

中文摘要 環境部期透過邀請民眾走到戶外親近大自然體驗綠生活,於112年4月16日(日)在臺北市大安森林公園兒童小舞臺,結合「地球日」主題「投資我們的星球(Invest In Our Planet)」辦理2023投資地球「淨零綠家園·蔬食無痕家庭日」活動,約有456人參與「投資地球闖關任務」。另,於112年6月3日(六)在文化部文化資產園區_願景館,結合「世界環境日」主題「塑戰速決(Beat Plastic Pollution)」,辦理「理2023 世界環境日「塑戰速決永續食尚」活動,約有183人參與「減塑品格外」市集,2場環境節日主題活動共計約1,406人次參與,期能讓現場參與民眾瞭解如何從食、衣、住、行、育、樂、購等「綠生活」行動來投資地球與減塑行動。 為培養大眾負責任之環境行為與環境素養,環境部112年4月至11月期間辦理第2屆「環境教育綠客松」系列活動,結合公民咖啡館、工作坊及企劃徵選等活動,鼓勵民眾主動參與學習環境知識,並提出環境倡議行動方案,藉以提升與會者解決環境問題的能力及行動力。「環境教育綠客松」系列活動中,包含透過「環境教育綠客松充電營」傳遞正確環境保護知識與分享議題想法,除邀請一般民眾及企業員工外,並結合歷年「地球與小編」活動,邀請中央部會各粉絲專頁小編參與本活動,並於4月22日(地球日)至6月5日(世界環境日),以串聯行銷的方式共同推廣淨零排放政策議題,藉由社群力量的推廣環境教育,號召各部會粉絲專頁的粉絲一同來守護地球,「環境教育綠客松充電營」分別於臺中市、臺南市及臺北市3個縣市辦理,共計192人參加。「環境教育綠客松創意徵選」徵選優秀創意的行動計畫或企劃,經由專家學者組成之評審委員,擇優挑選出19隊入選創意提案,共43人。鼓勵入選創意提案團隊參與「環境教育綠客松精進培訓營」,由專家學者組成導師群,依各入選創意提案團隊的需求予以指導精進其創意提案,增進入選創意提案之可行性及永續性。於「環境教育綠客松精進培訓營」後由評審委員經複審簡報發表,選出獲奬團隊12隊共30人出席參加112年11月11日假華山1914文創園區辦理「成果發表暨頒獎典禮」。 為了引起民眾走到戶外,認識優質環境教育設施場所、環境教育社區等場域,環境部設計一款「環境教育實境解謎遊戲-鴞之宇宙RPG」遊戲,以環境教育設施場所「橋頭糖廠文化園區」為遊戲場域,並設計及製作1,000套探險包(遊戲盒)供民眾組隊免費索取體驗,期讓民眾在解題的過程中認識環境知識,瞭解環境教育設施場所,探索友善環境與人類生活環境的關係。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、淨零綠生活、環境教育綠客松、環境教育實境解謎


專案計畫編號 112AA082 經費年度 112 計畫經費 994 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/11 專案結束日期 2023/12/10 專案主持人 廖為智
主辦單位 環境部環境保護司 承辦人 徐國豐 執行單位 社團法人 台灣環保生活協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年環境教育系列活動計畫成果報告.pdf 42MB 112年環境教育系列活動計畫成果報告

Planning and promotion plan of the environmental education series activities of the tear 2023

英文摘要 The Ministry of Environment aimed to bring people into the outdoors to experience the green journey by connecting with nature. On April 16th, 2023 (Sunday), at the Children's Small Stage in Daan Forest Park of Taipei City, the Ministry organized the 2023 “Zero Waste Green Home, Family Day of Traceless Vegetarian Diet” event under the theme of "Invest In Our Planet" from “Earth Day”. Approximately 456 people participated in the "Invest in Our Planet Mission." Additionally, on June 3rd, 2023 (Saturday), at the Vision Hall of the Ministry of Culture's Cultural Heritage Park, the Ministry conducted the “2023 World Environment Day – Beat Plastic Pollution with Sustainable Diet" event on the theme of “Beat Plastic Pollution” from “World Environment Day". Around 183 people participated in the market of "Reduce Plastic with Goodwill Foods". The two environmental festival-themed events had a total of about 1,406 participants, aiming to help attendees understand how to invest in the planet and limit plasticity through green living actions in aspects such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, leisure, and shopping. To urge the public to become responsible environmental citizens with environmental action and awareness, the Ministry of Environment conducted the second "Environmental Education Green Hackathon" series of events from April to November 2023. The series included activities such as civic cafés, workshops, and project selections to encourage participants to learn environmental knowledge actively and come up with proposals on environmental advocacy initiatives, thereby enhancing their abilities and actions to address environmental issues. In the "Environmental Education Green Hackathon" series of activities, the "Environmental Education Green Hackathon Reboot Camp" was included to communicate accurate environmental protection knowledge and to share ideas on relevant issues. In addition to inviting the public and corporate employees, the event collaborated with the annual "Earth and Editors" activities. It invited editors from various central government fan pages to participate in the event. From April 22nd (Earth Day) to June 5th (World Environment Day), a coordinated marketing campaign was employed to jointly promote the topic of zero-emissions policy. By leveraging the community engagement influence from social media, the event aimed to promote environmental education and rally fans from various government departments' fan pages to work together to protect Mother Earth. The "Environmental Education Green Hackathon Reboot Camp" was held in Taichung, Tainan, and Taipei cities, with a total of 192 participants. “Green Hackathon Creative Selection for Environmental Education" was seeking outstanding initiatives or proposals. A judging panel composed of expert scholars selected 19 teams with a total of 43 individuals for their creative proposals. The selected teams were encouraged to participate in the "Environmental Education Green Hackathon Advanced Boot Camp," where a group of mentors consisting of expert scholars provided guidance tailored to the needs of each selected team, aiming to enhance the feasibility and sustainability of their creative proposals. Following the "Environmental Education Green Hackathon Advanced Boot Camp," there was a shortlisted review of the candidate’s presentation by the judging panel. Twelve teams, totaling 30 individuals, were chosen as award recipients to attend the "Project Performance and Award Ceremony" on November 11th, 2023, at the Hua Shan 1914 Creative Park. To allure the public into the outdoors and explore high-quality environmental education facilities and community spaces, the Ministry of Environment designed an "Environmental Education Augmented Reality Puzzle Game - Owl's Universe RPG." The game was set in the environmental education facility at "Ciaotou Sugar Refinery Cultural Park," and 1,000 sets of adventure kits (game boxes) were created for teams to access and play for free. The goal was to allow the public to gain awareness of environmental knowledge and understand the environmental education facilities while engaging in the puzzle-solving process, thereby becoming more conscientious regarding these endeavors and committing themselves to a co-existence between natural preservation and the survival of mankind.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Education Zero Waste Green Living, Environmental Education Green Hackathon, Environmental Education Augmented Reality Puzzle Game