

中文摘要 112年臺東縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),主要依據地方環境保護局公害陳情績效考核評比要點為執行主軸,受理民眾各類陳情案件、縮短處理時間、強化案件受理人員及現場稽查人員之專業訓練,提高政府施政滿意度,計畫執行期程自112年3月1日起至113年02月28日止,統計至113年2月28日止,整體進度達成率達100%,計畫執行成果摘要重點如下: 一、 執行公害陳情案件受理及管制作業 1. 配合臺東縣環境保護局公害陳情報案中心,設置專責受理單位人員,處理及管制公害陳情案件,截至113年2月28日止共受理4,108件,其中首次3,252件、衍生複查856件;每日平均受理7.7件,加計衍生複查每日平均9.65件,受理項目類別環境衛生993件、空氣污染871件(含異味766件、不含異味105件)、噪音977件、廢棄物338件及水污染52件、其他18件、振動2件、毒性化學物質1件;整體陳情案件妥善處理率為99.2%。 2. 民眾陳情案件每日進行污染源定位、建立污染源資料庫及稽查紀錄單,並鍵入公害陳情系統及環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS),公害陳情案件管制系統之自我考評成績:公害陳情案件平均到場處理時間2.42小時、平均鍵入處理天數(含EEMS)3.7天。 3. 截至113年2月28日止,受理的案件中可調查共1,708件,已完成調查共1,174件占68.73% 【非常滿意91.57%、滿意4.09%、尚可3.58%、不滿意0.34%、非常不滿意0.43%】,無法調查共493件占28.86%【3次無人接聽99.59%、電話錯誤0.41%】,在不滿意部分經詢問振興發科技有限公司民眾滿意度調查項目,主要是以機關處理陳情案件後回復給陳情人相關處理內容及程序。二、 主動稽巡查作業 1. 截至113年2月28日止,縮時攝影累計架設123處次,涉有違規行為人且有明確車牌(得以追查行為人事證)件數共20件,已裁罰12件、不裁罰8件(違規行為不明確),累計裁罰金額14,400元。 2. 截至113年2月28日止,監看臺東市東海里長沙社區之既有攝影機共12次,無發現環境污染行為。 3. 截至113年2月28日止,無查獲非法載運生禽畜糞車輛。 4. 截至113年2月28日止,列管16戶資源回收個體戶,完成212處次資源回收個體戶巡查;原有列管19戶資源回收個體戶,解除列管3戶已無再堆放資源回收物,經稽查員巡查資收戶現場,視該熱點的環境整潔情況包含有無環境髒亂之虞、其他等三大類記錄稽查概況,無明顯重大髒亂情形。 5. 本計畫完成1件異味污染物官能測定,於113年1月29日檢測日峰畜牧場,其異味值<10,符合固定污染源排放標準值(30)。 6. 本計畫完成1件陳情案件等污染源之水質採樣檢測,於113年1月22日檢測中華紙漿股份有限公司臺東廠,其檢測值氫離子濃度指數(Ph值)7.7、生化需氧量52.7mg/L(限值30 mg/L)、化學需氧量261 mg/L(限值180 mg/L)、懸浮固體136 mg/L(限值30 mg/L),均超過放流水標準限值,後續依據水污染防治法進行罰鍰。 7. 於3月1日辦理1場次計畫人員教育訓練,針對稽查實務技巧的部分以民眾陳情案件類別前三名(環境衛生、噪音、異味污染物)為例,說明陳情案件執行時,所需注意執行細節,並透過實際案例的分享進行討論稽查內容之撰寫技巧;而計畫工項執行注意事項則是針對人員備勤、執行品質成效及稽查單撰寫重點;最後,針對新聞稿素材之照片拍攝,再次與同仁佈達若為改善前、後之照片請拍攝同角度之照片,同時請同仁落實將合適的新聞稿素材照片放置Google雲端資料夾。 8. 於7月20日、11月17日及113年1月26日辦理3場次(8小時)噪音稽查量測法規與實務案例分析及公害糾紛暨宣導有害性空氣污染物控制管理技術議題教育訓練,共計85人次參與。 (1). 邀請利音貿易開發股份有限公司經理吳靖聰先生擔任講師,主要針對噪音量測時應注意事項及法規及透過實務案例分析深入探討與經驗分享,以利加深同仁噪音量測時的標準做業流程及法規規定,授課內容為噪音的管制標準、量測標準、管制法規、稽查單的撰寫等方面的注意事項為主。 (2). 邀請到振興發科技有限公司陳恬恬協理擔任講師,課程區分兩階段,第一階段以公害污染陳情案件的受理流程、報案中心專線電話接聽標準作業SOP及注意重點,接續第二階段公害污染陳情案件系統圖臺功能說明及相關分析工具使用說明,透過此次教育訓練對於同仁接聽及受理民眾陳情案件時應對及受理流程,皆有明確的認知,有效提升民眾好感度,另外圖臺資料查詢熟悉,提升同仁作業時間的效率。 (3). 邀請到嘉南藥理大學環境工程與科學系米孝萱教授擔任講師,主要針對各種空氣污染問題,如餐飲業者及粒狀污染物提出了改善方法及控制技術;另也教授與會人員與該類陳情案件查處技巧分析,提升人員再執行該類陳情案件時的專業能力。 三、 其他行政事項 1. 於3月9日提送計畫人員名冊、作業車輛、辦公設備。 2. 於3月3日、4月10日、5月5日、6月8日、7月6日、8月7日、9月8日、10月6日、11月9日、12月8日、113年1月9日、113年2月6日至臺東縣環境保護局進行工作成果簡報。 3. 於3月7日、4月10日、5月10日、6月9日、7月10日、8月11日、9月8日、10月6日、11月9日、12月8日、113年1月10日、113年2月7日每月進行公害陳情考核指標之陳情人滿意度意見電話調查,並於次月10日內提報調查資料予臺東縣環境保護局備查。 4. 截至113年2月28日止,辦理12場陳情追蹤管制檢討會議,總計檢討案件數210件,分別為環境衛144件、空氣污染13件(含異味10件、不含異味3件)、噪音8件、廢棄物42件、水污染3件。 5. 截至113年2月28日止,完成提供24則臺東縣環境保護局新聞、臉書(FB)及TTPush推播素材。 6. 於5月10日完成7位計畫人員身體健康檢查。 7. 截至113年2月28日止,屢遭陳情及重大污染或經機關指定案件累計32間(271件)污染來源,其中上明鋁門窗行因屢次遭特定民眾一再陳情,且經適當處理均無發現有明確違反噪音管制法規之事證;好時光小吃部因陳情人一再陳情,且不願意留聯繫方式,故稽查人員無法得知受噪音影響之位置,且多次至現場稽查皆未有發現有違規情事,因上述原因,臺東縣環境保護局分別於3月9日及8月9日依據行政程序法第173條第1項第2款規定、臺東縣政府人民陳情案件要點第12點第2項規定及環境保護機關處理公害污染陳情案件作業程序第9項規定簽呈核准僅登記不處理;經統計分析污染項目以噪音_擴音(音響)設備173件、噪音_動力機械或作業噪音26件為最多,主要來源營業場所的擴音設備或動力機具所產生的噪音,其次禽畜、養殖業_養雞場15件、異味污染物_烹飪油煙17件、異味污染物_動物12件、噪音_民俗噪音4件、異味污染物_露天燃燒3件、異味污染物_製造(生產過程)3件、環境衛生_動、植物影響衛生3件、水汙染_廢水排放3件、噪音_機電設備(含家電)-抽油煙機3件、空氣污染不含異味_粒狀物飛散(含揚塵、粉塵)3件、其他(未設防塵網)3件、環境衛生_生活垃圾亂丟或堆放3件。 8. 截至113年2月28日止,依據環境部所列本計畫績效考評指標「環境執法及公害陳情處理成效」之評分標準「公害污染陳情案件平均到場處理時間」、「平均結案鍵檔時間」、「滿意度調查比率」、「滿意度調查結果」等四項為工作執行標準(總分2分),績效自評得2分。 9. 截至113年2月28日止,依據環境部空氣品質維護及改善工作,執行與民眾陳情相關績效考評指標「全民綠生活-民生關注議題污染管理」之評分標準「異味屢次陳情案件輔導率」、「輔導後改善率」、「露天燃燒陳情率」及「露天燃燒陳情案件處理率」等四項為工作執行標準(總分3分),績效自評得2分。
中文關鍵字 公害陳情案件、稽巡查作業、縮時攝影、資源回收個體戶、異味污染物官能測定、水質採樣檢測、教育訓練、公害糾紛、公害陳情考核指標、陳情追蹤管制檢討會議、屢遭陳情、績效考評指標


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 5550 千元
專案開始日期 2023/03/01 專案結束日期 2024/02/28 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 羅培卿 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112陳情期末報告_compressed.pdf 16MB

112 Taitung County air pollution and other complaints cases rapid investigation and control plan

英文摘要 The 112 Taitung County Air Pollution and Other Complaints Rapid Investigation and Control Plan (hereinafter referred to as this plan) is mainly based on the key points of the local Environmental Protection Bureau’s performance appraisal of pollution complaints as the main axis of execution. It accepts various complaints from the public and shortens the Processing time, strengthening the professional training of case acceptance personnel and on-site inspection personnel, and improving government governance satisfaction. The implementation period of the plan is from March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2013, and the statistics are as of February 28, 2013. As of today, the overall progress achievement rate reached 100%, and the highlights of the summary of plan implementation results are as follows:1. Implementation of acceptance and control of public nuisance complaints cases 1. Cooperate with the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau’s Pollution Reporting Center to set up a dedicated unit to handle and control public nuisance reporting cases. As of February 28, 2013, a total of 4,108 cases were accepted, including 3,252 for the first time and 856 for follow-up reviews. cases; an average of 7.7 cases are accepted every day, and an average of 9.65 cases are accepted daily including derivative reviews. 993 cases of environmental sanitation, 871 air pollution cases (766 cases containing odor and 105 cases without odor), 977 noise cases, and waste are accepted. 338 cases, including 52 cases of water pollution, 18 other cases, 2 cases of vibration, and 1 case of toxic chemical substances; the overall proper handling rate of petition cases was 99.2%. 2. For public complaints, the pollution sources are located every day, a pollution source database and an audit record are established, and they are entered into the pollution complaint system and the Environmental Protection Audit and Punishment Control System (EEMS). The self-assessment results of the pollution complaint case control system are: Pollution Report The average on-site processing time for cases is 2.42 hours, and the average number of days for processing (including EEMS) is 3.7 days. 3. As of February 28, 2020, a total of 1,708 cases were accepted for investigation, and a total of 1,174 cases have been completed, accounting for 68.73% [91.57% are very satisfied, 4.09% are satisfied, 3.58% are acceptable, and 0.34% are unsatisfactory. Very dissatisfied 0.43%], a total of 493 cases could not be investigated, accounting for 28.86% [99.59% were not answered three times, and 0.41% were incorrect calls]. For the dissatisfied part, after asking Zhenxingfa Technology Co., Ltd.’s public satisfaction survey project, it was mainly based on After handling the petition case, the agency will reply to the petitioner with the relevant handling contents and procedures. 2. Proactive inspection and inspection operations 1. As of February 28, 2020, time-lapse photography has been installed 123 times in total, and there were a total of 20 cases involving illegal actors with clear license plates (personnel certificates that can be traced), and 12 cases have been fined and no fines have been issued. 8 cases (violations were not clear), with a total fine of 14,400 yuan. 2. As of February 28, 2013, existing cameras in Changsha Community, Donghaili, Taitung City, were monitored a total of 12 times, and no environmental pollution behavior was found. 3. As of February 28, 2020, no vehicles illegally carrying raw poultry and livestock manure have been seized. 4. As of February 28, 2020, 16 self-employed resource recycling households have been listed under management, and 212 inspections of self-employed resource recycling households have been completed; 19 self-employed resource recycling households were originally listed under management, and 3 households that have been released from management no longer stockpile resource recycling materials. , after the inspector inspected the property collection site, the environmental cleanliness of the hot spot included three major categories: whether there was a risk of environmental mess and others, and the audit summary was recorded. There was no obvious major mess. 5. This project completed the functional measurement of one piece of odor pollutants. The Rifeng livestock farm was tested on January 29, 2013. The odor value was <10, which complies with the fixed pollution source emission standard value (30). 6. This project completed the water quality sampling and testing of pollution sources such as one case. The test was conducted at the Taitung Plant of China Pulp Co., Ltd. on January 22, 2013. The test value was a hydrogen ion concentration index (Ph value) of 7.7 and a biochemical requirement of 7.7. Oxygen 52.7mg/L (limit 30 mg/L), chemical oxygen demand 261 mg/L (limit 180 mg/L), suspended solids 136 mg/L (limit 30 mg/L), all exceeded the discharge Water standard limits, subsequent fines will be imposed in accordance with the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act. 7. Conducted 1 educational training session for planning personnel on March 1. For the part about practical inspection skills, the top three categories of public complaint cases (environmental sanitation, noise, odor pollutants) were used as examples to explain the implementation of complaint cases. , it is necessary to pay attention to the implementation details, and discuss the writing skills of audit content through the sharing of actual cases; and the precautions for the execution of planned work are focused on personnel preparation, execution quality and effectiveness, and the key points in writing audit sheets; finally, for news When taking photos of press release materials, please contact Buda again with your colleagues to take photos from the same angle in order to improve the before and after photos. At the same time, please ensure that your colleagues place the appropriate press release material photos in the Google Cloud folder. 8. Conducted 3 sessions (8 hours) on July 20, November 17, and January 26, 2013 to conduct noise audit measurement regulations and practical case analysis, public nuisance disputes, and promote technical issues on the control and management of harmful air pollutants. Education and training, a total of 85 people participated. (1). Invite Mr. Wu Jingcong, manager of Liyin Trading Development Co., Ltd., as a lecturer. He will mainly focus on matters that should be paid attention to when measuring noise and regulations, and will conduct in-depth discussions and experience sharing through practical case analysis, so as to deepen colleagues’ understanding of noise measurement. Standard operating procedures and regulations are provided. The teaching content mainly focuses on noise control standards, measurement standards, control regulations, and precautions in writing inspection sheets. (2). Chen Tiantian, associate manager of Zhenxingfa Technology Co., Ltd., is invited to serve as a lecturer. The course is divided into two phases. The first phase is based on the acceptance process of pollution complaints cases, the standard operation SOP and key points for answering the hotline of the reporting center, and continues with the second phase. Through the function description of the Pollution Complaints Case System chart table and the usage instructions of related analysis tools, through this education and training, colleagues will have a clear understanding of the response and acceptance process when receiving and accepting public complaints cases, effectively improving public favorability. , In addition, you are familiar with chart data query, which improves the efficiency of colleagues’ working time. (3). Professor Mi Xiaoxuan from the Department of Environmental Engineering and Science of Jianan University of Pharmacy was invited to serve as a lecturer. He mainly proposed improvement methods and control technologies for various air pollution problems, such as catering operators and particulate pollutants; he also taught participants Analyze the investigation and handling techniques of this type of petition cases to improve the professional capabilities of personnel when executing this type of petition cases. 3. Other administrative matters 1. Submit the roster of planning personnel, operating vehicles, and office equipment on March 9. 2. On March 3, April 10, May 5, June 8, July 6, August 7, September 8, October 6, November 9, December On the 8th, January 9, and February 6, 2020, we went to the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau for briefings on work results. 3. On March 7, April 10, May 10, June 9, July 10, August 11, September 8, October 6, November 9, December Conduct a monthly telephone survey on Chen's satisfaction with the pollution assessment indicators on January 8, January 10, and February 7, and submit the survey data to the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau within the 10th of the following month. for future reference. 4. As of February 28, 2013, 12 complaint tracking and control review meetings were held, with a total of 210 review cases, including 144 environmental sanitation cases and 13 air pollution cases (10 cases with odor and 3 cases without odor) ), 8 cases of noise, 42 cases of waste, and 3 cases of water pollution. 5. As of February 28, 2020, 24 pieces of Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau news, Facebook (FB) and TTPush push materials have been provided. 6. Completed the physical health examination of 7 planners on May 10. 7. As of February 28, 2013, there were a total of 32 (271) pollution sources that had been repeatedly complained and seriously polluted or designated by the authorities. Among them, the Ming Ming Aluminum Doors and Windows Store had been repeatedly complained by specific people and had been After proper handling, no evidence of clear violations of noise control regulations was found; as Good Times Snack Bar repeatedly complained and was unwilling to leave contact information, the inspectors were unable to know the location affected by the noise and visited the site many times. No violation of regulations was found during the inspection. Due to the above reasons, the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau conducted inspections on March 9 and August 9 respectively in accordance with the provisions of Article 173, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, of the Administrative Procedure Act.Taitung County Government People’s Complaints Case Point 12 Item 2 and Environmental Protection Agency Operating Procedures for Handling Public Pollution Complaint Cases Item 9 Submission for approval is only for registration and not processing; according to statistical analysis, pollution projects are classified as noise_amplification 173 pieces of (audio) equipment, 26 cases of noise, power machinery or operating noise, the main source of which is noise generated by loudspeaker equipment or power machinery in business premises, followed by 15 cases of poultry, breeding industry, chicken farms, and odor pollution Object_17 items of cooking fumes, 12 items of odor pollutants_animals, 4 items of noise_folk noise, 3 items of odor pollutants_open burning, 3 items of odor pollutants_manufacturing (production process), environmental sanitation_influence of animals and plants 3 items of sanitation, 3 items of water pollution, 3 items of waste water discharge, 3 items of noise, mechanical and electrical equipment (including home appliances) - range hoods, 3 items of air pollution without odor, 3 items of scattered granular objects (including dust, dust), others (undefended) 3 pieces of dust nets, 3 pieces of environmental sanitation_domestic garbage littered or piled. 8. As of February 28, 2013, based on the scoring criteria of "Effectiveness in Environmental Law Enforcement and Handling of Pollution Complaints" for this project's performance evaluation indicators listed by the Ministry of Environment, "Average on-site processing time for pollution complaints cases", "Average case closure" Four items including "key time", "satisfaction survey ratio" and "satisfaction survey results" are work execution standards (total score is 2 points), and self-evaluation of performance is worth 2 points. 9. As of February 28, 2013, in accordance with the air quality maintenance and improvement work of the Ministry of Environment, the performance evaluation index related to public complaints "Green Life for All - Pollution Management of Issues Concerned to People's Livelihood" scoring criteria "cases of repeated complaints about odor" Four items including "counseling rate", "improvement rate after counseling", "open burning complaint rate" and "open burning complaint case handling rate" are work execution standards (total score is 3 points), and self-evaluation of performance is worth 2 points.
英文關鍵字 Public nuisance complaint cases, inspection operations, time-lapse photography, self-employed resource recovery, functional measurement of odor pollutants, water quality sampling and testing, education and training, public nuisance disputes, public nuisance complaint assessment indicators, complaint tracking and control review meetings, repeated complaints, performance evaluation indicators