

中文摘要 本年度工作內容主要分為五大項目,包括「強化轄內列管公廁管理與環境整潔量能」、「提高轄內環境用藥管理量能」、「降低轄內登革熱病媒蚊孳生」、「加強民眾環境清潔與衛生意識」及「其他配合項目」等。本計畫執行期程為111年12月30日(決標日)至112年12月31日止,期末報告撰寫完成時間為112年12月止,執行成果摘要如下: 一、強化轄內列管公廁管理與環境整潔量能 (一)本計畫於3月底前完成建立及更新本縣公廁列管基線資料盤點工作,並於112年4月20日前上傳。 (二)針對本縣列管公廁巡檢作業,本計畫已巡檢832處,假日巡檢經環保局同意已巡檢589處,共完成巡檢1,421處,惟巡查缺失有823座(1,424項,占整體1.07%),缺失項目主要劃分為硬體設備占0.81%、清潔維護占2.76%及維護檢查紀錄占1.01%三大項。 (三)本計畫配合環境部規定並協助進行公廁修繕相關業務,協助管控「改善公廁暨提升優質公廁推動計畫」進度。 (四)執行考核作業,總計51處149座公廁參與評比,各組均評選出金質獎、銀質獎、銅質獎各1處,並於10月25日配合清潔隊員節進行優良公廁認證頒獎儀式。 (五)本計畫全新設計並製作公廁標籤列管卡,融入宜蘭在地特色,共完成300個(優於合約數量),已於8月底換置完成。 (六)今年度於冬山河親水公園遊客中心、中興文化創意園區興藏館、宜蘭市綠九市場、天送埤火車站、幾米廣場南側木工房旁、五峰旗風景區停車場、湯圍溝公園、清水地熱、宜蘭河濱公園北岸、宜蘭河濱公園南岸等,共10處進行公廁外觀及內部形象美化。 (七)今年度完成1,072份公廁滿意度問卷調查作業,民眾較重視乾淨程度及異味等,希望公廁能多提供衛生紙及消毒液居多,對於整體滿意程度達7成。 (八)本計畫協助每月鄉鎮市公所執行環境清潔實施要點績效考核之委員評分資料彙整及優缺點彙整登打作業。 二、提高轄內環境用藥管理量能 (一)今年度查核病媒防治用藥販賣情形,共計已查核13家次617項環境用藥藥品查核,全數案件均符合法規要求。 (二)病媒防治業及環境用藥販賣業查核工作,完成查核19家,其中查核病媒蚊防治業15家,有2家稽查現場無人員並聯繫未果,回報環保局將依規定進行裁罰,有3家缺健康檢查紀錄,依規定已請廠商於時限內補件至環保局備查,有1家物品超過保存期限,依規定已請廠商逆向回收並將收據回報環保局備查,其餘皆符合法規要求;而查核販賣業4家皆符合法規要求。 三、降低轄內登革熱病媒蚊孳生 本計畫統計巡查與清理之空地空屋有156處及各鄉鎮登革熱孳生源巡查清理495處,共計651處登革熱孳生源清除稽查作業,清除787個積水容器、且發現孳生源數約達1,691隻。 四、加強民眾環境清潔與衛生意識 (一)本計畫已於6月1日辦理第一場次公廁清掃學習活動,活動參與對象為國小學生,共計117位小學生參與。另於10月2日辦理第二場次清掃學習活動,參與對象為列管公廁管理單位,共計26位人員參與,針對本次活動進行滿意度調查,整體皆達滿意,且非常滿意達82%。 (二)本計畫已於4月26日辦理登革熱防疫人員培訓暨民防訓練說明會,共計12個鄉鎮市53位人員參與,以登革熱業務承辦人員為主(其次依序為民防團隊及施藥人員等)。 (三)針對公廁如廁文化辦理宣導活動9場次,配合各種大型活動辦理(如:宜蘭綠色博覽會、丟丟噹(幾米市集)及宜蘭國際童玩藝術節等),提升觸及程度及宣導效益,共計完成9場次1,286人次參與。 五、其他配合項目 (一)環境友善店家巡查工作,總計完成2,063家次巡查作業,經查核店家於人行道或路樹基座偶有菸蒂及小紙屑等情形。經本計畫提醒與輔導,均已立即改善,提升宜蘭縣整體環境乾淨整潔。 (二)協助完成每月份環境衛生清潔維護、登革熱防治及優質公廁推動及管理等考核項目上傳作業,符合考核要求。 (三)配合環保局需求,協助因應登革熱疫情針對熱區加強巡查清理、配合設攤活動宣導。 (四)配合因應天然災害清運機具盤查工作,協助各鄉鎮市公所盤點機具設備使用狀況進行現況紀錄及訪查作業,並建立清運機具資料清冊。
中文關鍵字 優質公廁、環境衛生、公共工程、登革熱、環境用藥


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/30 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 許峻嘉
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 于筑君 執行單位 恆康工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 112年宜蘭公廁期末報告定稿.pdf 12MB

Yilan County 2023 High-Quality Public Restrooms and Environmental Beautification Initiative

英文摘要 The work undertaken this year primarily encompassed five major components, including: "Strengthening the Management and Environmental Cleanliness of Regulated Public Restrooms," "Enhancing the Management of Environmental Pesticides in the Region," "Reducing the Breeding of Dengue Fever Mosquito Vectors in the Area," "Improving Public Awareness on Environmental Cleanliness and Hygiene," and "Other Supportive Measures." The project was executed from December 30, 2022, to December 31, 2023, with the final report completed in December 2023. A summary of the execution outcomes is as follows: 1. Strengthening the Management and Environmental Cleanliness of Regulated Public Restrooms 1.1. The project has completed the establishment and updating of the baseline data inventory for public restrooms in the county by the end of March, and uploaded it before April 20, 2023. 1.2. For the inspection of regulated public restrooms in the county, the project has inspected 832 facilities, with an additional 589 inspections conducted on holidays, as agreed upon by the Environmental Protection Bureau, totaling 1,421 inspections. However, deficiencies were found in 823 of them (1,424 items, accounting for 1.07% of the total), mainly divided into three categories: hardware equipment (0.81%), cleaning and maintenance (2.76%), and maintenance inspection records (1.01%). 1.3. In coordination with the Ministry of Environment's regulations, the project has assisted in the repair of public restrooms and controlled the progress of the "Improvement of Public Restrooms and Promotion of High-Quality Public Restrooms" plan. 1.4. Assessment operations were conducted, involving 51 locations with a total of 149 public restrooms participating in the evaluation. Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards were selected in each category, with an award ceremony for excellent public restrooms held on October 25 in conjunction with the Cleaners' Festival. 1.5. The project designed and produced new public restroom management tags, incorporating local Yilan features, with a total of 300 completed (exceeding the contract number), in which replacement has been completed at the end of August. 1.6. This year, exterior and interior beautification of public restrooms was carried out in 10 locations, including the Dongshan River Water Park Visitor Center, the Chung Hsing Cultural and Creative Park's Hsing Tsang House, Yilan City Green Jiu Market, Tiansongpi Train Station, the south side of the Ji Mi Square Woodworking House, the Wufengqi Scenic Area Parking Lot, Tangwei Gou Park, Qingshui Geothermal, the north and south banks of the Yilan Riverside Park. 1.7. This year, 1,072 public restroom satisfaction surveys were completed. The public places great importance on cleanliness and odor, hoping for more provision of toilet paper and disinfectants, with overall satisfaction reaching 70%. 1.8. The project assisted in compiling the assessment data and strengths and weaknesses for the monthly environmental cleaning implementation points performance assessment conducted by township and city offices. 2. Enhancing the Management of Environmental Pesticides in the Region 2.1. This year, an audit of the sale of vector control pesticides was conducted, totaling 13 businesses and 617 environmental pesticide products audited, all of which complied with regulatory requirements. 2.2. Audits were completed on 19 businesses involved in vector control and the sale of environmental pesticides, including 15 vector control businesses. Two businesses were unattended during the inspection and unreachable, reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau for penalties according to regulations. Three businesses lacked health inspection records, which were requested to be submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau within a deadline for review. One business had items exceeding the storage limit, which were requested to be reverse-recycled, and receipts reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau for review. The rest complied with legal requirements; all four audited sales businesses met regulatory requirements. 3. Reducing Dengue Fever Vector Mosquito Breeding in the Region The project recorded inspections and cleanups of 156 vacant lots and houses, as well as dengue breeding source inspections and cleanups in 495 locations across townships, totaling 651 dengue breeding source removal inspections. A total of 787 water containers were cleared, and approximately 1,691 breeding sources were identified. 4. Enhancing Public Environmental Cleanliness and Hygiene Awareness 4.1. The first public restroom cleaning learning activity was organized on June 1, targeting elementary school students, with 117 students participating. The second event was held on October 2 for managed public restroom units, with 26 participants. Satisfaction surveys conducted for these events showed overall satisfaction, with 82% being very satisfied. 4.2. Dengue fever prevention personnel training and civil defense training briefing were held on April 26, with 53 participants from 12 townships and cities, primarily targeting dengue fever business handlers (followed by civil defense teams and pesticide applicators, etc.). 4.3. Nine public restroom culture promotion activities were conducted in conjunction with various large-scale events (such as the Yilan Green Expo, the Ji Mi Market, and the Yilan International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival), reaching 1,286 participants in total. 5. Other Supportive Measures 5.1. A total of 2,063 environmental-friendly business inspections were completed, with occasional cigarette butts and small litter found on sidewalks or tree bases. Following reminders and guidance from the project, immediate improvements were made, enhancing the overall cleanliness and tidiness of Yilan County. 5.2. Assisted in the monthly submission of environmental sanitation cleaning and maintenance, dengue fever prevention, and high-quality public restroom promotion and management assessment items, meeting assessment requirements. 5.3. In response to the Environmental Protection Bureau's needs, assistance was provided for enhanced inspections and cleanups in dengue fever hotspots and for conducting advocacy activities at booths. 5.4. In response to natural disasters, assistance was provided in inventory checks of cleaning equipment, recording the current status of equipment in township and city offices, and establishing an inventory of cleaning equipment.
英文關鍵字 High-Quality Public Restrooms, Environmental Sanitation, Public Works, Dengue Fever, Environmental Pesticides