

中文摘要 彰化縣空氣污染主要來源為各產業型態之工廠及各式機動車輛所排放之廢氣,而隨著都市土地利用型態的改變及民眾環保意識提升,工廠總數逐年減少,但使用中之機動車輛總量卻逐年上升,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此,如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,是本縣當前極重要之環保課題。 目前本縣機車設籍數量約83萬輛,其中出廠滿5年每年須參加排氣檢驗的機車約57萬輛,本計畫除針對應定檢機車進行通知及宣導,對未到檢機車進行路邊稽查及寄發公文函通知到檢外,亦不定時不定點執行機車路邊攔檢、受理民眾檢舉烏賊車,及推動機車定檢站假日戶外定檢提供偏遠鄉鎮機車定檢服務等,以有效管控機車排放空氣污染物情形。 彰化縣機車排放污染情形,為瞭解近3年彰化縣機車定檢後之污染濃度改善情形,本計畫針對110年~112年機車定檢資料進行CO及HC平均濃度分析,其分析結果,CO平均濃度由1.15%(110年)降至1.01%(112年),而HC平均濃度則由358ppm(110年)降至286ppm(112年),顯示近幾年透過機車定檢業務的推廣以及鼓勵淘汰老舊機車,確實可以有效降低本縣機車污染排放。
中文關鍵字 低污染車、移動污染源、氣狀污染物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 17356.6 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 陳娜真
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 謝瑋津 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112彰化移污期末定稿0308v印.pdf 26MB 112年度彰化縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫期末報告

2023 Mobile Pollution Inspection Control and Management Project of Changhua County.

英文摘要 The primary contributors to air pollution in Changhua County are emissions from various industrial factories and diverse motor vehicles. Urban land use patterns are evolving, and public environmental awareness is on the rise. Consequently, the overall number of factories has been declining annually. However, the usage of motor vehicles has been steadily increasing, making vehicle emissions the primary urban air pollution source. Hence, mitigating vehicle emissions is a critical environmental concern in the county. Currently, there are approximately 830,000 registered motorcycles in the county, with around 570,000 reaching 5 years old and requiring annual emission inspections. In addition to notifying and educating motorcycles subject to scheduled inspections, this project conducts periodic roadside inspections and sends official letters to motorcycles that have not undergone inspections. Irregular motorcycle roadside inspections, handling reports of non-compliant vehicles, and promoting weekend outdoor inspections at motorcycle inspection stations in remote towns are implemented to effectively control the emission of air pollutants from motorcycles. To comprehend the pollution situation caused by motorcycle emissions in Changhua County over the past three years, this project analyzes the average concentrations of CO and HC based on motorcycle inspection data from 2011 to 112. The analysis reveals a decrease in average CO concentration from 1.15% in 2011 to 1.01% in 112, and a decrease in average HC concentration from 358 ppm in 2011 to 286 ppm in 112. This indicates that the promotion of motorcycle inspection services and encouragement of phasing out old motorcycles in recent years have effectively reduced motorcycle pollution emissions in the county.
英文關鍵字 Low-Pollution Vehicle, Mobile source, Gaseous pollutant