

中文摘要 因應「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」的「資源循環零廢棄」戰略,本計畫旨在推動我國一般固體廢棄物處理設施淨零發展。為此,本計畫已蒐研國內外減碳趨勢,彙整成效並規劃淨零策略,研究英國、荷蘭、德國、日本、韓國、美國、新加坡等7國廢棄物處理的淨零法規、推動案例及技術,分析我國與國際的差異並提出建議。 本計畫已針對國內廢棄物處理設施,研擬短中長期淨零策略。評析再生能源發展潛力後提出廚餘厭氧發酵發電及太陽能設置策略。分析我國廢棄物處理能源替代化石能源的減碳效益及不同處理方式的之減碳比較。 本計畫已針對我國焚化廠、掩埋場及其他廢棄物處理設施的溫室氣體盤查與減碳進行現況調查,輔導彰化縣溪州垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠完成112年溫室氣體盤查,輔導嘉義縣鹿草垃圾焚化廠完成「採用高效率燈具」自願減量計畫書,以及輔導外埔綠能生態園區完成112年溫室氣體盤查。 本計畫已拜會五位專家學者進行訪談並舉辦三場淨零技術參訪,舉辦一場專家諮詢會探討再生能源潛力與AI分選技術,並舉辦兩場技術論壇交流減碳技術與碳權發展趨勢,為政策制定提供建議,推動廢棄物處理設施淨零發展。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物處理設施、淨零策略、溫室氣體盤查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5884 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/14 專案結束日期 2024/10/31 專案主持人 王家祥
主辦單位 環管署一般廢棄物管理組 承辦人 余欣盈 執行單位 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 10-成果報告定稿本本文v2.pdf 80MB 成果報告定稿本本文

The Strategy to Promote Net-Zero Emissions in Taiwan's General Waste Treatment Facilities

英文摘要 In response to the "Resource Recycling & Zero Waste" strategy outlined in the "Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050 and Strategy Overview", the project aims to promote net-zero development of municipal solid waste treatment facilities in Taiwan. The project has collected domestic and international carbon reduction trends, consolidates results, and plans net-zero strategies. The project has examined the net-zero regulations, implementation cases, and technologies in waste management across seven countries—United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Japan, South Korea, United States, and Singapore—analyzing the differences between Taiwan and international practices and providing recommendations. The project has formulated short, medium, and long-term net-zero strategies for domestic waste treatment facilities. The project has proposed strategies for anaerobic digestion of food waste for electricity generation and solar energy installation after assessing the potential for renewable energy development. The project has analyzed the carbon reduction benefits of replacing fossil fuels with energy derived from waste treatment in Taiwan, as well as compared the carbon reduction effectiveness of various treatment methods. The project has conducted a status assessment of greenhouse gas inventories and carbon reduction measures for incineration plants, landfills, and other waste treatment facilities in Taiwan. In addition, the project has assisted the Changhua Xizhou EfW Plant in completing its 2023 greenhouse gas inventory. Furthermore, the project has helped the Chiayi Lucao Refuse Incineration Plant finalize a voluntary emission reduction plan for the implementation of high-efficiency lighting. Additionally, the project has supported the Waipu Green Energy Ecological Park in completing its 2023 greenhouse gas inventory. The project has engaged in interviews with five experts and scholars while organizing three site visits focused on net-zero technologies. Additionally, the project has held a consultation meeting to explore renewable energy potential and AI sorting technologies, along with holding two technical forums to exchange insights on carbon reduction technologies and carbon credit development trends. The purpose of these actions is to provide recommendations for policy formulation and promote the net-zero development of waste treatment facilities.
英文關鍵字 waste treatment facilities, net-zero strategies, greenhouse gas inventory