

中文摘要 「112年度臺北市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」主要工作事項內容為地下水監測井巡查、維護及地下水監測、污染場址監督查核、貯存系統場所及其管理進行監督及查證、公告事業第八、九條提報資料查核及查證、田園基地土壤調查、地下儲槽查核監測與貯存系統法規符合度確認、土水保育宣導、法規宣導說明會及民眾陳情及緊急應變等項目,冀透過計畫執行,確保本市土壤及地下水品質,避免污染物質透過土壤地下水途徑傷害民眾健康。 計畫履約期限為自112年01月01日至112年12月20日止,計畫完成工作之摘要說明如下。 1.監測井維護管理與監測 (1)地下水監測井巡查及維護   已完成上、下半年17口區域性及10口場置性監測井共計54口次巡查,並於巡查時執行監測井外觀、周圍環境維護以及監測井內部功能檢查;已完成1口次A00029(北投區清潔隊)監測井井鎖鎖點更換之井體設施修復工作;已完成A00002(民生國小)、A00004(東門國小(台北市))及A00123(內湖焚化廠門口)之3口次監測井外觀維護工作。 (2)地下水監測井內部評估作業   已完成完成5口次井況評估(井中攝影及微水試驗),包含3口次區域性監測井及2口次場置性監測井;已完成5口次再次完井及異物排除工作,確認井管恢復潔淨。 (3)地下水監測作業   已完成6口次監測井地下水監測作業,其中A00047(關渡平原之農地近大業路(W2)) 監測井砷測值超出地下水污染監測標準;A00046(關渡平原之農地近大業路(W1))、A00048(關渡平原之農地近大業路(W3))及A00049((關渡平原之農地近大業路(W4)))監測井砷測值超出地下水污染管制標準,推判係北投地區地質環境背景因素導致;此外,該區域亦有一般項目如總溶解固體物、氨氮、總有機碳等項目超過地下水污染監測標準,超標之項目與歷年監測結果相符。 2.貯存系統查核及管理 (1)完成貯存系統清查訪查共計53處(包含團隊執行清查訪查時發現之貯存系統),缺失項目計有12處地上儲槽未設置防止濺溢設施及未備妥預防疏漏器材。 (2)完成貯存系統改善複查17處,除中華電信-東一機房防溢堤高度仍不足50公分以外(業者已發包請廠商改善),其餘16處均已完成改善,符合法規規範。 (3)地下儲槽現場查核、測漏管功能測試、油氣檢測及陰極防蝕已完成89站,其中測漏管功能不彰共計8站次,包含松山機場航油中心、全國文德加油站、內湖站加油站、南港加油站、松山路加油站、內湖麗山街加油站、統一精工內湖一站加油站、振興醫療財團法人振興醫院,均於現場要求站方改善並加強管理,並於112年第2次申報時追蹤已完成改善;地下儲槽查核結果中國信託金融園區及統一精工內湖一站加油站FID測值超過警戒值且土壤間隙氣體測得甲烷,其中中國信託金融園區因地表下有一混凝土阻隔層,無法執行採樣,已要求事業自行調查後回覆;統一精工內湖一站加油站土壤及地下水均符合管制標準,推測係因測漏管未於化糞池旁,受沼氣影響導致超標;全國民權加油站FID測值超過警戒值且土壤間隙氣體測得甲烷及MTBE,查證結果顯示全國民權加油站土壤TPH超過土壤污染管制標準;針對陽光建北加油站辦理110年起新設之地下儲槽法規符合度確認及輔導工作,結果均符合法規規範。 3.公告事業或其它污染潛勢業者用地及田園基地、農地之土壤及地下水調查查證工作   已完成41處田園基地XRF篩測作業,其中市立文山幼兒園、聯合醫院林中昆院區及市立芝山國小重金屬鋅XRF篩測值超過食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準,故執行土壤重金屬全量分析作業,其中市立文山幼兒園及市立芝山國小土壤重金屬鋅超過食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準。 4.農地及事業污染預防作業 (1)農地污染預防   已完成26個污染預警區灌溉小組農地採樣及XRF篩測作業、6組灌溉水質初驗、1組灌溉水質複驗及48組樹脂包調查;其中灌溉小組「北投」重金屬砷及「唭哩岸二」重金屬砷XRF篩測值超過食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準,推測係因灌溉小組為於關渡平原富砷區域導致;「東新庄子」重金屬鋅XRF篩測值超過食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準,推測可能係受到肥料種類或灌溉水質影響;灌溉小組「北投」及「第十一小組排水二區」水質初驗導電度超過灌溉水質基準值,因「第十一小組排水二區」農田水利會回覆該渠道非作為灌溉用水,故挑選灌溉小組「北投」磺水下圳辦理水質複驗,並依據土壤篩測結果擇定分析水質重金屬銅、鋅、鉻、砷,水質複驗結果均低於灌溉水質基準值。 (2)事業污染預防   已完成1場次預防管理作業行前說明會及1場次自主預防管理宣導說明會、7家A群事業現勘作業,並依據現勘結果擇定江浚實業有限公司及好名企業有限公司辦理土壤查證作業,查證結果顯示好名企業有限公司重金屬銅及TPH超過土壤污染管制標準;已完成11處B群查核,現場情形均與自主污染預防管理計畫一致,故無需調整分群;已完成25處C群現勘作業,其中國防部軍備局生產製造中心第二○二廠及臺北市政府工務局衛生下水道工程處(迪化污水處理廠)因製程需要故有使用潤滑油或熱煤油,均為貯存系統管理辦法列管物質,且存放樣態為密閉、倒置不會洩漏之貯存容器,故屬於非列管樣態,雖存放區鋪面完整無破損,為避免油品洩漏倒置污染情事發生,故建議升級B群以完善自主污染預防管理。 5.食用作物農地同步土壤採樣調查   已完成9筆農地作物同步土壤採樣,因農作物分析結果均低於食米重金屬限量標準,故未執行土壤重金屬全量分析。 6.場址管理及巡查作業   本市年度計有四處場址,計畫每個月均至列管場址巡查一次,其中長安加油站已公告解除列管;其餘3處場址均為污染改善階段。 7.校園及其他土水保育宣導活動及法規說明會   已辦理4場次校園土水保育宣導活動、2場次種子教師培訓課程、2場次貯存設施相關法規宣導說明會、1場次推廣輔導媒合設置太陽光電說明會及2場次BMPs檢核會議。 8.緊急應變及民眾陳情事件處理作業   完成4場次緊急應變作業,內湖區大湖段三小段0194-0000地號土壤調查,結果顯示XRF篩測結果均低於食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準;臺北市文山區公訓段二小段0071-0000、0198-0000地號土壤污染查證,結果顯示TPH超過土壤污染管制標準;臺北市內湖區潭美段一小段0218-0005地號土壤污染查證,結果顯示TPH低於土壤污染管制標準;艋舺糖廍永續甘蔗園土壤污染查證,結果顯示採樣點S02及S03重金屬砷、銅、鎘、鋅超過食用作物農地土壤污染管制標準,採樣點S02重金屬鉻超過食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水調查、監測井維護管理、農地及事業污染預防


專案計畫編號 1111115S0236a112 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6011.04 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 何佩紋
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 紀如衡 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 202401091541480747.pdf 40MB

Taipei City Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan for 112

英文摘要 The main work items of the "112 Taipei City Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan" include inspection and maintenance of groundwater monitoring wells and groundwater monitoring, supervision and inspection of contaminated sites, supervision and verification of storage system sites and their management, and public announcements Projects such as review and verification of submitted materials under Articles 8 and 9, soil survey of rural bases, underground storage tank inspection and monitoring and confirmation of compliance with storage system regulations, soil and water conservation publicity, law and regulation publicity briefings, public complaints and emergency response, etc. Through the implementation of the plan, we hope to ensure the quality of the city's soil and groundwater and prevent pollutants from harming public health through the soil and groundwater pathways. The planned performance period is from January 1, 2020 to December 20, 2020. A summary of the work completed in the plan is as follows. 1. Monitoring well maintenance management and monitoring (1) Inspection and maintenance of groundwater monitoring wells A total of 54 inspections of 17 regional and 10 site monitoring wells have been completed in the first and second half of the year, and inspections of the appearance of the monitoring wells, maintenance of the surrounding environment, and internal functional inspections of the monitoring wells have been performed during the inspections; 1 inspection of A00029 ( Beitou District Cleaning Team) monitoring well lock point replacement well facility repair work; completed A00002 (Minsheng Elementary School), A00004 (Dongmen Elementary School (Taipei City)) and A00123 (Neihu Incineration Plant Entrance) Appearance maintenance work for 3 secondary monitoring wells. (2) Internal assessment operations of groundwater monitoring wells 5 well condition assessments (in-hole photography and micro-water test) have been completed, including 3 sub-regional monitoring wells and 2 sub-site monitoring wells; 5 well re-completions and foreign matter removal work have been completed, confirmed The well pipe is restored to cleanliness. (3) Groundwater monitoring operations Six monitoring wells have completed groundwater monitoring operations. Among them, the arsenic measurement value of monitoring well A00047 (agricultural land near Daye Road (W2) in Guandu Plain) exceeded the groundwater pollution monitoring standards; A00046 (agricultural land near Daye Road (W2) in Guandu Plain) exceeded the groundwater pollution monitoring standard; W1)), A00048 (Farmland in Guandu Plain near Daye Road (W3)) and A00049 ((Farmland in Guandu Plain near Daye Road (W4))) monitoring wells have arsenic measurement values ??exceeding groundwater pollution control standards, and it is inferred that This is caused by the geological environment background factors in the Beitou area; in addition, there are also general items in the area such as total dissolved solids, ammonia nitrogen, total organic carbon, etc. that exceed the groundwater pollution monitoring standards. The items that exceed the standards are consistent with the monitoring results over the years. 2. Storage system review and management (1) A total of 53 storage system inspections and inspections were completed (including the storage systems discovered during the inspection and inspection by the team). Among the missing items, 12 above-ground storage tanks were not equipped with spill prevention facilities and did not have adequate equipment to prevent leakage. (2) A review of 17 storage system improvements has been completed. Except for the overflow dike height of Chunghwa Telecom-Dongyi Machine Room, which is still less than 50 centimeters (the operator has contracted manufacturers to improve it), the remaining 16 areas have been improved and are in compliance with regulations. (3) On-site inspections of underground storage tanks, performance tests of leak detection pipes, oil and gas detection and cathodic corrosion protection have been completed at 89 stations, of which leak detection pipes failed to function in a total of 8 stations, including Songshan Airport Aviation Fuel Center and National Wende Gas Stations , Neihu Station Gas Station, Nangang Gas Station, Songshan Road Gas Station, Neihu Lishan Street Gas Station, Uni-President Neihu One Station Gas Station, and Zhenxing Medical Foundation Jinxing Hospital all requested the station to improve and strengthen management on site. , and the follow-up improvements have been completed during the second declaration in 2012; the underground storage tank inspection results of China Trust Financial Park and Uni-President Neihu Station Gas Station FID value exceeded the warning value and methane was measured in the soil interstitial gas, among which China Trust Because there is a concrete barrier layer under the surface of the financial park, sampling cannot be carried out, and the enterprise has been asked to investigate and respond after its own investigation. The soil and groundwater of the Uni-President Seiko Neihu Station Gas Station meet the control standards. It is speculated that the leak detection pipe is not next to the septic tank. , exceeded the standard due to the influence of biogas; the FID value of the National Civil Rights Gas Station exceeded the warning value and the soil interstitial gas measured methane and MTBE. The verification results showed that the soil TPH of the National Civil Rights Gas Station exceeded the soil pollution control standard; 110 was applied for Sunshine Jianbei Gas Station The compliance confirmation and guidance work for the newly installed underground storage tanks since 2009 has been carried out, and the results are all in compliance with the regulations. 3. Investigation and verification of soil and groundwater on land used by notified enterprises or other businesses with potential pollution, as well as pastoral bases and agricultural lands XRF screening operations for 41 pastoral bases have been completed. Among them, the heavy metal zinc XRF screening values ??of Municipal Wenshan Kindergarten, United Hospital Linzhongkun Campus and Municipal Zhishan Elementary School exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards for edible crop farmland, so full soil heavy metal analysis operations were carried out. Among them, the heavy metal zinc in the soil of Municipal Wenshan Kindergarten and Municipal Zhishan Elementary School exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standard for edible crop farmland. 4. Agricultural land and business pollution prevention operations (1) Agricultural land pollution prevention It has completed farmland sampling and XRF screening operations for 26 irrigation groups in pollution early warning areas, 6 groups of preliminary irrigation water quality inspections, 1 group of irrigation water quality retests, and 48 groups of resin package surveys; among them, the irrigation group "Beitou" heavy metal arsenic and " The heavy metal arsenic XRF screening value of "Li'an 2" exceeds the soil pollution monitoring standard for edible crop farmland. It is speculated that this is caused by the irrigation team's work in the arsenic-rich area of ??the Guandu Plain; the XRF screening value of heavy metal zinc in "Dongxinzhuangzi" exceeds the edible crop farmland soil pollution monitoring standard. According to local soil pollution monitoring standards, it is speculated that it may be affected by the type of fertilizer or irrigation water quality; the initial conductivity of the water quality of the irrigation group "Beitou" and "Group 11 Drainage Area 2" exceeded the irrigation water quality benchmark value, because "Group 11" Drainage District 2" Farmland Water Conservancy said that the channel is not used as irrigation water, so the irrigation team "Beitou" was selected to carry out water quality re-inspection in Zhenzhou, and based on the soil screening results, the water quality was selected and analyzed for heavy metals copper, zinc, chromium and arsenic. , the water quality re-test results were all lower than the irrigation water quality benchmark value. (2)Business pollution prevention It has completed 1 pre-departure briefing on preventive management operations, 1 self-directed preventive management publicity briefing, and on-site survey operations for 7 Group A businesses, and selected Jiangjun Industrial Co., Ltd. and Haoming Enterprise Co., Ltd. based on the on-site survey results. Soil verification operation, the verification results show that the heavy metal copper and TPH of Haoming Enterprise Co., Ltd. exceed the soil pollution control standards; 11 group B inspections have been completed, and the on-site conditions are consistent with the independent pollution prevention management plan, so there is no need to adjust the grouping; 25 have been completed Group C is currently conducting survey operations. Among them, Factory 202 of the Production and Manufacturing Center of the National Defense Armaments Administration and the Sanitary Sewerage Engineering Office of the Taipei City Government Works Bureau (Dihua Sewage Treatment Plant) use lubricating oil or hot kerosene due to process requirements. It is a storage system management method that regulates substances, and the storage state is a sealed storage container that will not leak when inverted. Therefore, it is not classified as a managed state. Although the surface of the storage area is intact and not damaged, in order to avoid oil leakage and inversion contamination, Therefore, it is recommended to upgrade Group B to improve independent pollution prevention management. 5. Simultaneous soil sampling survey of edible crop fields Nine simultaneous soil samplings of farmland crops have been completed. Since the crop analysis results were all lower than the heavy metal limit standards for rice, full soil heavy metal analysis was not performed. 6. Site management and inspection operations There are four sites in this city's annual plan, and it is planned to inspect the sites listed under management once a month. Among them, Chang'an Gas Station has been announced to be delisted; the remaining three sites are all in the pollution improvement stage. 7. Campus and other soil and water conservation publicity activities and regulatory briefings We have conducted 4 publicity activities on campus soil and water conservation, 2 seed teacher training courses, 2 publicity briefings on laws and regulations related to storage facilities, 1 briefing on promotion, guidance, matching and installation of solar photovoltaics, and 2 BMPs inspection meetings. 8. Emergency response and handling of public complaints Completed 4 emergency response operations, soil survey in the third section of the Dahu Section in Neihu District, 0194-0000, and the results showed that the XRF screening results were all lower than the soil pollution monitoring standards for edible crop farmland; the second section of the Public Training Section in Wenshan District, Taipei City, 0071- Soil pollution verification at land numbers 0000 and 0198-0000 showed that the TPH exceeded the soil pollution control standards; soil pollution verification at a small section of Tammei Section in Neihu District, Taipei City 0218-0005 showed that the TPH was below the soil pollution control standards; Monga The soil pollution verification of the sustainable sugarcane garden showed that the heavy metals arsenic, copper, cadmium, and zinc at the sampling points S02 and S03 exceeded the soil pollution control standards for edible crops, and the heavy metal chromium at the sampling point S02 exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards for edible crops.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater survey, monitoring well maintenance and management, agricultural land and enterprise pollution prevention