

中文摘要 國內施工機具污染排放囿於空氣污染防制法難以授權管制與管理進口施工機具,故本計畫自109年12月7日起採輔導性質,推動施工機具自主管理標章,鼓勵機具業者落實維護保養,改善施工機具污染排放,後再於今(112)年7月1日修正「施工機具清潔排放自主管理標章規範」,分級賦予標章有效日期,目前已逐漸獲得行政機關與業界之支持。新制標章制度實施後之優點包括標章數逐年提升、機齡5年內占比增加,且連續2年皆取得標章之機具污染劣化緩慢。 又參考歷年實測5,000餘輛次之施工機具,以輪式起重機黑煙排放較為嚴重,於路上行駛時,易影響民眾健康與空氣品質。為管制輪式起重機污染排放,本計畫已完成研擬進口輪式起重機排放標準(草案),其中新機具可檢具出口國核發檢測數據,亦得採認;中古機具規劃參考現行自主管理標章措施,即執行黑煙檢測,符合0.8m-1始認定符合排放標準。屆時未符合標準者可藉助調修或加裝空氣污染防制設備改善黑煙排放。本標準實施後,預估每年可削減NOx約69.2噸、PM約4.1噸,相較未實施標準前,分別減少45%及76%。
中文關鍵字 施工機具、排煙檢測、碳排放


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4700 千元
專案開始日期 2023/07/14 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 謝明機
主辦單位 環境部大氣環境司 承辦人 翁王昌 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112AA223.PDF.pdf 16MB 成果報告全文

Promote Construction Machine Emission Reduction and Management Plan in 2023

英文摘要 Due to the limitations of the Air Pollution Control Act in authorizing the control and management of construction machine pollution emissions domestically, the project starting from December 7, 2020, is implemented in a supportive manner. It aims to promote the self-management mark of construction machines(施工機具自主管理標章), encouraging industry operators to actively perform maintenance and improve pollution emissions from construction machines. Subsequently, on July 1, 2023, the "Standards for self-management mark of clean emissions from construction machines(施工機具清潔排放自主管理標章規範)" were amended, providing a graded validity period for the certification. The project has gradually gained support from both administrative authorities and the industry. The implementation of the new certification system brings several advantages, including an annual increase in the number of certified machines, a higher proportion of machinery within 5 years of age, and a gradual reduction in pollution degradation for machinery that has been certified for two consecutive years. Based on the results of testing over 5,000 construction machines in previous years, it has been observed that the emission of smoke from mobile cranes is particularly severe. When these cranes on the road, they can adversely affect health and air quality. In order to regulate pollution emissions from mobile cranes, the project has completed the formulation of emission standards for imported mobile cranes (draft). For new machinery, detection data provided by the exporting country can be acknowledged. When it comes to used machinery, the planning adheres to the current self-management certification measures, which involve conducting black smoke tests. Compliance within the range of 0.8m-1 considered to meet the emission standards. Machinery that does not meet the standards can reduce emissions of smoke through by adjusting or installing installation of air pollution control devices. After implementing these standards, it is estimated that approximately 69.2 tons of NOx and 4.1 tons of PM can be reduced each year. This represents a 45% and 76% reduction, respectively, compared to the period before the standards were implemented.
英文關鍵字 construction engineering machines, emission inspection, carbon dioxide emissions