

中文摘要 本計畫共包含四個項目,茲分別說明各項工作成果。一、盤點國內再生能原料源及技術:盤點國內可作為廢棄物發電、產熱設施料源之種類、數量及現行再利用技術及設施種類,並彙整部會推動廢棄物能源化及生質能之補助及獎勵措施,提出推動建議。二、推展固體再生燃料(下稱SRF)使用:完成調查國內SRF製造、使用及灰渣設施量能及運作情形,112年核准運作之SRF製造廠共55家,SRF製造量,已從108年約6萬公噸,提升至111年20萬公噸,112年1-9月達21.2萬公噸。檢視全國SRF製造廠廢清書及許可文件,提出「固體再生燃料碳足跡產品類別規則文件(PCR)(初稿)」及協助修正「SRF相關管理方式」。三、協助追蹤調查國內污泥、木材現況:調查國內行業別污泥及木材產出清理及資源化情形及設施量能,選定清理較有問題之產業別進行訪視輔導,研提清理管理建議。四、完成每季4處環保科技園區追蹤查察作業,彙整園區營運概況。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物燃料化、固體再生燃料、工業污泥、木材


專案計畫編號 112AZ011 經費年度 112 計畫經費 22800 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/03 專案結束日期 2023/12/15 專案主持人 黃馨
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 簡宗興 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 0.成果報告全文版(上傳系統)R2.pdf 21MB

The Industrial Waste Disposal Management and Fuelization Promotion Project

英文摘要 This project contained a total of four major parts. Here are the results of each work. First of all, this project inventoried the domestic material sources and technologies for the renewable energy. It inventoried the types, quantities, reuse technologies and facilities that can be used as power or heat generation, and organized the information included waste-to-energy, biomass energy subsidy and incentive policies from various ministries to propose the recommendation. Second of all, this project promoted the use of Solid Recovered Fuel(SRF). It completed the investigation for Solid Recovered Fuel(SRF) from domestic manufacturers, users and their operational condition. There were currently 55 SRF manufacturers which were permit operation produced. The production volume of SRF had increased from approximately 60,000 metric tons in 2019 to 200,000 metric tons in 2022. Even from January to September 2023, it would reach 212,000 metric tons. This project also checked waste clearance and licensing documents of SRF manufacturing plants, and had to draft the guidance which were “Solid Renewable Fuel Carbon Footprint Product Category Rules Document (PCR) (Draft)” and “SRF Related Management Methods”. Thirdly, the cleanup and recycling status of Industrial sludge and Waste Wood that difficult to cleanup and the capacity of those waste disposal organizations were investigated near the four seasons and those waste. By tracking the waste of industries, this project had supported the management proposal. Finally, the quarterly inspection of four Environmental Science and Technology Parks was finished. Their operational data were also collected and organized.
英文關鍵字 Industrial Waste Fuelization, Solid Recovered Fuel , Industrial sludge, Waste Wood