英文摘要 |
In March 2022, Taiwan officially published “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050”, which provides the action pathway to achieve “2050 Net-Zero Emissions”. One of major strategies is “industrial department transition”, which is directly related to stationary sources of air pollutants, and the Greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions from stationary sources must be understand. Under the policy of net-zero emissions, introducing the emission reduction of warming potential substances and air pollutants, simultaneously, can achieve a co-benefits on reducing GHGs and air pollution emissions. Among the substances with warming potential, carbon dioxide is the gas with the highest emission, mainly from combustionas well as with many emission sources. The other six greenhouse gases (CH4, SF6, NF3, N2O, PFCs, HFCs) account for a low emission relatively, but mostly emitted by a single industry or process, as well as those gases have a high global warming potential, which is effective in reduction. Therefore, the six GHGs are the target gas of this project. At this project, the emission data of warming potential substances from seven stationary source categories has been collected, including semiconductor, optoelectronic, electric power, chemical material manufacturing, oil refining, petrochemical, and paper industry. On-site visits and emission inspections of the three main pollution sources of warming potential substances are conducted to understand the current status of the manufacturing process, current control technology and reduction practices of the main emission sources of high-warming potential substances. Work items on feasible reduction programs and control measures for high-warming-potential substance emission sources, the reduction method for three specific processes (semiconductor manufacturing, TFT manufacturing, industrial wastewater treatment plant) released from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the UNFCCC and Taiwan MOEV have been collected. Potential feasible technologies are also compiled according to the types of pollution sources. A coherent policy approach are proposed to reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution, that is the strategy are transit from co-benefits to coherent policies. Work items on capture devices for warming potential substances, the reference of capture efficiency and applicable situations of various types of capture devices has been collected, and NIEA A735 of Taiwan MOEV, Method 204 series of the United States EPA, and ANSI/ASHRAE 110-2016 of American National Standards Institute and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Condition Engineers have been analyzed. The reference regarding alternative tracer gases for SF6 and the applicability assessment method are also collected. Capture efficiency of different types of capture devices are evaluated by means of the recommended measure, and the design guidelines and operation regulations of capture devices is also developed in this project.