

中文摘要 本年度計畫執行期程為112年3月14日至112年11月30日,截至112年11月30日止,總執行進度為100%。 本計畫協助環保局執行向海致敬政策,推動苗栗縣海岸環境普查作業,建立本縣海岸環境背景資料,作為後續推動海岸環境維護策略研擬之參考依據,有關各階段作業執行進度摘要說明如下: 一、研擬海岸清理策略及規劃 本年度於9/21與11/20針對歷年巡查髒亂點及環境部海廢快篩監測站髒亂點進行通盤檢討,另請第二河川分署及國有財產署於權責會議中分享海岸清理優良管理經驗,提供其他單位日後海岸清理執行內容。 二、海岸巡檢及調查作業 自3月至11月期間實地巡查60次,以苗栗縣竹南鎮、後龍鎮、通霄鎮及苑裡鎮海岸線,調查本縣海岸環境背景及污染特性,本年度3月至10月通報次數為26次,檢視以8月至9月期間,向較其他月份通報次數偏多,原因應為颱風影響。 三、海岸環境淨灘活動及認養維護海岸相關會議 苗栗縣今年民眾主動淨灘合計4003人次出席淨灘活動,淨灘辦理地點,以竹南及通霄為淨灘熱門區域;本年度海岸線媒合認養完成8家次單位認養,認養14公里,主要認養區域以竹南地區認養為大宗;本年度已於9/21及11/20辦理2場次權責海岸相關會議,會議中針對海岸清理現況進行缺失檢討。 四、整合海岸環境清理作業相關成果 本計畫除每月上傳至環保署網站登錄,並追蹤各權責單位清理海岸清理廢棄物現況,1月至11月期間海岸線總計各權責單位共計執行1,569點次之巡檢及清理作業,清除垃圾量達892.754公噸,動員人力10,358人。
中文關鍵字 海岸淨灘;海岸廢棄物調查;向海致敬


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 1200 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/14 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 麥成瑋
主辦單位 苗栗縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 魏展華 執行單位 銓璟環保科技有限公司


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期末報告 11209-全文.pdf 19MB

112th Annual Salute to the Sea - Coastal Cleanup Maintenance Program - Changmen - Miaoli County

英文摘要 The implementation period of this year's program was from March 14, 2012 to November 30, 2012, and as of November 30, 2012, the total implementation progress was 100%. This program assists the EPA in implementing the policy of paying homage to the sea, promoting the Miaoli County Coastal Environment Survey, and establishing background information on the county's coastal environment to serve as a reference for the subsequent development of strategies for maintaining the coastal environment, and the progress of the implementation of the various phases of the program is summarized as follows: I. Development of coastal cleanup strategy and planning On 9/21 and 11/20, we conducted an overall review of the dirty spots from previous inspections and the dirty spots at the Ministry of the Environment's Marine Waste Screening Station. We also invited the Second River Subdistrict Office and the Department of State Property to share their experiences of good coastal cleanup management at the Authority and Responsibility Meeting, which will provide content for the future coastal cleanups carried out by other units. Coastal Inspection and Investigation From March to November, 60 field inspections were conducted along the coastlines of Zhunan Township, Houlong Township, Tongxiao Township, and Yuanli Township in Miaoli County to investigate the background of the county's coastal environment and the characteristics of the pollution. 26 notifications were made from March to October, and the number of notifications made from August to September was higher than those made in the other months, which was probably due to the impact of typhoons. Coastal Environmental Cleanup Activities and Adoption and Maintenance Meetings In Miaoli County, 4003 people attended beach cleaning activities this year on the public's own initiative, with Jhunan and Tongxiao as the most popular beach cleaning areas; this year, 8 units were adopted for 14 kilometers of the coastline, with Jhunan being the main area to be adopted; this year, 2 meetings related to coastal cleanup were held on 9/21 and 11/20, with a lack of review of the current status of coastal cleanups. The meeting focused on the current situation of coastal cleanup and reviewed the deficiencies. Integrate the results of coastal environmental cleanup operations. In addition to uploading the project to the EPD website every month and tracking the current status of coastal cleanup debris by each unit of authority and responsibility, the total number of inspections and cleanup operations carried out by each unit of authority and responsibility along the coastline from January to November totaled 1,569 points, with the amount of garbage cleared reaching 892.754 metric tons, and the number of manpower mobilized was 10,358 people.
英文關鍵字 Coastal clean-up;Coastal waste survey;Salute to the Ocean