英文摘要 |
Transport of air pollutants in the atmosphere causes transboundary air pollution under some specific meteorological conditions. In addition to China, which is the major contributor of transboundary air pollution to the air quality in Taiwan, air pollutant emissions from other countries in East Asia would affect the air quality in Taiwan as well. Accordingly, the major tasks of this project include (1) analyzing the air quality data and the laws, regulations and strategies conducted to control air pollution in the neighboring countries including China, Japan and Republic of Korea (Korea); (2) analyzing the effect of transboundary air pollution on the air quality in Taiwan in different base years (2019 and 2021); and (3) holding three forums in the field of air quality improvement to promote the cross-Straits communication and cooperation.
During the implementation period of this project, the following tasks have been completed: (1) The air monitoring data of China from January 2015 to Oct 2024, and the air monitoring data of Japan and Korea from January 2015 to 2023, have been collected and analyzed; andthe province-scale air quality forecasting information of China have been collected and reported weekly. In addition, the air pollution control laws, regulations and strategies conducted in key regions in China, Japan and Korea have been collected. (2) The effects of air pollutant emissions from Japan and the six administrative areas of China on the air quality in Taiwan in 2019 and the long range transport effect on the air quality in Taiwan in 2021 have been evaluated by using CMAQ model; the contribution of changes in emissions and weather conditions to the improvement or deterioration of PM2.5 concentration has been clarified. (3) One forum in the field of air quality improvement has been held to promote the cross-Straits communication. Take the Cross-strait situation into consideration, the relevant works of the remaining two forums of the planned conference has been deleted with the approval of Ministry of Environment. (4) Six articles related to the topics of this project have been submitted and accepted for publication.