

中文摘要 本計畫的工作項目為研析國際生活碳足跡計算工具、生活碳足跡實驗室計算工具規劃、生活碳足跡實驗室計算工具結合個人帳戶規劃、減碳技術可行性評估及導入淨零綠生活轉型模式,以提昇計畫執行成效與品質。在執行期間內,本計畫在各面向完成成果如下: 1.研析國際生活碳足跡計算工具:(1)完成美國、日本、德國的生活碳足跡計算工具研析,找出三案例中可借鏡之處。(2)建立五大生活類型適用於我國在評估個人或家庭碳排放量時所使用的生活排碳基線指標及其基線項。(3)從巨量/中觀/微觀觀點進行關鍵碳排評估的重要指標和相關數據分析方法。 2.生活碳足跡實驗室計算工具規劃:經由研析美國、日本、德國的生活碳足跡計算工具案例及其運用情形,提出105個生活排碳基線項目,且計算82項碳排量推估,進行其資料串聯運用可行性分析評估,且設計出生活碳足跡計算器excel離線版帶入使用,作為未來工項規劃評估的參考。 3.生活碳足跡實驗室計算工具結合個人帳戶規劃:建立一個包含7大分析構面及94個分析項目的生活碳足跡計算工具結合個人帳戶評估模式,同時,亦比較生活碳足跡計算工具結合家庭帳戶或個人帳戶之差異性。 4.減碳科技可行性評估及導入淨零綠生活轉型模式:本計畫透過工研院院內徵案方式,整合院內技術能量,完成深度節能於智慧綠建築應用計畫、衣物產品履歷管理及應用計畫及綠色旅遊智慧服務平台計畫3項減碳技術/應用模式/可行新科技之推廣實施規劃報告。
中文關鍵字 生活減碳行為計算工具、減碳行為、減碳先進科技


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 14004 千元
專案開始日期 2023/05/05 專案結束日期 2024/05/31 專案主持人 羅國書
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 劉峯秀 執行單位 工業技術研究院服科中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年淨零綠生活轉型模式建構專案工作計畫_驗收合格成果報告_倉儲系統上傳.pdf 14MB

112 Net Zero Green Living Transformation Model Construction Project

英文摘要 The work items of this project include analyzing international lifestyle carbon footprint calculation tools, planning lifestyle carbon footprint laboratory calculation tools, integrating lifestyle carbon footprint laboratory calculation tools with personal accounts, assessing the feasibility of carbon reduction technologies and introducing net-zero green lifestyle transformation models, and organizing eight expert consultation meetings to enhance the effectiveness and quality of project execution. During the execution period, the project has achieved the following results in various aspects: 1. Analyze international lifestyle carbon footprint calculation tools**: (1) Completed the analysis of lifestyle carbon footprint calculation tools from the United States, Japan, and Germany, identifying aspects that can be referenced from these three cases. (2) Established five major lifestyle types applicable in our country for assessing individual or household carbon emissions, along with their baseline indicators and items. (3) Proposed 9/4/4 important indicators and relevant data analysis methods for critical carbon emission assessment from macro, meso, and micro perspectives. 2. Plan lifestyle carbon footprint laboratory calculation tools**: Through analyzing the cases and applications of lifestyle carbon footprint calculation tools from the United States, Japan, and Germany, proposed 105 lifestyle carbon emission baseline items and estimated 82 carbon emission quantities. Conducted feasibility analysis and evaluation of data linkage applications, and designed an offline Excel version of the lifestyle carbon footprint calculator for use as a reference in future work planning assessments. 3. Integrate lifestyle carbon footprint laboratory calculation tools with personal accounts**: Established an evaluation model integrating lifestyle carbon footprint calculation tools with personal accounts, including seven major analysis dimensions and 94 analysis items. Additionally, compared the differences between integrating lifestyle carbon footprint calculation tools with household accounts versus personal accounts. 4. Assess the feasibility of carbon reduction technologies and introduce net-zero green lifestyle transformation models**: Through an internal project solicitation method by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), integrated internal technical capabilities to complete promotional and implementation planning reports for three carbon reduction technologies/application models/feasible new technologies: deep energy saving in smart green buildings, garment product lifecycle management and application, and the green tourism smart service platform.
英文關鍵字 carbon reduction behavior calculation tool, carbon reduction behavior, advanced carbon reduction technology