

中文摘要 為掌握屏東縣土壤及地下水品質現況,屏東縣政府環境保護局(以上簡稱屏東縣環保局)辦理「112年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-屏東縣」(以下簡稱本計畫),針對轄區執行地下水定期監測、監測井巡查及維護作業、貯存設施管理、改善場址驗證、地下儲槽系統及公告事業用地查證、公告事業案件審查作業、農地污染預防、渠道底泥溯源調查、事業污染預防、場址維護風險管理及行政支援宣導等多項土水相關工作。本計畫執行期程為112年1月1日至112年12月20日,本計畫於契約履約期間完成契約規定100%工作數量,以下就今年度完成工作成果說明如下: 一、地下水調查作業 本計畫已完成7個場址周邊地下水水質調查地下水監測井14口次,另完成6口次具污染潛勢區監測井、地下水受限使用區18口次共52組被動式採樣袋及民眾陳情或具污染潛勢場址周圍之民井6口次,檢驗結果除T00319、T00228-2及T00483監測井之1,1-二氯乙烯略超過第二類地下水監測標準或管制標準,其餘皆低於監測標準。詳細辦理情形請參閱第三章。 二、監測井巡查及維護作業 本計畫已完成監測井巡查上下半年各執行159口次(含雙井管170口次)監測井維護保養作業,其中監測井外觀維護共4口次、設施修復共4口次、井況評估共6口次、再次完井3口次及異物排除2口次,經維護後監測井狀況維持良好,完成2口標準監測井廢井作業。詳細辦理情形請參閱第四章。 三、貯存系統管理 本年度已完成111年第三季(即112年1月申報)、112年第一季(即112年5月申報)及112年第二季(即112年9月申報)之加油站網路申報資料審核作業,每季提送率皆為100%,其中中正路加油站、千越內埔加油站、香揚加油站、日日春加油站、小琉球加油站、威勝加油站、聯勝加油站、威東加油站太平加油站及千越麟洛加有發生T3>T2之情形其土壤氣體監測井檢測數值偏高;滿豐漁船加油站、中華電信股份有限公司屏東營運處東港機房、中華電信股份有限公司屏東營運處恆春機房、中華電信股份有限公司屏東營運處振興機房、大屏東加油站及台糖崇蘭加油站土壤氣體監測井檢測數值相對偏高,已列入持續追蹤名單,另滿豐漁船加油站申報土氣及圓盤圖異常,已於今年度9月27日進場進行測漏管油氣濃度檢測,現場檢測情形PID/FID測值最大值29/18,由檢測結果顯示並無污染情形。另完成14站加油站之油氣濃度檢測且數值顯示皆無污染疑慮。地上儲槽及貯存容器符合度現場勘查及輔導共20場次,經現勘京華公司貯存列管物質已降低至200公升以下、富鴻公司已將鍋爐使用燃料改為天然氣,無任何貯存系統管理辦法列管之貯存系統,上述2家業者不為貯存系統管理辦法所列管對象,另豐誠公司經複查其增設防止濺溢設施不符貯存系統管理辦法規定,將於今年12月底前再次複查,其餘17處經複查已完成改善作業;針對110年起新設之3處地下儲槽系統法規符合度確認及輔導工作已於112年6月2日完成,分別為屏東交流道、統一精工水門及嘉泉加油站,經現場查核皆無任何異常情事。詳細辦理情形請參閱第5章。 四、查驗證與緊急應變作業 本計畫共完成7場次查驗證與緊急應變作業,場址驗證共計3場次為屏東縣鹽埔鄉高華段873(部分)等6筆地號及久愛段297-1(部分)等22筆地號、屏東縣九如鄉九如段2513~2518、2521~2525、2535~2540、2547、2780~2781及2517-1等21筆地號、祐金企業有限公司;民眾陳情計3件為屏東市大洲里大溪路24巷14號之1、屏東市德豐街156號及恆春鎮鄉草埔段750及754地號;事業查證作業共計2場為高科磁技股份有限公司及臺豪鋼鐵股份有限公司,其中高科磁技股份有限公司地下水重金屬濃度鉛超過污染監測標準;民眾陳情案件為恆春鎮鄉草埔段750及754地號土壤重金屬鉻、銅、鎳、鋅濃度超過土壤污染管制標準,其餘驗證結果皆低於土壤污染地管制標準或地下水監測標準。詳細辦理情形請參閱第6章。 五、農地土地污染預防工作 針對本縣農地污染預警區及優良保護區,已完成優良保區18處土壤及26處灌溉水抽測,其中2處土壤XRF複測後正常;7處灌溉水溶氧低於灌溉水標準,推測原因為農田水回流導致;2處灌溉水電導度些許超過灌溉水標準、污染預警區灌溉水質採樣共5點位、農地土壤採樣23點位,4處水質複測及設置50組樹脂包;檢測數據顯示本年度污染預警區及優良保護區土壤、水質皆無異常狀況,詳細辦理情形請參閱第7章。   六、渠道底泥溯源調查 完成3處渠道底泥高於上限值點位之區域,針對灌溉渠道背景水質及疑似污染介入點或下游適當位置設置樹脂包追蹤點位規劃,已完成水質重金屬分析15組、樹脂包設置20組,底泥採樣及XRF篩測10組及環境監測8場次;檢測數據顯示,本年度調查3處渠道灌溉水水質皆符合灌溉水水水質標準,底泥皆未超過底泥品質上限,詳細規劃請參閱第8章。 七、事業污染預防工作 本計畫已完成A群現場勘查16家次;B群現場勘查及自主預防管理計畫審查6家次及C群現場勘查運作情形31家次,針對2家(高科磁技股份有限公司及臺豪鋼鐵股份有限公司)污染潛勢最高者執行進場查證,事業查證結果其中一家高科磁技股份有限公司地下水重金屬鉛達監測標準,詳細辦理情形請參閱第6及9章。 八、行政支援工作 本計畫於宣導作業方面,共完成辦理1場次法規說明會、2場次事業土壤及地下水污染預防與管理說明會、10場次校園宣導會及150份宣導品製作。場址維護風險管理方面,以改善中場址2次/月,其餘場址1次/月之頻率進行巡查,共完成106場次巡查作業(包含4個整治場址、5個控制場址、1個應變必要措施場址及1個地下水限制使用區),其中包含1處植生復育場址維護(萬丹鄉新安段1439、1439地號)。技術服務諮詢方面,共完成6場次協助列管場址審查會議次、9件場址報告書審查、2件貯存系統管理辦法文件及14件公告事業申報資料審查及其他配合辦理行政事項。詳細辦理情形請參第10章。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、加油站、監測井


專案計畫編號 PB10234 經費年度 112 計畫經費 7933 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/20 專案主持人 陳逸群
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 許維雯 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度屏東土水計畫期末報告.pdf 58MB

The 2023 Project on the Inspection and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Pingtung

英文摘要 To monitor the soil and groundwater quality of Pingtung County, the Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau conducted the Pingtung 2023 Soil and Groundwater Contamination Investigation and Verification Project (hereinafter referred to as “this Project”). The tasks in this Project included the regular monitoring of groundwater, the inspection and maintenance of monitoring wells, the management of storage facilities, the verification of site improvements, the inspection of the underground storage tank systems and lands of selected enterprises, a review of water management practices in the selected enterprises, the prevention of agricultural land pollution, the tracing of channel sediments, the prevention of industrial pollution, site maintenance and risk management, and administrative support and awareness campaign tasks. The Project implementation period was from January 1 to December 20, 2023, during which time, 100% of the contractual tasks were completed. The outcomes of the Project implementation are described in the following text. 1. Groundwater Inspections A total of 14, 6, 18, and 6 groundwater quality inspections were performed for groundwater monitoring wells neighboring seven sites, monitoring wells in areas with pollution trends, wells in areas with restricted groundwater use, and dug wells neighboring sites mentioned in public petitions or with pollution trends, respectively. Monitoring wells T00319, T00228-2, and T00483 exhibited dichloroethylene levels that slightly exceeded the maximum permissible level in the control standards for Category 2 groundwater in Taiwan; the other wells had dichloroethylene levels lower than the maximum permissible level in the control standards. Please see Chapter 3 for more information. 2. Monitoring Well Inspections and Maintenance Maintenance and repair operations were performed 159 times for monitoring wells (170 times if the operations on double-well pipes are considered) during each half of the year. These operations included the maintenance of the appearances of four wells, the repairing of four wells, evaluations of six wells, the reconstruction of three wells, and the removal of foreign matter from two wells; the monitoring wells were found to have favorable conditions following maintenance. Well abandonment operations were performed on two standard monitoring wells. Please see Chapter 4 for more information. 3. Storage System Management Online declarations of gas stations for Q3 of 2022 (declared January 2023), Q1 of 2023 (declared May 2023), and Q2 of 2023 (declared September 2023) were reviewed in 2023; the submission rate in each season was 100%. Instances of T3 being greater than T2, which led to higher readings in soil gas monitoring wells, occurred at the Zhongzheng Road gas station, Chienyue Neipu gas station, Xiangyang gas station, Ririchun gas station, Xiaoliuqiu gas station, Weisheng gas station, Liansheng gas stion, Weidong gas station, Taiping gas station, and Chienyue Linluo gas station. The soil gas monitoring wells at the Manfeng fishing boat filling station; the Donggang, Hengchun, and Zhengxing server rooms of the Pingtung branch of Chunghwa Telecom; the Dapingtung gas station; and the Taitang Chonglan gas station exhibited high readings and were flagged for further tracking. Furthermore, the Manfeng fishing boat filling station reported soil gas and pie chart anomalies, and tests were conducted at this site on September 27, 2023, to detect leakage from pipes as well as the oil and gas concentrations. The highest values detected by the PID and FID were 29 and 18, respectively, which indicated that no pollution occurred. Moreover, oil gas concentration tests were performed at 14 gas stations, and the results indicated that no pollution occurred at any of the sites. On-site compliance inspections and consultations for aboveground storage tanks and storage containers were performed 20 times. On-site inspections indicated that the quantity of controlled substances stored by the Golden Gate Trading Company decreased to below 200 L and that Fu Hong Foods Enterprise had switched its boiler fuel to natural gas. Consequently, given the lack of relevant storage systems (regulated by provisions on storage system management) in these enterprises, the enterprises are no longer within the scope of storage system management. Reinspection of Fong Chen Co. indicated that its newly constructed spill prevention facility was still not compliant with storage system management regulations; a reinspection has been scheduled for December 2023. Reinspection of the remaining 17 sites indicated that all improvement tasks were completed. Compliance checks and consultations were completed by June 2, 2023, for underground storage tank systems that were installed after 2021 at three sites: the Pingtung Interchange and two Mech Smile gas stations (at Shuimen and Jiachuang). No abnormalities were observed during the on-site inspections. Please see Chapter 5 for more information. 4. Verification and Emergency Response Operations Seven verification and emergency response operations were completed during the project period. Three site verifications were performed; these verifications covered six lots at 873 Gaohua Section (partial); 22 lots at 297-1 Jiu-Ai Section (partial) in Yianpu Township, Pingtung County; 21 lots at 2513–2518, 2521–2525, 2535–2540, 2547, 2780, 2781, and 2517-1 Jiuru Section in Jiuru Village, Pingtung County; and lots of Youjin Enterprise Co. The three public petitions involved No. 14-1, Land 24, Daxi Road, Dazhou Village, Pingtung City; No. 156 Defong Street, Pingtung City; and lots 750 and 754 of Hsiangtsaopu Section, Hengchun Township. The two enterprise verification operations were performed for HIMAG Magnetic Corporation and Aalberts Integrated Piping Systems; the lead concentration in the groundwater under HIMAG Magnetic Corporation exceeded the maximum permissible value in the pollution control standards. In the public petition cases, soil concentrations of chromium, copper, nickel, and zinc exceeded the corresponding maximum permissible levels in the pollution control standards at lots 750 and 754 of Hsiangtsaopu Section, Hengchun Township. The concentrations of these heavy metals in the soil at the other sites were lower than the corresponding maximum permissible levels in the soil pollution or groundwater control standards. Please see Chapter 6 for more information. 5. Prevention of Agricultural Land Pollution Soil samples from 18 locations and irrigation water samples from 26 locations in pollution warning zones in agricultural lands and conservation zones were tested. At two locations, the XRF results of the soil were normal during retesting. At seven locations, the dissolved oxygen in the irrigation water was lower than the value recommended in the irrigation water standards, possibly because of the backflow of farmland water. At two locations, the electric conductivity of the water exceeded the maximum permissible level in the irrigation water standards. Irrigation water was sampled at five locations in pollution warning zones, and farmland soil was sampled at 23 locations. Water retesting was performed at four locations, and 50 resin packages were installed at these locations. The testing data indicate no abnormalities in water quality in the pollution warning zones and conservation zones during 2023. Please see Chapter 7 for more information.   6. Tracing of Channel Sediments Resin packages were installed where appropriate in three areas in which the quantity of channel sediment exceeded the maximum permissible level. The installation locations of the resin packages was selected according to the water quality of the irrigation channels or suspected pollution sources. A total of 15 sets of heavy metal analyses in water, 20 sets of resin package installations, 10 sets of sediment sampling and XRF screening, and 8 environmental monitoring sessions were completed. The testing data indicated that the quality of irrigation water in the three areas was compliant with irrigation water quality standards and that the sediment levels in these areas did not exceed relevant limits. Please see Chapter 8 for more information. 7. Prevention of Industrial Pollution On-site inspections were performed at the locations of 16 businesses from Group A. On-site inspections and reviews of self-prevention and management plans are ongoing for six businesses from Group B. In addition, on-spite inspections are ongoing for 31 businesses from Group C. On-site inspections indicated that the groundwater at HIMAG Magnetic Corporation contained excessive levels of lead. Please see Chapters 6 and 9 for more information. 8. Administrative Support Tasks Awareness campaigns were conducted in the form of 1 regulatory briefing, 2 briefings related to the prevention and management of industrial soil and groundwater pollution, 10 on-campus awareness events, and the dissemination of 150 sets of promotional materials. Inspections of site maintenance and risk management were performed twice per month for ongoing improvements and once per month for other sites; 106 inspections were completed in total [including inspections at four remediation sites, five control sites, one necessary response site, one restricted groundwater use zone, and one replantation site (lot 1439, Xinan Section, Wandan Township)]. The completed technical service consultations included six review meetings for sites under observation, reviews of nine site reports, reviews of two storage system management documents, reviews of 14 enterprise declarations, and other administrative tasks. Please see Chapter 10 for more information.
英文關鍵字 soil, groundwater, gas station, monitoring well