

中文摘要 依據環保局訂定之目標及工作內容,執行「112年宜蘭縣資源循環專案作業查核追蹤管制、宣導工作及促進源頭減量回收計畫」,相關作業均詳實推動與執行,本計畫執行之成果重點說明如下: 一、資源循環及垃圾減量目標訂定: (一)加強垃圾減量亮點精進措施及辦理工作坊 1.辦理特色亮點活動,包含:「2手交換讚」結合「『減廢』二手市集」辦理5個場次「減廢達人,勁讚!」兌換宣導品活動,以集點方式讓二手賣家與民眾共同參與,活動人數達1,770人,二手物品交換數量累計達2,321件。與宜蘭社區大學-良心菜攤合作辦理捧花計畫之『蔬菜捧花』良心菜攤GO活動,使用牛皮紙包裝蔬菜並進行販賣,試辦活動成效良好,並擴大參與對象(宜蘭大學神農市集、羅東民生市場等)。在羅東民生市場辦理【我行,我不塑】採買挑戰活動之「減塑生力軍」,向來市場採買的民眾及販售的攤商募集二手環保袋;並且於10月份起擴大活動範圍至縣內多個社區,與快閃資收站結合辦理,募集二手環保袋,共辦理4個場次,募集到182個二手環保袋,重新進入循環再利用系統約119個。與本縣業者喜互惠協商,修改、調整原先設置於喜互惠的袋來幸福箱回收分類標示,並新增設計二手水果網袋回收標示,且進行8處新的分類、回收標示張貼。 2.資源回收工作坊:本工作坊以呈現各公所資源回收現況,並於會中討論縣內初核計畫,盼藉由輕鬆交流會談及經驗分享的方式,凝聚各公所向心力及目標,一同致力於本縣最佳績效成果展現,已辦理完成3場次。 (二)協助擬定各鄉鎮市目標回收量:依據環境部考核計畫訂定宜蘭縣執行目標,本計畫檢視各鄉鎮市歷年垃圾清運及資源回收量申報狀況,輔導公所推動個體業者、社區、學校及機關團體資源回收變賣申報管理工作,並進行第一線破袋檢查輔導工作等方式,作為提升本縣資源回收率方法,並依據各鄉鎮市執行資源回收現況及資源回收率,擬定112年度各鄉鎮市目標考核量,供環保局做為縣內初核計畫之參考,相關內容詳如報告附件一「112年度宜蘭縣各鄉(鎮、市)公所源頭減量及資源回收績效考核初核計畫」。 (三)環保工作聯繫會議:112年度辦理6場次環保工作聯繫會議,並協助議題、統計資料彙整、簡報製作、出席人數調查等內容。 (四)資收變賣流向、機具及車輛貯存場等資料: 1.協助環保局定期彙整本縣各鄉(鎮、市)資源回收物變賣流向等資料,目前皆於契約期間,將待環境部完成資源回收變賣合約及貯存場囤積預警系統完成建置後,主動填報本縣執行成果,包含完成資源回收變賣合約資料填報、貯存場囤積預警系統執行情形及完成資源回收變賣憑證及最終流向(或再利用)資料填報。 2.12鄉鎮市公所資源回收車共計有78條清運路線及52處定時定點收運,每周收運五天,全部清運人力清潔隊人數共計712人(含編制及臨時人員),而全縣共有175輛資源回收車。 3.本縣貯存場申請優化補助案件共計4件,為三星、壯圍、羅東及宜蘭。 (五)民眾陳情回應:協助環保局針對源頭減量及資源回收之民眾陳情回應,112年民眾陳情、意見反應、建議留言共計18件。 (六)垃圾組成分析: 1.本項針對 112 年垃圾清運量與去年同期清運量進行分析,以此了解各鄉鎮執行資收策略情形以及作為執行後成效結果之依據。全縣112年1-10月比111年同期減少6,407.75 公噸(6.4%)。 2.依據甄選須知工作內容辦理本縣各公所收運垃圾之資源回收物排出組成及含量分析工作(即垃圾採樣)至少12車次,已於7月份辦理完成。 (七)資收關懷計畫輔導工作: 1.宜蘭縣共計348位個體業者,其中有277位個體業者參加資收關懷計畫補助,1-10月累積補助人次達2,889人次,實撥補助款共計13,556,236元整,經費執行率達91.47%。 2.資收關懷微型保險個體業者納保,投保之個體業者共計138位。 3.列入資收關懷巡迴團服務對象經查共10人,本計畫協助環保局彙整各公所於112年6月15日及112年11月19日前提報資料及執行成果。 4.環境部與本縣環保局合力推動資收關懷計畫,今年9月13日由縣長林姿妙於中秋佳節致贈本縣農產米至370戶列冊資收個體戶,以表達對資收個體戶重視及關懷之意。 (八)協助轄內薄塑膠及農藥空瓶去化作業:本計畫已執行薄塑膠外運作業49趟次(當中本計畫執行44車次,52.645公噸;自9月26日起則由環保局預算支應,共計5車次6.340公噸)合計58.985公噸,已達本計畫目標量40公噸,清運比率147%;而農藥空瓶部分已清運6車次20.459公噸,已達本計畫目標量15公噸,清運比率136%,另外剩餘約2公噸預計於113年初進場去化。 (九)辦理資源回收競賽或大型活動:結合考核內容及重點宣導,今年持續辦理廢農藥空瓶回收競賽活動,並透過縣內各公所、農會及農業相關產銷班之推廣,邀請農民與社區民眾共同參與,辦理期程為112年5月12日起至同年9月30日(六)止,各鄉鎮市報名隊伍共計有23隊,競賽累積回收重量計13,098公斤。 (十)辦理廚餘回收宣導工作及有機培養土兌換活動:透過環保局廚餘再利用機制所產生之有機培養土,結合縣內各鄉鎮市公所與資收小站合作進行資源回收兌換活動,本計畫另於活動外時間規劃在每單數月第一個星期五於宜蘭環保局進行兌換活動,供民眾前來兌換有機培養土。 二、推動社區、機關、學校、團體辦理資收及責任販賣業者巡查工作: (一)社區、公寓、大廈回收站設置輔導及新增示範站:本縣集合式住宅設置資源回收站已有39處,今年新增14處,另本計畫完成新規畫設置1處位於員山鄉雲闊一期,並完成辦理社區宣導說明會37場次,其中本計畫完成辦理11場次宣導說明會。 (二)辦理責任業者巡查(含新增及複查)、處分及相關工作:本計畫共查核88件疑似違反物品、容器之製造及輸入業者(在此稱責任業者)之相關規定,其中本計畫主動查獲共19件、本縣共接獲47件環境部函請未按期申報之責任業者案件及本縣針對其他外縣市移請本縣未登記及未標示回收標誌之案件,共22件。 (三)販賣業者逆向回收巡查及輔導電器販賣業者使用線上聯單。 1.主動稽查取締14大販賣業者,目標數為118家數,本計畫針對轄內14大販賣業者,進行應設置資源回收設施之進行現場輔導及查核工作,共計完成233家數,已完成署考核目標數。 2.電子電器業者使用線上取號套表:依據環境部績效考核計畫,輔導電子電器業者(全縣列管264家)使用線上取號套表目標為31家數,本計畫輔導套印數為138家數,巡查輔導56家次。 3.源頭減量稽查工作 依據環境部績效考核計畫,源頭減量稽查工作目標量為1,750家次,本計畫須完成640件(其餘 1,110 件為鄉鎮市初核目標), 本計畫共計完成2,090家數(本計畫865家數,公所1,225家數)。 4.一次用塑膠吸管 依據環境部績效考核計畫,一次用塑膠吸管稽查工作目標為管制家數70%,本縣管制家數為88家,完成家數為84家,已完成95.5%(考核達標須完成62家)。 5.一次用飲料杯管 辦理轄內一次用飲料杯管制對象稽查,稽查家數須達轄內業者30%以上,本縣飲料店總計711家(含夜市攤商),已查核 215家次(至少需查核213家)。 6.執行專案性加強稽查 依據環境部於112年8月1日修正「免洗餐具限制使用對象及實施方式」,要求公部門、公私立學校、百貨公司及購物中心、量販店、超級市場、連鎖便利商店、連鎖速食店、有店面餐飲業等8大類管制對象,除原本即規範不得提供塑膠類免洗餐具(含杯、碗、盤、碟、餐盒、餐盒內盤)外,亦新增不得提供「生物可分解塑膠(PLA)」材質的免洗餐具。 本計畫已於112年8月1日偕同環保局廢管科室同仁由許局長帶隊前往百貨公司及各鄉鎮進行宣導及查核,當日共巡查 109 家次,違規為13家次,違規店家皆已於輔導並改善。 (四)紙餐具 QR CODE 管理與稽查落實情況 本計畫共查核25家使用紙容器之店家,並填寫紙製平板容器及非平板類免洗餐具販賣通路及使用端供貨來源調查表,巡查之店家均已標示已標示 QRcode。 (五)巡查工作之管理及資料建置與更新、擴充及維護各類型需登打於「環境部環保稽查處分管制系統」共建置292筆資料。 三、辦理回收處理業輔導管理 (一)辦理回收處理業登記、申報及巡查輔導作業 針對本縣16家已登記回收業辦理巡查與管理輔導,合約目標為每家已登回收業者至少需完成巡查2次, 本計畫總計完成輔導55家次已符合契約目標量。另6月份已辦理回收處理業示範場標竿學習活動,9月份已辦理回收處理業法規說明會; 並請本縣消防局火災 預防科相關人員,於9月份辦理相關消防巡查與演練工作。針對本縣22家列冊回收業者辦理巡查與管理輔導,合約目標為列冊回收業者至少需完成巡查1次,總計完成巡查27家次。 (二)辦理回收處理業者推廣學習活動及設置示範點 依環境部 111 年度頒發轄內獲選「回收好厝邊標章」名單為「立昌企業社」。本計畫已於 112 年 6 月 7 日至立昌企業社場區辦理回收處理業示範站、標竿學習及輔導推廣工作坊,以供同業學習,期能提升回收處理業形象並帶動產業精進。 四、推動環保商圈形象改造及包裝水、塑膠飲料杯減量 (一)推動商圈或夜市一次用產品減量及設置設施 1.補助 10 家業者購置可重複清洗餐具,減少使用免洗餐具112 年以東門夜市(商圈)為主要借用對象(排除歷年已經購置餐具之店家),輔導10家業者簽署環保餐具使用的合作意願書,由本計畫協助環保局購置業者所需之環保餐具借予業者長期使用,已於8月9日~10日期間完成環保餐具移交,並於8月18日完成合作意願書簽署,並輔導業者啟用環保餐具。 2.輔導 20 家業者不主動提供購物用塑膠袋 已達成羅東夜市(固定攤商 21 家)、羅東夜市(流動攤商 5 家)、東門夜市(20 家),共計 46 家,符合本計畫及環境部資源循環署考核目標。 3.設置 1 處資源回收設施 於羅東夜市商圈範圍內之羅東立體停車場完成 1 處資源回收桶設置,共設置5處垃圾分類措施(一般垃圾、塑膠製品、鋁罐類、鐵罐類,紙容器),並交由羅東鎮公所負責維護管理,定期派員於每日下午三點至四點定時分類及清理。 (二)推動行政機關、學校減少使用免洗餐具及包裝飲用水作業指引 1.辦理3場說明或宣導會,輔導縣內機關學校申報源頭減量成果本計畫以於2-3月辦理完成3場次「減少免洗餐具及包裝飲用水宣導」,參與人數共計110人,另據環境部考核規範,縣內機關、學校每個月20日前,需到生活廢棄物質減量系統申報前一個月減量成果,單位填報率需達 80%,112年1至11月系統填報率皆已達考核目標。 (三)減少一次性餐具使用量(私部門、循環餐具、外燴業者) 1.宣傳及媒合私部門參用,並辦理示範或宣傳活動至少 1 場次112 年本計畫已媒合薛長興工業股份有限公司及燿華電子股份有限公司,於員工訓練及 422 地球日等企業活動中,宣導響應環保,不使用一次性餐具及水杯。 2.輔導以循環餐具盛裝供餐之業者至少新增10家 本計畫盤點111年環保外送與自備循環容器可盛裝之店家調查,自備循環容器可盛裝業者剩餘29家,3家退場,112年新增18家,目前合計47家,符合本計畫及環境部考核目標。 3.提供公、私部門外送、外燴供餐使用可重複清洗餐具之業者至少10家以上。 本計畫於112年3~4月盤點清查舊有名單,現仍提供環保外送的商家有26家業者,之後以電訪或現場訪視等方式,邀約及確認業者服務內容,112年新增環保外送9家業者,目前合計35家。 (四)辦理飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯實施日期評估作業 本計畫已於 112 年 5 月 4 日提出宜蘭縣轄內飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯評估報告書,並於 6 月 20 日依照環保局意見修正完畢。8月1日收到環境部來文通知修正意見,並於同日修正報告書內容提交環保局確認,環境部於112年8月16日公告宜蘭縣飲料店不得提供塑膠一次用飲料杯實施日期, 實施日期為113年1月1日開始,本計畫112年8月18日將製作的宣導單張與限制日期公告公文一同寄給實施對象知悉。 五、清潔隊垃圾破袋檢查 112 年 3-9 月共計垃圾檢查 840 袋垃圾。垃圾檢查結果(袋數)中,「合格-無回收物」 袋數計 213 袋(25%)、「 合格-回收物未達限制數量」袋數計 248 袋(30%)以及「 不合格」 袋數計 379 袋(45%)。 12 鄉鎮市公所垃圾檢查結果(袋數)平均合格率為 55%, 檢查出的回收物種類進行分析, 種類最多為塑膠容器 1,879 件(45.00%)、紙容器 1,562 件(37.40%)、鋁箔包 322 件(7.71%)。 六、推廣資源再使用及促進減量管理措施 (一)推廣資源再使用及延長物品生命週期 1.輔導轄內各級學校、機關、團體等至少2處應用資訊平台辦理不用品再使用的相關訊息推送,並掌握相關交換數據目前由礁溪鄉公所(大忠二手物交換站、巨大垃圾再利用修繕廠)、環保局巨大修繕廠、耕莘護校、宜蘭舊書櫃及聖母醫院愛心小舖、壯圍鄉免費免廢交流棧(實體、線上)等8處應用資訊平台辦理不用品再使用的相關訊息推送。 2.二手物品及舊衣循環概念店 考核標準於全國不用品寶藏地圖網站登錄之店家須達 73 家次, 且須維護網站之資料正確性達 95%以上。宜蘭縣於全國不用品寶藏地圖網站登錄之店家,共計 77 家。其中二手袋循環箱有 59 處,民眾可透過「宜蘭縣循環箱回報系統」留言反映站點異動情形,其餘家數則於本計畫巡查作業時,一併進行查訪,並依照實際狀況更新維護網站資料,以確保資訊正確性。 3.推動1處定時定點二手物市集,於丟丟噹森林廣場,辦理「減廢達人,勁讚!」兌換宣導品活動,辦理場次共計6場。 (二)循環杯、減量活動及記者會 為配合推動環境部各項減量政策,使相關工項得以落實,特規劃「來宜杯」園區型循環杯服務,並委託系統廠商開發循環杯借用系統及辦理相關輔導及宣導工作,精進宜蘭縣垃圾減量成效,於本縣羅東林業文化園區、夜市、商圈推動「來宜杯」循環杯服務。 於112年8月起陸續提供「循環杯租借歸還」服務,由環保局無償提供參與園區700ml循環杯(含杯蓋)、收納箱(放置乾淨巡迴杯及回收循環杯)。 本計畫已於112年9月18日辦理「來宜杯」循環杯服務推廣記者會。邀請羅東林業文化園區、宜蘭縣政府、環保局代表於循環杯租借點示範租借方式及歸還,於現場針對循環杯服務推廣進行說明,並介紹、表揚合作店家,促使未來更多民眾及業者加入使用循環杯行列。 (三)綠實踐商店認證結合大型活動行銷 本項工作為辦理推廣減塑商店認證:對於已認證通過「減塑愛地球‧綠實踐商店」持續辦理推廣,輔導並協助提升店家曝光率,鼓勵民眾支持減塑消費。「減塑愛地球 綠實踐商店」名單:總計設置39處,有效認證計2家(於112年8月到期),已到期未續約計31家,店家暫停營業或歇業計 6 家。 (四)設置並維護二手袋回收及取用點 為響應環境部107年1月1日起擴大限制塑膠袋使用環之政策,培養民眾於賣場購物時主動攜帶環保袋、降低購買購物用塑膠袋之習慣,環保局開始於縣內設置「袋來幸福箱」,本縣已設置57處據點。 另112年起為加強提升本縣社區大廈環保意識,落實源頭減量之生活習慣,培養縣內社區大廈住戶民眾可將家裡用不到之堪用乾淨環保袋、紙袋、放入二手袋循環箱裡,讓社區大廈民眾外出購物時可至大廈內二手袋循環箱取用二手袋,社區住戶也能以自主循環的方式推動,達到源頭減量及減塑目標,本計畫已完成縣內39處社區大廈輔導與循環箱設置工作。 七、落實資源回收相關管理及績效考評工作 本計畫定期於每月10日前函文提交前月份之工作報表並透過月報會議討論各項執行進度外,亦針對112年環境部資源回收績效考核預先準備,在環境部推動執行機關資源回收考核機制下,展現本縣資源回收工作特色及優勢,協助改善待加強項目,呈現本縣在執行資源回收工作與其他縣市差異處。今年度實地現勘考核行程於11月開始執行,本計畫依據112年5月環境部於全國資源回收LINE群組中,所發布之「112年度直轄市及縣(市)政府環境保護績效考核計畫」(修正版)源頭減量及資源回收績效考核內容,協助彙整相關報表及資料提送事宜,以便掌握各考核項目提報成果進度。 八、辦理資源回收宣導活動及媒體整合宣導 (一)資源回收創意互動式宣導活動及說明會 本計畫共計辦理資源回收及源頭減量等相關宣傳(導)67 場次;說明會及稽查工作 12 場次。 (二)運用媒體宣導資源回收工作 1.媒體露出作業 透過活動新聞稿發布於網路平面新聞或影音新聞平台,以及臉書宣傳露出等,本計畫已發布 81 則。 2.定期彙整各公所成效 本計畫採每 2 個月彙整各公所辦理之說明會、宣導等統計資料,依據環境部資源循環署源頭減量及資源回收考核另有規定需辦理實體行銷宣傳活動或說明會及媒體宣導, 年度目標由本計畫及各公所初核計畫共同辦理。 統計112年實體活動宣導場次共計辦理1,155場次,媒體宣導發布則數亦有1,811則,達成考核場次與宣導則數。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、源頭減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 10850 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 謝智偉
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 宋文婷 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 (光碟版)期末報告定稿_112年度宜蘭縣資源循環專案作業查核追蹤管制、宣導工作及促進源.pdf 44MB

Yilan County-112 Annual Resource Recycling Project

英文摘要 In accordance with the objectives and job description established by the Environmental Protection Bureau, the "112-Year Yilan County Resource Recycling Project Operation Review Tracking Control, Publicity Work, and Promotion of Source Reduction and Recycling Plan" has been executed. The associated operations were meticulously promoted and implemented. As of the conclusion of the reporting period, the key outcomes of this plan's implementation are outlined below: 1. Setting goals for resource recycling and waste reduction (1) Strengthening highlights on waste reduction and refining measures through workshops. 1. Facilitating second-hand exchange initiatives. 2. Bouquet Project's "Vegetable Bouquet" Conscience Vegetable Stall GO Event. 3. Mobilizing new efforts for plastic reduction. 4. Optimizing recycled paper bag boxes by integrating the recycling of second-hand fruit mesh bags. 5. Conducting resource recycling workshops. (2) Assisting in establishing target recycling volumes for each township and city. The proposed target assessment amount for each township and city in 2023 is detailed in Appendix 1. (3) Environmental protection work liaison meeting. This plan mandates the organization of at least 6 environmental protection work liaison meetings in 2023. (4) Data on the flow of assets, equipment, and vehicle storage areas, etc. 1. Flow of asset collection and sale: Complete the data filling and reporting of resource recycling and sale vouchers, along with the final flow (or reuse) data. 2. Current status of recycling trucks: In the 12 townships and municipalities, there are a total of 78 cleaning routes and 52 scheduled collection points. The total number of cleaning teams is 712 people, and the county possesses 175 recycling trucks. 3. Storage yard application optimization subsidy cases: There are a total of 4 cases, including Sanxing, Zhuangwei, Luodong, and Yilan. (5) Public responses to petitions: A total of 18 responses were received. (6) Garbage composition analysis: 1. Garbage removal volume analysis: From January to October in 2023, there was a decrease of 6,407.75 metric tons (6.4%) compared to the same period in 2022. 2. Sampling analysis of waste composition: At least 12 samples have been processed in July. (7) Recycling Workers Care Plan Counseling Work 1. Current status of the implementation of the recycling workers care plan: A total of 348 self-employed individuals, out of which 277 participated in the recycling workers care plan subsidies. The cumulative number of subsidies reached 2,889 people, achieving a funding implementation rate of 91.47%. 2. Self-employed Recycling workers are insured A total of 138 beneficiaries. 3. Inspecting tour of individual recycling workers. 10 people in total. 4.Presenting rice as a gift during the Mid-Autumn Festival: Donating rice produced in this county to 370 registered self-employed households working as recycling workers. (8) Assisting in the removal of thin plastic and empty pesticide bottles within the jurisdiction: There were 49 outbound transportation trips totaling 58.985 metric tons, and 6 trips were conducted to remove empty pesticide bottles, totaling 20.459 metric tons. (9) Handling resource recycling competitions or large-scale activities: A total of 23 teams participated, with a cumulative weight of 13,098 kilograms. (10) Handling food waste recycling publicity work and organic culture soil exchange activities: Redemption activities are held on the first Friday of every odd number month (January, March, May, July, September, and November). 2. Promoting communities, agencies, schools, and groups to engage in recycling activities and conduct inspections of responsible vendors. (1) Guidance on setting up recycling stations in communities, apartments, and buildings and adding new demonstration stations: There are currently 39 sites, with 14 new sites added this year. Additionally, 37 community publicity briefings have been completed. (2) Handling inspections of responsible operators (including new additions and re-inspections), sanctions, and related work: A total of 88 manufacturers and importers of suspected illegal items and containers were inspected, resulting in the proactive seizure of 19 cases. The county received a total of 47 cases from the Ministry of Environment requesting transfers from other counties and cities, involving a total of 22 cases. (3) Reverse recycling inspections of vendors and guidance on the use of online ordering by electrical appliance vendors: 1. 14 Big sellers: A total of 233 companies have been completed, meeting the department's assessment target. 2. Electronic and electrical appliance manufacturers use online number collection forms: The number of overprints provided under this project is 138, and 56 inspections have been conducted, meeting the assessment targets of the Department of Resources and Recycling of the Ministry of Environment. 3. Source reduction audit work: A total of 2,090 companies have been completed under this project, achieving the assessment target of the Ministry of Environment. 4. Single-use plastic straws: The number of completed stores is 84, with a completion rate of 95.5%. 5. Disposable beverage cup tube: 215 stores have been checked, with a completion rate of 30.2%. 6. Execute special inspections to strengthen inspections: On August 1st, in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Bureau, a team led by Director Xu inspected a total of 109 stores that day, and 13 stores were found to be in violation. All stores with violations have been coached and improved. (4) Paper tableware QR CODE management and audit implementation status: This project checked a total of 25 stores that have marked the QR code. (5) Management of inspection work and data establishment, updating, expansion, and maintenance: A total of 292 entries were created. 3. Handling guidance and management of the recycling industry: (1) Recycling and processing industry registration, declaration, and inspection guidance operations: A total of 55 tutoring sessions were completed. Study activities were scheduled for June, and regulatory briefings were held in September. In September, the fire department were asked to conduct fire inspections and drills. Additionally, a total of 27 inspections of listed recycling businesses have been completed. (2) Recycling and processing operators promote learning activities and set up demonstration sites: On June 7, a visit was conducted at the Lichang Enterprise Community Site to establish recycling and processing industry demonstration stations for benchmarking and learning purposes. 4. Promote the image transformation of environmentally friendly business districts and reduce the use of packaged water and plastic beverage cups: (1) Promote the reduction of single-use products and the installation of facilities in business districts or night markets: 1. Subsidize 10 businesses to purchase reusable tableware to reduce the use of disposable tableware: The signing of the cooperation letter of intent was completed on August 18, and environmentally friendly tableware was introduced. 2. Persuade 20 businesses not to proactively provide plastic bags for shopping: A total of 46 businesses have complied, meeting the assessment targets. 3. Set up a resource recycling facility: The installation of one resource recycling bin has been completed and handed over to the Luodong Town Office for maintenance and management. (2) Guidelines for promoting administrative agencies and schools to reduce the use of disposable tableware and packaged drinking water: 1. Conduct 3 explanations or publicity meetings and provide guidance to local government agencies and schools in reporting source reduction results: The system filling rate has reached the assessment target. (3) Reduce the use of disposable tableware (private sector, recycling tableware, catering operators): 1. Promote and match private sector participation and conduct at least 1 demonstration or publicity activity: Matching with Shieco Group and Unitech PCB, 2. Provide guidance to at least 10 new businesses that serve meals using recycled tableware: Currently, there are a total of 47 companies, aligning with this plan and meeting the assessment objectives of the Ministry of Environment. 3. Have at least 10 businesses provide delivery and catering services to both public and private sectors using reusable tableware: Currently, there are a total of 35 businesses. (4) Beverage stores shall not provide plastic single-use beverage cups for date evaluation The implementation date is January 1, 2024. 5. Inspection of broken garbage bags by the cleaning team: A total of 840 bags of garbage were inspected, resulting in the following outcomes: - "Qualified - no recyclables" (25%) - "Qualified - recyclables have not reached the limit" (30%) - "Unqualified" (45%) 6. Promote resource reuse and implement reduction management measures: (1) Promote resource reuse and extend the life cycle of items: 1. Provide guidance to at least 2 schools, institutions, and groups at all levels within the jurisdiction to use information platforms to push information related to the reuse of discarded items and master relevant exchange data: Currently, there are 8 application information platforms pushing related information. 2. Second-hand items and used clothes recycling concept store: There are a total of 77 in Yilan County, including 59 second-hand bag recycling bins. 3. Promote a scheduled second-hand goods market and host at least 4 events: A total of 6 sessions were conducted. (2) Circulation cups, waste reduction activities, and press conferences: - The "Laiyi Cup" park-type circulating cup service will gradually provide "recycling cup rental and return" services from August. - The "Laiyi Cup" press conference was held on September 18. (3) Green practice store certification combined with large-scale event marketing: There are 39 sites established in total. (4) Set up and maintain second-hand bag recycling and collection points: The county has established 57 bases, and 39 community buildings in the county have been equipped with guidance and recycling box installations. 7. Implement resource recycling related management and performance evaluation work: Submit work reports before the 10th of each month and conduct meetings to discuss the progress of various implementations and assessment projects. 8. Conduct resource recycling publicity activities and media integration publicity: (1) Creative interactive promotional activities and briefing sessions on resource recycling: - A total of 67 related publicity (guidance) sessions on resource recycling and source reduction were conducted. - 12 briefing sessions and audits were carried out. (2) Use the media to promote resource recycling work: 1. Media exposure work: Through event press releases published on online news outlets or audio-visual news platforms, as well as Facebook promotion exposure, 81 articles have been published in this project. 2. Regularly summarize the results of each office: Statistics show that in 2023, a total of 1,155 physical activity promotion sessions were conducted, and the number of media promotions and releases reached 1,811, meeting the assessment sessions and promotion goals.
英文關鍵字 Resource Recycling, Recycling, Reduction