

中文摘要 呼應聯合國全球化學物質展望與框架(第二版)、歐盟邁向2030年無毒環境之永續化學策略,及先進國家於化學物質管理所揭示之上位政策及法令規範,研擬「化學物質永續管理法(草案)」,條文共分為9章(計47條),包含登錄及申報、風險鑑別、生產管理專章與銷售管理、預防應變管理、教育推廣等專章。除法令規範外,研擬化學物質永續管理與綠色轉型推動策略及路徑,涵蓋五大策略(鞏固法令框架與規範、風險管理與溝通、緊急應變與事故預防、無毒轉型及數位科技運用),共15項關鍵議題,並規劃短期持續推動及長期創新發展工作。 為協助國內化學相關產業評估綠色及永續轉型成果,建立化學物質運作管理健診表,挑選10家國內運作化學物質廠家進行健診作業,包含化學原材料製造、電腦周邊等,並研提綠色化學系統和執行指引。此外,比對美國毒性物質疾病登記署公布之優先物質清單,探討我國優先替代物質,研提我國列管毒性化學物質替代行動計畫,加速化學產業轉型至無毒生產行為。未來,可搭配綠色化學應用及推廣評估指標,從健康、環境、市場、經濟面,評估我國化學相關產業轉型現況及可持續精進方向。 順應國際永續發展與公開透明的綠色投資的潮流,化學產業在永續資訊的揭露也備受關注,然獲臺灣永續評鑑評比前25%的化學相關產業的資訊中,在有毒物質管理、化學品安全、化學品標示、研發替代與新科技內容仍較缺乏,故彙整國內外相關產業揭露資訊提供未來撰寫參考。 行政工作包含4場次專家諮商會議(化學物質永續管理法、推動策略及路徑)、6場次認知推廣說明會議(國內外化學物質永續管理趨勢、綠色金融轉型機制、綠色替代案例)。此外,受邀於臺灣化學產業協會第82號刊發表「政府與產業攜手由綠色化學邁向永續轉型」。
中文關鍵字 化學物質永續管理法、化學物質綠色及永續轉型策略及路徑、化學產業綠色及永續轉型健診


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 13203.775 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/28 專案結束日期 2024/09/30 專案主持人 謝嘉鴻
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 陳郁潔 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 化學物質永續管理策略規劃及綠色轉型示範推動計畫(本文+附件).pdf 34MB

Chemical sustainable management strategy plan and transition demonstration project

英文摘要 Responding to UN Global chemical outlook II, EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and international related regulations and roadmaps, the project has established Sustainable chemistry management regulation (draft)、Green and sustainable chemistry transition strategy roadmap (draft). The regulation is constructed by 9 chapters and 47 articles, including register, declaration, risk identification, manufacture, marketing, emerging response, education cheaters. The roadmap is composed with 5 strategies, such as consolidation of regulations, risk management and communication, emergency response, non-toxic transition and application of digital technologies, of which are divided into 15 tasks with short- and long-term planning. To conduct industrial green and sustainable chemical transition status evaluation, a framework of chemical management check is built and been implemented with 10 corporations, which contains chemical, computer peripheral manufacturing etc. The check and evaluation experiences are summarized into green and sustainable chemical implementation guidance. Meanwhile, the domestic priority replacement toxic chemicals and Replacement plan are constructed, of which to accelerate the chemical industry transition to non-toxic manufacturing. Moreover, the comprehensive domestic transition status and related policy making can be evaluated by green chemical implementation and promotion indicators, which is composed with health, environment, marketing and economic aspects. The attention on chemical industry sustainable information disclosure is promoted recently just as global green investment trend. However, in the top 25% corporations assessed by Taiwan Sustainable Evaluation, the information about toxic chemicals management, safety, labeling and replacement research are still incomplete. Therefore, the global and domestic chemical industry case studies are summarized for disclosure as references. In the project, 4 experts consulting meeting (Sustainable chemistry management regulation (draft)、Green and sustainable chemistry transition strategy roadmap (draft)), 6 sustainable chemical promotion seminar are hold (sustainable chemistry management trend, green finance, replacement case studies, etc.). Besides, the industrial check experiences are summarized as “Cooperation between government and industry toward sustainable chemistry transition”, which is published in Taiwan Chemical Industry Association Journal No.82.
英文關鍵字 Sustainable chemistry management regulation, Green and sustainable chemistry transition strategy roadmap, Chemical industry green and sustainable transition evaluation framework