此外,取得高科技產業之真實放流水樣本,結合化學分析與體外試驗試行化學物質初步評估,以瞭解未來作為多元化學物質暴露之快速篩選工具之可行性。 本年度工項為:(一)應用化學資訊學工具方法建立既有化學物質毒性預測資料;(二)以1項國內產業為例,整合高通量分析以辨識真實環境樣本之危害物質;(三)以毒性及關注化學物質管理法列管之有機錫化合物為例(35種),運用電腦模擬及交叉參照法試行建立有機錫化合物之分群分類原則;及(四)辦理多元化學物質環境危害辨識及暴露評估技術之國際交流研習。工項一利用ToxPi建立化學物質優先關切清單,及依行政區試行建立視覺化系統;工項二取得真實環境樣本,進行高通量化學分析與細胞毒性分析,並結合ToxPi計算後,排序須優先注意之採樣點位;工項三建立35種列管有機錫化合物之毒性分類假說及原則,共分成三大類,未來可提供分群管理之參考。工項四則於112年1月9日至1月13日在臺北、臺南及高雄等3地,舉辦多元化學物質環境危害辨識及暴露評估技術之國際交流研習,邀請美國德州農工大學4位專家學者來臺授課,我國產官學界共約90人參與,研習內容除課程講習,並安排學員及講師至高雄工業區參訪,同時進行實際規劃及採樣演練,發揮研習交流成效。
中文關鍵字 毒理學優先指數地理資訊系統、高通量分析、有機錫化合物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7800 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/13 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 陳秀玲
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 崔君至 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告_公開版.pdf 0MB

The Project for Application of High-Throughput Screening Methods in Evaluating the Risks of Chemicals

英文摘要 Until now, more than twenty thousand chemical substances have been used in industries and technologies. The efficient management of the increasing chemical substances is relatively important than ever before. There is a critical need for reliable toxicity-testing methods to identify, assess, and interpret the hazardous properties of any substance. However, traditional toxicity testing is time consuming, high cost, and high manpower. Thus, to increase the efficiency of risk management, this project utilized the amount of chemical manufacture and import to combine with ToxPi-GIS system, including the sensitive population, land-use, and environmental pollutants data. Furthermore, this project applied the high-throughput chemistry and toxicity method for screening effluent samples from the technical industry and tried to develop faster screening tools for evaluating the chemical exposure and human toxicity. This report includes four major parts, which showed as follows, (1) To apply the cheminformatics in building the prediction data for existing chemical substances, (2) To apply a high-throughput toxicity screening model and chemical analysis in identifying the chemical substance and toxicity in an industry, (3) To build a principle of classification for 35 organotin compounds by read-across and computer-based predictive analysis, (4) To hold an international workshop on environmental hazard identification and exposure assessment of multi-chemical substances. For part 1, we proposed the priority management chemical substances list and visualized by ToxPi-GIS, which can enhance the management of risk assessment in the future. In the part 2, we finished the high-throughput chemical and toxicity analysis and found the four sampling sites should be noticed in the future. The part 3 finished the classification principle of organotin compounds and it can be used for conduct manage policy in future. In the part 4, the international workshop was held on January 9th to January 13th. Four professors were invited from Superfound center of Texas A&M and more than 90 participants join the workshop for environmental hazard identification and exposure assessment of multi-chemical substances.
英文關鍵字 ToxPi-GIS, High-throughput analysis, Organotin compounds