

中文摘要 本計畫4項目標如下: 一、精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染防治管理。 二、盤點工業區下水道系統碳排情形及減碳策略研析。 三、持續優化水質水量自動監測(視)設施相關系統功能。 四、強化自動監測設施管理與辦理系統性與功能性查核 為達上述4項目標,本計畫之工作內容包括:(1)精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染防治管理(2)盤點工業區下水道系統碳排情形及減碳策略研析(3)優化水質水量自動監測(視)設施相關系統功能 (4)強化自動監測設施管理與辦理系統性與功能性查核(5)其他行政協助事項等5類工作。 計畫執行期間完成之工作,包括:(1)完成工業區近3年(109〜111年)管制資料分析及提出改善建議、追蹤工業區近1年氨氮水質與113年放流水加嚴標準之符合狀況、研擬與彙整工業區水污染防治計畫與成果(2)收集工業區下水道系統之碳排資料(不含區內事業)、協助檢討工業區下水道系統減碳策略並促使主動改善減碳(3)地方主管機關特定對象及時段之自動監測資料欄位排列及重新解檔功能、局端系統資訊公開系統資料帳密功能、廢水自動監測設施系統性及功能性查核與結果登錄與輸出功能、廢水自動監測管理資訊系統與確認報告書系統監測位置編號同步功能(4)分析COD及SS相對誤差測試查核近1年申報資料、規劃112年縣市自動監測管理計畫、篩選5家自動監測設施系統性及功能性查核名單並完成查核及提出查核結果與複查追蹤名單與改善建議、協助「事業及污水下水道系統廢(污)水管理系統」與自動監測相關系統之整合介接(5)應設置自動監測設施對象之設置進度追蹤與相關技術諮詢、分析工業區近5年重金屬排放變化掌握應提總量削減管理計畫之名單、協助分析受委託機關審查水污染防治措施計畫執行成果、配合辦理無聯合污水廠工業區推動之會議資料準備與相關行政協助工作、配合相關管制需求協助辦理2場教育訓練。
中文關鍵字 工業區污水下水道系統、自動監測(視)系統、碳排與減量策略


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 6030 千元
專案開始日期 2023/04/21 專案結束日期 2023/12/05 專案主持人 王立祥
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 程凱麟 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 112年工業區計畫公開版.pdf 42MB 112年工業區成果報告(公開版)

Industrial Parks Sewerage Systems Management Strategy and Continuous Waste Water Monitoring Systems (CWMS) Connection Quality Optimization Plan

英文摘要 This project’s 4 goals is of the following: 1. To improve wastewater pollution prevention and management of industrial parks sewerage systems (hereafter refer as industrial parks). 2. To collect greenhouse emission information and emission reduction control measures of industrial parks. 3. To upgrade the managing information system of the continuous wastewater monitoring system. 4. To strengthen the control of continuous wastewater monitoring system (hereafter refer as CWMS) and conduct systematic and functional inspection. In order to achieve the above 4 goals, this project’s contents including:(1) improving wastewater pollution prevention and management of industrial parks (2)collecting greenhouse emission information and emission reduction control measures of industrial parks(3)upgrading the managing information system of the CWMS (4) strengthening the control of CWMS and conducting systematic and functional inspection (5)assisting administrative relevant works. During the project execution period, we had accomplished outcomes including:(1)finishing industrial parks control data analyses for the past 3 years(year2020~2022) and proposing suggestions, tracking the compliance of ammonia-nitrogen in effluent of the last year and the compliance of the effluent with the stricter effluent standards of the past 3 years, drafting industrial parks water pollution prevention and control plan and integrating implementation results.(2)collecting carbon emission information of industrial parks (excluding businesses in the area), assisting in the review of carbon reduction strategies and promoting proactive improvements in carbon reduction for industrial parks.(3)offering CWMS data arrangement and re-unfolding functions for specific objects and time periods of local competent authorities, supplying the information disclosure system’s data account and password functions, adding the inspected result login and output functions of the CWMS systematic and functional inspection system, adding the Monitoring position number synchronization function of the CWMS managing information system and the CWMS facility instruction and confirmation report system.(4)analyzing CWMS RATA data in the past year, planning the local competent authorities 2023-CWMS management project, screening CWMS inspection list and accomplishing 5 inspections & inspection results with tracking list, assisting the integration and connection of the enterprises and sewage systems wastewater management system and the CWMS relative systems.(5)tracking installed progress and providing technical consultation on CWMS objects that should be installed, analyzing heavy metals effluent change trends of in industrial parks over the past five year and providing the list of the total quantity reduction plan if needed, adding up the commissioned agency to review the implementation results of the water pollution prevention and control measures plan, assisting gathering relevant data and offering administrative assistance about urban planning industrial area without united wastewater treatment works in 5 municipality, assisting in handling 2 educational training sessions in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.
英文關鍵字 industrial park sewerage system, Continuous Waste Water Monitoring Systems), greenhouse gas emission and reduction strategy