

中文摘要 臺東縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)之「土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」為每年重要的污染防治專案計畫之一,本年度工作目標包括:定期監測土壤及地下水品質、列管場址巡查與管制、污染查證及改善成果驗證作業等,以達成臺東縣土地資源永續利用之目標。 為此,環保局為持續掌握轄內土壤及地下水污染狀況,於112年度委託裕山環境工程股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「112年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺東縣」(以下簡稱本計畫),目前截至112年11月13日止,整體工作均符合合約規定,完成總進度97%,詳見摘表一所示。各項工作執行成果摘述如下: 一、地下水品質調查作業 長馨加油站(V00115)、瑞洋加油站(V00130)及綠島火力發電廠(V00061、V00062及V00063)已完成地下水品質調查作業,共計5口場置性監測井,其關切污染物VOCs及TPH均低於地下水污染監測標準。 二、監測井維護工作 本年度共完成34口監測井內部功能檢查、外觀巡查維護作業,各監測井狀況大多良好,主要為清除枯枝落葉、雜草及重新上漆;完成2口監測井設施修復作業(育仁中學及長馨加油站監測井),完成26口監測井井中攝影作業,3口次再完井及5口次異物排除,均已修護完成。 三、地下儲槽污染潛勢查核作業、網路申報查核及現場稽巡查作業 本計畫已完成112年01月、05月及9月網路申報查核,申報完備率為100%,另現場稽巡查結果,部分加油站書面資料缺失,經現場稽巡查人員糾正後均已改善完成,上半年度現場巡查人員發現鹿野加油站111年10月~112年1月期間自主監測防爆偵測器(LEL)25~86%超過法規規範(25%)2.4倍,臺東縣環境保護局和台灣中油公司協議,由台灣中油公司自主進行鹿野加油站污染潛勢自主調查,檢測結果均無異常;下半年巡查狀況多為測漏管標示不清及油底盆有污漬,本計畫於8月28~30日進行複查,複查結果均已改善完成,後續持續追蹤加油站污染防治狀況。 四、地上儲槽系統法規符合度及輔導作業 本計畫112年度執行地上貯存系統法規符合度確認及輔導作業共計執行8家,其中旅宿業5家、預拌混凝土製造業1家、農產業1家及食品加工業1家,其中池上牧野渡假村因防溢堤改善後高度仍不足法定50公分,本計畫與業者達成共識於6月30日改善完成,本計畫於7月18日再次進行複查,複查結果已將防溢堤增高至50公分,符合法規標準。 五、工業區管理作業 豐樂工業區於111年09月12日進行土壤品質採樣作業,檢測結果FL-S11101~FL-S11105土壤採樣數據皆符合法規標準;於112年5月23日進行地下水品質採樣作業,檢測結果FL01~FL05地下水採樣數據皆符合法規標準。豐樂工業區分別於112年2月16日及112年7月31日完成網路申報作業,審查結果均為低於法規標準以下並於SGM系統上紀錄備查。 六、辦理法規說明、教育訓練會議及新聞稿宣導 今年度本計畫共辦理1場次A、B群事業土壤及地下水污染預防與管理說明會、1場次公告事業污染防治技術宣導會、6場次校園說故事宣導活動、2場次土水繪本親子說故事宣導活動、1場次農民宣導會及2場次內部教育訓練,並製作宣導品600份、宣導文宣400份及故事繪本400本於會議活動中發放。另發佈新聞稿6則以上於各大社群平台上藉以擴大宣導層面。 九、資料庫更新 本計畫依據執行成果並於工作項目結束後30天內依規定將監測井維護保養成果、場置性監測井地下水質檢測成果、加油站查核成果等成果匯入環保署土壤及地下水資訊管理系統中。 十、協助列管場址管理 臺東縣內列管場址僅綠島漁港加油站,整治期程為109年08月04日~111年02月03日止。因111年05月23~26日臺東縣環境保護局場址驗證結果發現土壤TPH超過法規管制標準,立即請台灣中油公司提出應變必要措施計畫,計畫期程111年10月24日~112年10月23日,本計畫共執行7次場址巡查,巡查結果均屬良好,綠島漁港加油站現已完成場址污染整治改善完成報告書。 十一、協助機關辦理土壤及地下水污染整治業務績效考評作業 第三季績效考核分數為33.13分,因今年考評與以往計分方式不同,係以固定權重方式進行,如有疑問之項目則以扣除權重後按比例計算分數,且多項考評指標於年底結算計分,本計畫後續將會追蹤考評計分情形,預計本年度可得93.2分。 十二、其他 協助推廣「TT-Push」使用效率並於宣導會中配合發佈使用;協助以XRF篩測污染農地(臺東縣鹿野鄉中華段4711地號),提高檢測效能;綠色採購達2萬元以上。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、查證、監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5800 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 莊順
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳顯貴 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿(全)_112年土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺東縣.pdf 25MB 期末報告定稿(全)_112年土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺東縣

112 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Taitung County

英文摘要 The Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau's (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification work plan is one of the important pollution prevention and control projects every year, and the work objectives of this year include: regular monitoring of soil and groundwater quality, inspection and control of listed sites, pollution verification and improvement results verification operations, etc., in order to achieve the goal of sustainable utilization of land resources in Taitung County. To this end, in order to continue to grasp the soil and groundwater pollution status within its jurisdiction, the Environmental Protection Bureau entrusted Yushan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the team) to implement the "112 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan - Taitung County" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") in 112, and as of November 13, 112, the overall work has complied with the contract and completed 97% of the total progress, as shown in Table 1. The results of the implementation of the work are summarized below: 1. Groundwater quality investigation operations Changxin Gas Station (V00115), Ruiyang Gas Station (V00130) and Ludao Thermal Power Plant (V00061, V00062 and V00063) have completed groundwater quality investigation operations, and a total of 5 field monitoring wells have been placed, and their VOCs and TPH are lower than the groundwater pollution monitoring standards. Second, the maintenance of monitoring wells During the year, a total of 34 monitoring wells were inspected and maintained, and most of the monitoring wells were in good condition, mainly for the removal of litter, weeds and re-painting, the repair of 2 monitoring wells (Yuren Middle School and Changxin Gas Station monitoring wells), the completion of 26 monitoring wells, the completion of 3 wells and the removal of foreign bodies in 5 wells, all of which have been repaired. 3. Underground storage tank pollution potential inspection operations, network declaration and inspection and on-site inspection operations The plan has completed 112 01 months, 05 months and 9 months of network declaration check, the declaration completion rate of 100%, and the results of on-site inspections, some gas stations are missing written information, after the on-site inspection personnel have been improved and completed, the first half of the on-site inspectors found that Luye gas station 111 October ~ 112 January self-monitoring explosion-proof detector (LEL) 25 ~ 86% exceeded the regulations (25%) 2.4 times, Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau and Taiwan CNPC agreed that Taiwan CNPC independently conducted an independent investigation of the pollution potential of Luye gas station, and the test results were not abnormal; Fourth, the compliance of the above-ground storage tank system regulations and counseling operations In the 112th year of the plan, a total of 8 companies were implemented to confirm the compliance of the above-ground storage system regulations and counseling, including 5 in the hotel industry, 1 in the ready-mixed concrete manufacturing industry, 1 in the agricultural industry and 1 in the food processing industry, among which the height of the Ikegami Makino Resort was still less than 50 cm after the improvement of the overflow embankment, and the plan reached a consensus with the industry to complete the improvement on June 30, and the plan was reviewed again on July 18, and the review results have increased the overflow embankment to 50 cm, which meets the regulatory standards. 5. Management of industrial zones On September 12, 111, the soil quality sampling operation was carried out in Fengle Industrial Zone, and the test results of FL-S11101~FL-S11105 soil sampling data were in line with the regulatory standards, and the groundwater quality sampling operation was carried out on May 23, 112, and the test results of FL01~FL05 groundwater sampling data were in line with the regulations and standards. On 16 February 112 and 31 July 112 respectively, the online declaration was completed and the results of the review were below the regulatory standards and recorded on the SGM system for future reference. 6. Handle legal explanations, education and training meetings, and press releases This year, the plan organized a total of 1 briefing on soil and groundwater pollution prevention and management for group A and B projects, 1 publicity meeting on pollution prevention and control technology, 6 campus storytelling activities, 2 parent-child storytelling activities for soil and water picture books, 1 farmer advocacy meeting and 2 internal education and training, and produced 600 advocacy materials, 400 advocacy materials and 400 story picture books for distribution in the conference activities. In addition, 6 press releases were issued on major social media platforms to expand the advocacy level. 9. Database Updates Based on the implementation results and within 30 days after the end of the work project, the results of monitoring well maintenance, groundwater quality testing of field monitoring wells, and gas station inspection results will be incorporated into the soil and groundwater information management system of the Environmental Protection Administration. 10. Assist in the management of listed sites The site under management in Taitung County is only the Ludao Fishing Port Gas Station, and the remediation period is 109-08-04 ~ 111-02-03. Due to the site verification results of the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau on May 23~26, 111, it was found that the soil TPH exceeded the regulatory control standard, and the Taiwan CNPC immediately put forward the necessary measures plan, the plan period was October 24, 111 ~ October 23, 112, the plan carried out a total of 7 site inspections, and the inspection results were good. 11. Assist organs in handling performance evaluation operations for soil and groundwater pollution remediation The performance appraisal score in the third quarter is 33.13 points, because this year's appraisal is different from the previous scoring method, it is carried out in a fixed weight method, if there are doubtful items, the score will be calculated proportionally after deducting the weight, and a number of evaluation indicators will be settled and scored at the end of the year, the plan will follow up the evaluation score, and it is expected to score 93.2 points this year. XII. Miscellaneous Assisted in promoting the efficiency of "TT-Push" and co-released it in the advocacy meeting, assisted in XRF screening of polluted agricultural land (Lot No. 4711, Zhonghua Section, Luye Township, Taitung County) to improve the detection efficiency, and achieved more than 20,000 yuan in green procurement.
英文關鍵字 soil, Groundwater, Investigation, Verification