

中文摘要 因應能源發展轉型,臺灣致力綠色能源發展,於行政院能源與減碳辦公室邀集經濟部及環境部資源循環署召開研商會議,討論太陽光電板回收機制之推動及分工,由資源循環署建立後期之模組回收處理機制。爰此,本計畫依資源循環署所同意之「廢太陽光電板回收清除處理計畫書」,辦理現場訪視廢太陽光電板回收清除、處理、處理後衍生物之再利用機構、媒合或選定合適之清除機構、貯存場或轉運站及處理機構做為長期配合對象、設置諮詢專線並定期更新答詢資料庫等工作,以妥善清理未來案場排出之廢太陽光電板。 為使排出之廢太陽光電板能夠妥善處理,本計畫透過現場訪視(談)既有之廢棄物處理機構/有意願設置處理機構者,了解其規劃方向,並輔導其符合本回收體系之需求。另因提倡處理後衍生物(廢玻璃)高值化再利用,本團隊亦訪視(談)以二氧化矽為原料之製造業及廢玻璃再利用機構,增加廢太陽光電板之資源循環再利用。本團隊依「廢太陽光電板回收清除處理計畫書」所訂定之篩選原則及規範,篩選出配合回收清除處理體系之清除、處理機構,並簽訂合作意向書,於未來清理時能夠立即配合;另根據目前廢棄排出量,考量案場地域分布、排出數量、配合機構之量能等因子,規劃清理期程。 於本計畫推動過程中,設置諮詢專線(03-5820009),提供民眾或相關單位詢問管道,以了解廢太陽光電板回收清除處理體系運作方式等,專線運作期間有效的持續提供民眾或相關業者各項諮詢服務,服務內容包含有關回收清除相關諮詢及第一時間問題排除,並按月統計問題內容及詢問度,更新答詢資料庫。另已分別針對案場業者及各地方環保機關辦理2場次之宣導說明會,強化相關回收資訊宣導週知。 在妥善回收處理廢太陽光電板工作中,由排出者於「廢太陽光電板回收服務管理資訊系統」中,透過本團隊媒合清理機構,約定時間執行清理作業;於本計畫執行期間已完成2,969片(約56.266公噸)清理作業,並依稽核查驗單位提出之稽核查驗報告,經資源循環署核定後,撥付相關清除處理費用予清理機構。
中文關鍵字 廢太陽光電板、回收清除處理體系、機構訪視(談)作業


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 15830 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/28 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 樊國恕
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 哈元圓 執行單位 社團法人台灣太陽光電產業協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA143.pdf 41MB

Work Plan for Recycling and Disposal of Waste Photovoltaic Panels

英文摘要 In response to the transformation of energy development, Taiwan is dedicated to enhancing the green energy development. The Office of Energy and Carbon Reduction, EY invited Resource Circulation Administration, Ministry of Environment (MOENV) to call a meeting to discuss the promotion and division of labor for the waste photovoltaic (PV) panels recycling mechanism, and it was decided that the EPA should formulate the mechanism for the waste PV modules recycling and disposal. Therefore, according to the ”Waste PV recycling and disposal work plan” approved by MOENV, this plan handle on-site institute visitation, select proper institutions, set up consultation line and updating answering database, in order to recycle the future decommissioned PV properly. In order to improve the recycling and disposal system of waste solar photovoltaic panels, this plan has conducted on-site visitations to learn about waste PV treatment institutes and those who are willing to invest in treatment in the future, to track their treatment technologies and derivative waste flow. In addition, due to the promotion of high-value reuse of treated derivatives (waste glass), our team also visited waste glass recycling institutions and companies that use silica as raw material to ensure the appropriateness of their flow. Last but not least, our team selected removal and processing organizations that would cooperate with the recycling and removal treatment system. In addition, based on the current amount of waste discharge, consider factors such as the regional distribution of the site, the quantity of discharge, and the capacity of the coordinating companies to plan the cleanup schedule. A consultation line was set up during the project, it provides people a service to contact and understand the recycling system, and also includes trouble shooting and updating answering database. In addition, 2 seminars have been held for operators and Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) in order to strengthen the knowledge of the recycling information. For proper recycling and disposal of waste PV panels, the producers, after registering through the above-mentioned system, have been assisted by our project office to contract with the disposal firm for the disposal date and audit work. Totally, 2,969 pieces (approximately 56.266 tons) have been cleaned during the project, and pay the grant to treatment institute according to the audit report, which MOENV approved.
英文關鍵字 Waste photovoltaic panels, Recycling and disposal system, Institute visitation