

中文摘要 新竹縣轄內河川計有三大流域(頭前溪流域、鳳山溪流域及新豐溪流域),於中部山脈發跡後向西貫穿轄內腹地,途中匯集轄內生活污水、事業廢水及畜牧廢水等,至下游沖積平原後出海。近年因縣治及工商業快速發展,人為活動所造成之環境負荷加劇,亦導致河川污染情事日亦遽增。 為掌握新竹縣河川流域水質變化,改善河川水體污染排放情形,新竹縣政府環境保護局遂公開甄選技術顧問機構辦理「112年度新竹縣水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核計畫及畜牧廢水氨氮回收推動計畫暨水污染防治許可審查計畫」,除延續以往水污染防治相關管制作業外,並透過列管專案稽查、專家現場輔導機制、設施功能評鑑等方式,提高對事業單位管制力度,促使業者正視廠內廢污水處置問題,杜絕僥倖心態及違法排放情事發生。有關現階段作業(統計期程112年1月1日至112年12月31日止)執行進度摘要說明如下: 一、 河川水體水質變化情形 1. 頭前溪流域:112年1~12月河川污染指標(RPI)平均值為1.1,屬未(稍)受污染;DO達成率均為100%,BOD達成率介於78.9~91.1%,SS達成率介於80.0~100%,氨氮達成率介於89.8~94.8%;六大重金屬方面,達成率為100%。 2. 鳳山溪流域:112年1~12月河川污染指標(RPI)平均值為1.9,屬未(稍)受污染;DO達成率介於86.7~97.5%,BOD達成率介於36.7~48.3%,SS達成率介於76.7~92.5%,氨氮達成率介於26.7~45.0%;六大重金屬方面,達成率為100%。 3. 新豐溪流域:112年1~12月河川污染指標(RPI)平均值為4.1,屬中度受污染程度;DO達成率介於88.9~95.8%,BOD達成率介於11.6~20.8%,SS達成率介於81.9~93.8%,氨氮達成率介於11.1~15.9%;六大重金屬方面,鎘、鉛、六價鉻、鋅、汞達成率為100%,而重金屬銅達成率則介於52.2~61.1%。 二、 水污染源稽查管制工作 (一) 水污染稽查作業分類為「新竹工業區管制專案」、「茄苳溪流域稽查專案」、「頭前溪流域稽查專案」、「生活污水輔導專案」、「民眾陳情專案」、「列管事業特殊項目檢測專案」、「RATA稽查專案」及「一般稽查」等八項類型,合計稽查970家(件)次,共計執行水質檢測218家次(處),各項執行狀況,如下說明: 1. 執行新竹工業區稽查專案 (1) 新竹工業區污水廠已執行12次(8次日間、4次夜間共採樣120處):皆符合放流水標準;RD02~RD10則有少部分pH或EC偏高之情形。 (2) 新竹工業區-納管事業氨氮已稽查10家次:現場稽查結果,各廠之污水處理設施均正常運作,pH檢測介於6~8,皆符合放流水標準值;導電度介於712~28000μs/cm;氨氮濃度介於3~178mg/L。 (3) 新竹工業區納管含銅事業已稽查20次:上半年及下半年檢測結果皆無超標情形,以上10家納管含銅事業放流水銅離子濃度介於0.0096~0.8 mg/L。 (4) 新竹工業區-關鍵測站水質改善已稽查2次:包括新竹工業區服務中心及竹九自辦農村社區土地重劃區社區管理委員會等2家;竹九自辦農村社區土地重劃區社區,檢測結果COD、SS均不符合放流水標準。 2. 茄苳溪流域稽查專案 水質監測檢測結果已執行6次:指定調查對象之放流水6家皆在6~9標準值內;重金屬銅離子監測結果均遠低於茄苳溪現行之銅加嚴標準(小於1.5mg/L)。  3. 頭前溪流域稽查專案 (1) 每季1次(已執行4季):台星科技股份有限公司,歷次監測結果,均符合放流水水質標準,民眾所關注之重金屬(鎳)監測值介於0.1~0.3 mg/L,亦未有顯著異常。 (2) 每年1次(已執行完成):旭磊科技股份有限公司工業二路廠、矽格股份有限公司、欣興電子股分有限公司中興廠及財團法人工業技術研究院,歷次監測結果,pH值多介於6.60~7.33,導電度值多介於607~1,499μs/cm,COD介於6~12mg/L,SS介於<2.5~10mg/L,均符合放流水水質標準;另外,重金屬(總鉻、鎳、銅、鋅、鉛及鎘等)監測結果多屬微量或ND。 (1) 每年1次(已執行完成):國產實業股份有限公司竹北廠、亞洲水泥股份有限公司新竹廠,均符合放流水水質標準。 4. 生活污水削減專案:已完成執行43家次現場稽查,且包含41家次定型化契約調查,其水污染防制設施均正常開機運轉,且均有委託代操作環保公司進行設備維運;另外,環境部定型化契約調查大部分為少部分條約採用,現場已與社區管理人員進行宣達及提供相關資訊,盡可能選用環境部公告之契約規範進行簽訂。 5. 民眾陳情專案:協助環保局辦理水污染陳情案件稽查作業105件次,其中31件為列管事業單位,其他為環境水體污染;另外,現場採樣共計34件次,採樣結果超標者,後續將依水污法相關規範處置。 6. 列管事業特殊項目檢測專案10家次:已完成10家次採樣作業,以上事業檢測之特殊項目均符合放流水標準。 7. RATA稽查專案(已完成4家次): (1) 竹北市水資源回收中心:COD自動監測值與抽測檢測值相較差值為1.9mg/L,SS自動監測值與抽測檢測值差值為0.9mg/L,D01檢測項目COD及SS誤差值極低,告知業者須隨時注意保持並維持儀器準確率。 (2) 正隆股份有限公司竹北廠:COD自動監測值與抽測檢測值相較差值為2.3mg/L,SS自動監測值與抽測檢測值相較差值為0.1 mg/L,D01檢測項目COD及SS誤差值極低,告知業者須隨時注意保持並維持儀器準確率。 (3) 竹東鎮水資源回收中心:COD自動監測值與抽測檢測值相較差值為11.24 mg/L,SS自動監測值與抽測檢測值差值為4.9mg/L,誤差範圍雖偏高但尚在法規值範圍中,已告知業者須定時校正相關檢測儀器以維持數據準確性。 8. 執行一般性稽查644家次,包括一般性現場稽查作業,其中包括一般事業463件(占71.9%)、營建工地92件(占14.3%)、公共及社區下水道89件(占13.8%)等;另配合一般性稽查作業共計執行6家次水質採樣及檢測作業,其檢測結果超標共計有2家次,其中鉅砂實業有限公司已辦理停工及進行刑事偵辦(屬聯合稽查案件),光紳科技有限公司已辦理限改通知及許可退補件事宜(屬試車案件);另外,事業單位常見現場查核缺失包括槽體或管線標示不清(占38%)、處理設施老舊及髒亂(占19%)、專用放流口告示牌不清楚或位置不明顯(占13%)、現場操作紀錄未確實(水電錶紀錄、加藥紀錄)(占10 %)、現場人員不熟悉現場狀況(占10%)、污泥貯存區髒亂且遮蔽不足(占10%)等。 9. 重點河川流域或特定放流水標準行業別之擴充清查作業,利用「工廠工示資料查詢系統」針對水體污染陳情區域進行周邊非列管事業共計執行45件現場調查。 (二) 新豐溪流域污染防治及關鍵測站水質改善作業 1. 以加強落實111年工業區加嚴氨氮放流水標準為主軸,與新竹工業區管理中心共同推動事業單位氨氮管理及輔導改善查核;已完成10場次氨氮稽查採樣作業,並篩選辛耘企業股份有限公司進行專家學者現場輔導,並已於11月7日辦理完成。 2. 因應茄苳溪加嚴標準措施,針對新竹工業區納管事業進行源頭調查;已完成10場次含銅之事業稽查採樣作業,並篩選世禾科技股份有限公司光復廠進行專家學者現場輔導,並已於11月7日辦理完成。 3. 茄苳溪流域加嚴標準後,各水質測站銅離子監測平均濃度介於0.026~0.089mg/L,且上游往下游濃度有遞減之趨勢。 (三) 輔導事業單位進行改善 1. 聘請專家學者協助完成10家次許可證現場,共計查獲10家許可現場與許可登載文件不符,均已發文要求事業單位提送許可變更。主要缺失包括管線廢水流向、槽體及藥劑等未標示、操作參數及機具等。 2. 本年度已完成4場次技師業務查核,並已於12月8日安排召開技師計點會議,以進行簽證內容查核確認查核缺失並計算查核案件之缺失積點。 3. 本年度已完成31件許可審查案件現場勘查作業,其中20件(64.5%)許可審查案件現場勘查結果與文書申請資料相符;其餘11件(35.5%)在勘查過程中均有發現問題與申請文件不符,,不符合的項目以申請書檢附資料(申請資料內容與現場不符)居多。 (四) 水污染防治費徵收之管理、查核及催繳等相關工作 1. 完成11201期水污費申報及催補繳作業,應申報家數為350家,完成申報家數為350家,申報完成率為100%,總計徵收水污費5,124,405元。 2. 已完成11207期水污費申報及催補繳作業,應申報家數為348家,完成申報家數為347家,申報完成率為99.71%,總計徵收水污費3,954,572元。 3. 已完成27家環境部水污費勾稽異常名單現場查核,已全數查核完成。 (五) 水污染防治許可相關管理業務 1. 共計受理276件許可案件,包含水污染防治措施計畫72件、排放地面水體許可文件39件、貯留許可文件25件及簡易排放許可文件140件,本年度已完成審查201件、同意試車10件、限期補正43件及仍在審查中9件,另有3件同意工程規畫及10件因總補正日數超過42日遭駁回。 2. 已受理營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫申請共155件(新申請124件及變更31件),彙整統計目前已完成審查142件、通知補正13件及審查中0件。
中文關鍵字 水污染源稽查、水污費徵收查核、水污染防治許可審查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4286.98 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 麥成瑋
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 彭潤玉 執行單位 玖進股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年度新竹縣水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核計畫_定稿(完整).pdf 12MB

Hsinchu County - 112 Hsinchu County Water Pollution Source Inspection and Water Pollution Fee Collection and Inspection Plan

英文摘要 There are three major river basins within the jurisdiction of Hsinchu County (Touqian Stream Basin, Fengshan Stream Basin and Xinfeng Stream Basin). After originating in the central mountains, they run westward through the hinterland of the jurisdiction, collecting domestic sewage, industrial wastewater and livestock wastewater on the way. Wait until you reach the downstream alluvial plain and then go out to sea. In recent years, due to the rapid development of county governance, industry and commerce, the environmental load caused by human activities has intensified, which has also led to a rapid increase in river pollution. In order to understand the changes in water quality in the river basins of Hsinchu County and improve the pollution discharge situation of river water bodies, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Hsinchu County Government publicly selected technical consultants to handle the "112th Hsinchu County Water Pollution Source Inspection and Water and Sewage Fee Collection Inspection Plan and Animal Husbandry Wastewater Ammonia Nitrogen Recovery "Promotion Plan and Water Pollution Prevention and Control Permit Review Plan", in addition to continuing the previous control operations related to water pollution prevention and control, it also enhances the control of public institutions through special management project inspections, expert on-site coaching mechanisms, and facility function evaluations. , prompting the industry to face up to the problem of wastewater disposal in the factory, and put an end to the chance mentality and illegal discharge. A summary of the implementation progress of the current operation (statistical period from January 1 to December 31, 2020) is as follows: 1. Changes in water quality of river water bodies 1. Touqian River Basin: Rivers from January to December 2012 The average pollution index (RPI) is 1.1, which means it is not (slightly) polluted; the DO attainment rate is 100%, the BOD attainment rate ranges from 78.9 to 91.1%, the SS attainment rate ranges from 80.0 to 100%, and the ammonia nitrogen attainment rate is between At 89.8~94.8%; for the six heavy metals, the achievement rate is 100%. 2. Fengshan River Basin: The average river pollution index (RPI) from January to December 2012 was 1.9, which is not (slightly) polluted; the DO achievement rate ranged from 86.7 to 97.5%, and the BOD achievement rate ranged from 36.7 to 48.3 %, the SS achievement rate ranges from 76.7 to 92.5%, the ammonia nitrogen achievement rate ranges from 26.7 to 45.0%; for the six heavy metals, the achievement rate is 100%. 3. Xinfeng River Basin: The average river pollution index (RPI) from January to December in 2012 was 4.1, which is a moderate degree of pollution; the DO achievement rate ranged from 88.9 to 95.8%, and the BOD achievement rate ranged from 11.6 to 20.8% , the SS achievement rate ranges from 81.9 to 93.8%, and the ammonia nitrogen achievement rate ranges from 11.1 to 15.9%; in terms of the six heavy metals, the achievement rate of cadmium, lead, hexavalent chromium, zinc, and mercury is 100%, while the achievement rate of heavy metal copper is between At 52.2~61.1%. 2. Water pollution source inspection and control work (1) Water pollution inspection work is classified into "Hsinchu Industrial Zone Control Project", "Qiejuan Stream Watershed Inspection Project", "Touqian Stream Watershed Inspection Project", "Domestic Sewage Counseling Project", "Public A total of 970 companies (cases) were inspected, and a total of 218 companies (stations) were inspected for water quality inspections under eight types, including "Complaint Project", "Special Project Inspection Project for Scheduled Enterprises", "RATA Audit Project" and "General Audit". The implementation status of each item is explained as follows: 1. Implementation of the Hsinchu Industrial Zone Inspection Project (1) The Hsinchu Industrial Zone Sewage Plant has been implemented 12 times (a total of 120 samples were taken 8 times during the day and 4 times at night): all met the standards for discharged water; RD02 ~RD10 has a small number of cases where the pH or EC is on the high side. (2) Hsinchu Industrial Zone - Ammonia nitrogen management companies have been inspected 10 times: On-site inspection results show that the sewage treatment facilities of each factory are operating normally, and the pH test is between 6 and 8, all in compliance with the standard value of discharged water; the conductivity is between 712~28000μs/cm; ammonia nitrogen concentration ranges from 3~178mg/L. (3) The copper-containing enterprises in Hsinchu Industrial Zone have been inspected 20 times: the test results in the first half and the second half of the year did not exceed the standard. The copper ion concentration in the discharge water of the above 10 copper-containing enterprises is between 0.0096~0.8 mg/L. (4) Hsinchu Industrial Zone - water quality improvement at key measuring stations has been inspected twice: including the Hsinchu Industrial Zone Service Center and the Zhujiu Self-run Rural Community Land Rezoning Area Community Management Committee; Zhujiu Self-run Rural Community Land Rezoning In the district community, the test results of COD and SS did not meet the standards for discharged water. 2. The water quality monitoring and testing results of the Qielong River Basin Audit Project have been carried out 6 times: the discharged water from the 6 designated survey targets is all within the standard value of 6~9; the heavy metal copper ion monitoring results are all far lower than the current strict copper standards in Qielong River (less than 1.5mg/L). 3. Touqian River Basin Audit Project (1) Once a quarter (implemented for 4 seasons): Taixing Technology Co., Ltd., all previous monitoring results are in compliance with the discharge water quality standards, and the monitoring values ​​of heavy metals (nickel) that the public is concerned about Between 0.1~0.3 mg/L, there is no significant abnormality. (2) Once a year (implemented and completed): Xulei Technology Co., Ltd. Industrial No. 2 Factory, SiGe Co., Ltd., Xinxing Electronics Co., Ltd. Zhongxing Factory and Industrial Technology Research Institute, previous monitoring results, The pH value is mostly between 6.60~7.33, the conductivity value is mostly between 607~1,499μs/cm, COD is between 6~12mg/L, and SS is between
英文關鍵字 Water pollution source inspection, Water pollution fee collection and inspection, Review of water pollution prevention and control permit