

中文摘要 環境部為維護全國河川水質,於102年制定「推動水污染總量管制作業規定」,希冀藉由總量管制,提升各地受損河川之水質狀況。三爺溪及鹽水溪屬臺南市轄內重點河川,三爺溪含三處環境部關鍵測站,包含網寮橋、五空橋及永寧橋,鹽水溪豐化橋則同屬環境部關鍵測站。三爺溪及鹽水溪豐化橋過去飽受氨氮污染影響,長期屬於氨氮嚴重污染,三爺溪於過去更因銅污染嚴重,於107年公告第一階段放流水銅加嚴管制。 臺南市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱機關)為使三爺溪及鹽水溪脫離氨氮嚴重污染,遂辦理「112年臺南市三爺溪及鹽水溪總量管制推動評估計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),希冀藉由本計畫評估三爺溪及鹽水溪整體污染現況,評估總量管制推動必要性及可行性,並同時評估對事業之衝擊,藉此兼顧環境及經濟發展。 一、三爺溪 根據本計畫評估,三爺溪流域氨氮污染來源主要為民生污染,事業次之,畜牧最後,經評估三爺溪氨氮現況污染排放量已高達897.2 kg/day,且近年三爺溪氨氮年平均水質介於10~16.2 mg/L,尤其113年度1月~5月氨氮平均水質濃度為16.2 mg/L,可見三爺溪氨氮污染嚴重,另三爺溪流域銅污染來源主要為事業,畜牧次之。另三爺溪銅污染排放量為1.05 kg/day,近年三爺溪銅年平均水質介於0.004~0.054 mg/L,尤其112年度平均水質為0.0145 mg/L,113年第一季為0.004 mg/L,皆低於人體健康標準,顯見三爺溪流域銅放流水濃度皆有大幅度改善。 為掌握三爺溪流域現況,本計畫利用水質模式對三爺溪河川涵容能力分析,根據分析結果,三爺溪氨氮河川涵容能力為593.5 kg/day,銅河川涵容能力為14.9 kg/day,可見氨氮現況污染排放量已高於河川氨氮涵容能力,而銅現況污染排放量低於河川銅涵容能力,故本計畫建議推動三爺溪流域氨氮總量管制作為,另為減少事業之衝擊,本計畫建議分階段推動總量管制,第一階段建議氨氮總量管制作為分述如下: (一)推動三爺溪事業氨氮放流水標準加嚴,於第一階段加嚴氨氮放流水標準至75 mg/L,既有氨氮放流水標準較嚴者,從嚴之,並於公告後2年正式實施,若涉及工程改善者,可於公告後6個月內提送改善計畫書,經核定後可於公告後3年實施。 (二)推動三爺溪流域事業禁用氯化銨,要求三爺溪流域新設事業禁用氯化銨,既有事業禁止增加氯化銨之使用量,並於公告後3年須完全禁用氯化銨。 另本計畫為瞭解事業對於第一階段氨氮總量管制之想法與意見,本計畫於113年5月21日及6月3日各別辦理廠商宣導說明會,藉由廠商宣導說明會,提升與廠商間之交流,並瞭解廠商之想法與建議。於宣導說明會結束後,本計畫協助研擬「三爺溪流域廢(污)水氨氮排放總量管制要點(草案)」予機關,以利機關後續與臺南市政府提送相關申請。 二、鹽水溪 根據本計畫評估,鹽水溪流域氨氮污染來源主要為民生污染,畜牧次之,事業最後,經評估鹽水溪豐化橋上游集污區氨氮現況污染量已高達864.2 kg/day,且近年鹽水溪豐化橋氨氮年平均水質介於4.7~11.7 mg/L,尤其113年度1月~5月氨氮平均水質濃度為11.7 mg/L,可見鹽水溪豐化橋氨氮污染嚴重。 為掌握鹽水溪豐化橋現況,本計畫參考鹽水溪豐化橋歷年水質水量數據,並評估Q75時之流量涵容能力,經評估鹽水溪豐化橋氨氮涵容能力為302.6 kg/day,可見氨氮現況污染排放量已高於河川氨氮涵容能力,故本計畫建議後續應推動鹽水溪豐化橋氨氮總量管制作為。由於鹽水溪豐化橋事業之氨氮污染主要源自於畜牧業,本計畫建議鹽水溪豐化橋應推動畜牧資源化達90%,並針對未訂定氨氮放流水標準之事業訂定氨氮放流水標準,避免部分事業氨氮放流水濃度過高卻無法管制。惟若直接推動畜牧資源化達90%,對畜牧業之衝擊恐過高,故本計畫建議後續鹽水溪豐化橋若推動總量管制,應與三爺溪流域總量管制相同須分階段推動。
中文關鍵字 總量管制、河川污染整治、整治成效評估


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4800 千元
專案開始日期 2023/09/28 專案結束日期 2024/06/30 專案主持人 孫宏華
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 沈欣薇06-6572916#2329 執行單位 磐誠工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 13MB

Tainan City - 2023 Tainan San-yei River and Yanshuei River Total Volume Control Promotion and Assessment Project

英文摘要 Efforts to Improve River Water Quality in Tainan: Total Volume Control Plan for San-yei River and Yanshuei River (2023) The Ministry of Environment (MOE) introduced the "Guidelines for Promoting Water Pollution Total Volume Control" in 2013 to enhance the water quality of impaired rivers through Total Volume Control measures. San-yei River and Yanshuei River are key rivers in Tainan City, with critical monitoring stations at Wangliao Bridge, Wukong Bridge, and Yongning Bridge for San-yei River, and Fenghua Bridge for Yanshuei River. Both rivers have suffered severe ammonia nitrogen pollution, with San-yei River also experiencing past copper contamination, prompting stricter discharge regulations in 2018. To tackle ammonia nitrogen pollution, the Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau initiated the "2023 Total Volume Control Promotion and Assessment Plan for San-yei River and Yanshuei River." The Plan evaluates the current pollution levels, assesses the feasibility of implementing Total Volume Control, and considers potential impacts on businesses, striving to balance environmental protection and economic development. 1. San-yei River Pollution Sources: Ammonia nitrogen pollution mainly stems from domestic sources, followed by industrial and livestock contributions. Current discharge levels reach 897.2 kg/day, with annual average concentrations between 10 and 16.2 mg/L. From January to May 2024, concentrations averaged 16.2 mg/L, reflecting severe pollution. Copper pollution, primarily from industrial sources, has improved significantly, with discharge at 1.05 kg/day and average concentrations below health standards in 2023–2024. Carrying Capacity Analysis: Using water quality models, the river's ammonia nitrogen carrying capacity is 593.5 kg/day, while copper carrying capacity is 14.9 kg/day. Current ammonia nitrogen discharge exceeds this capacity, necessitating Total Volume Control measures. Copper discharge remains within acceptable limits. Recommended Measures (Phase 1): 1.Stricter Discharge Standards: Tighten the ammonia nitrogen standard to 75 mg/L. Existing stricter standards will prevail. The new standard will be enforced two years after announcement, with a three-year extension for businesses requiring facility upgrades. 2.Ban on Ammonium Chloride: Prohibit its use by new businesses and restrict increases by existing ones. A complete ban must be implemented within three years. Stakeholder Engagement: Two public workshops in May and June 2024 facilitated dialogue with businesses. Following these discussions, the Plan drafted "San-yei River Basin Ammonia Nitrogen Discharge Total Volume Control Guidelines (Draft)" for the Agency’s review. 2. Yanshuei River Pollution Sources: Domestic pollution is the primary source, followed by livestock and industrial activities. Ammonia nitrogen discharge at Fenghua Bridge upstream is 864.2 kg/day, with annual concentrations ranging from 4.7 to 11.7 mg/L. From January to May 2024, the average concentration was 11.7 mg/L, signaling severe pollution. Carrying Capacity Analysis: Based on Q75 flow data, the ammonia nitrogen carrying capacity of Fenghua Bridge is 302.6 kg/day, far below current discharge levels. Recommended Measures: Livestock Waste Management: Achieve a 90% resource recovery rate for livestock waste. Discharge Standards for Non-regulated Businesses: Establish standards to prevent unregulated high concentrations. To minimize economic impact, the Plan suggests phased implementation of these measures, similar to San-yei River’s approach.
英文關鍵字 Total Volume Control, River Pollution Remediation, Remediation Effectiveness Evaluation