

中文摘要   112年度契約各工作項目,期末成果摘要如下。 1. 完成清水村建設局旁畜牧場農地2點次農地土壤定期監測,監測結果重金屬全量分析測值均低於土壤污染監測標準,建議可停止監測。 2. 完成南竿鄉仁愛段0342-0000地號土壤同步農作物採樣,農作物分析結果低於食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準,故無需辦理土壤重金屬之分析。 3. 完成19處高污染潛勢場域撥交營區名單之蒐集。 4. 16口地下水監測井完成上、下半年巡查,並針對南竿仁愛村電池山1號井(Z00016)及復興油庫2號井(Z00075)辦理外觀維護,福澳加油站之油品儲槽旁簡易井(Z00018)辦理設施修復;執行北竿塘岐村怡園公園(Z00005)、仁愛村電池山2號井(Z00077)及北竿鄉白沙加油站(Z00093)等監測井之井況評估,依井況評估結果擇定北竿塘岐村怡園公園(Z00005)與仁愛村電池山二號井(Z00077)辧理再次完井與異物排除。 5. 完成6口次監測井地下水質監測,其中仁愛村電池山二號井(Z00077)之氨氮項目超過地下水污染監測標準。 6. 辦理梅石加油站之測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測,編號A04、A05、A06、A08等測漏管之PID/FID測值超過警戒值(500 ppmV)。 7. 已完成梅石加油站及中山門加油站之土壤間隙氣體分析,二站皆檢出甲基第三丁基醚、苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯。 8. 辦理12站次地下儲槽符合管理辦法之輔導及稽查,稽查成果與歷年相同。 9. 完成111年第3次、112年第1、2次及地下儲槽網路申報及資料審查,僅東引雙柱加油站曾有逾期未辦理管線密閉測試,已於通知後補檢測。 10. 完成台電珠山機組及中華電信南竿綜合大樓地上儲槽系統改善追蹤及複查,皆符合法規。 11. 辦理中山門加油站之公告事業用地查證,結果顯示總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)超過土壤污染管制標準。 12. 完成四鄉各1處土壤與灌溉水質之農地土壤污染預防定常性檢測,1處灌溉水質複測,結果均低於法規標準。 13. 貯存系統污染預防管理工作係完成3處油品類型儲槽旁之地下水監測,檢測結果福澳加油站之油品儲槽旁簡易井(Z00018)與北竿鄉白沙加油站監測井(Z00093)之總溶解固體物、氯鹽、硫酸鹽、總硬度等項目及東引鄉中柱加油站監測井(Z00093)之氨氮項目高於第二類地下水污染監測標準。 14. 已完成B群主動管理群宣導說明會1場次及現場檢視查核1家,與C群檢視管理群現場勘查1家。 15. 8處列管中之場址每月巡查1次,已完成57處次巡查。 16. 已完成北竿鄉午沙廢棄加油站、田沃西營區、北峰車業、弘毅汽車保養廠、永順汽保養所及秉欣企業社驗證,北竿鄉午沙廢棄加油站及田沃西營區驗證未通過,北峰車業、弘毅汽車保養廠、永順汽車保養所及秉欣企業社等場址驗證通過並已解列。 17. 辦理3場次貯存系統法規宣導說明會、1場次種子講師培訓及3場次土地善管人宣導說明會。 18. 議約事項-已完成第一~四季2口后沃水庫地下水採樣分析。 19. 議約事項-已完成第一、四季各16口監測井巡視。 20. 緊急應變-主要用於辦理北竿鄉午沙廢棄加油站驗證之分析作業。 21. 已於112年03月07日辦理第一季季報及軍事場址聯繫會議;112年06月16日辦理第二季季報;112年06月29日辦理第二季軍事場址連繫會議;112年09月08日辦理第三季季報;112年09月11日辦理第三季軍事場址連繫會議。
中文關鍵字 連江縣、土壤及地下水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4240 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/01 專案結束日期 2023/01/20 專案主持人 劉曜文
主辦單位 連江縣環境資源局 承辦人 張偉晨 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112連江土水期末報告定稿.pdf 26MB 期末定稿

The Survey of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Lienchiang County in 2023

英文摘要   The plan has been executed from January 1th 2023 to December 20th 2023, and the results of implementation are summarized as follows, which involves: 1) The regular monitoring of farmland soil at 2 points of the farmland next to Qingshui Village Construction Bureau has been completed, and the monitoring results of the full analysis of heavy metals are all lower than the soil pollution monitoring standards. 2) Cooperated with department of Industrial Development have had sampling soil at cadaster Nangan village Renai section 0342-0000. Because of the result of crops analysis were all lower than Sanitation Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food, the project didn’t analyze heavy metal of soil. 3) Completed collecting 19 area of high contamination potential sites. 4) Completed 2 times patrol of 16 monitoring wells, appearance maintenance of well number Z00016 and Z00075, facility repairing of well number Z00018, well condition assessment of well number Z00005, Z00077, and Z00093. 5) Monitoring 6 times of groundwater, and ammonia nitrogen of Z00077 were higher than groundwater pollution monitoring standards. 6) The project has completed detection gas in leak detection tube of Meisui gas station, the PID/FID result showed that leak detection tube number A04, A05, A06, A08 were higher than 500 ppmV. 7) The project has completed Meisui gas station and Zhongshan Gate gas station soil interstitial gas analysis, and the gas measured Methyl tert-butyl ether, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. 8) Completed 12 places of underground storage tank counseling and auditing, the result was as same as previous years. 9) Completed examined underground storage tank on-line return of third time in 2022, first time in 2023, and second time in 2023, only Dongyin Shuangzhu gas station didn’t do pipeline sealing test in time, and has had repair. 10) Completed 2 places, including Taipower Zhushan unit and Nangan complex building of CHT, ground storage tank system improve tracking and review, both of the places conform to regulations 11) Completed one announcement of business land verification of the Zhongshan Gate gas station, and the results show that the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) are all higher than the soil pollution control standards. 12) Completed 4 soil and 4 irrigated water sampling of farm soil steady monitoring, and 1 irrigated water re-sampling. The result showed all of them were lower than standard. 13) Three of underground storage tank near, Z00018, Z00092, and Z00093, had sampling groundwater. The result showed that Z00018 and Z00093 have TDS, Cl-, SO42-, total hardness higher than standard, and Z00092 has ammonia nitrogen higher than standard. 14) Completed 1 time information session and 1 place examining of team B, and 1 place examining of team C. 15) Completed 8 sites patrol with 1 time each month, and 6 sites verified. The result showed 2 of them did not pass. 16) Completed 3 publicity briefing session on storage system laws and regulations, 1 training session for seed instructors and 3 publicity briefing sessions on good land management personnel. 17) Negotiation matters - The groundwater sampling and analysis of Houwo Reservoir has been completed 1 time each season. 18) Negotiable matters - the inspection of 16 monitoring wells in the first and fourth seasons has been completed. 19) Emergency Response - Simultaneous sampling of site verification of Beigan abandoned gas station have been completed. 20) The first to fourth quarter quarterly reports and the military site contact meeting have been completed.
英文關鍵字 Lienchiang County, Soil and Groundwater