

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自112 年11 月28 日至113 年11 月30 日,為期12 個月,透過紀錄片形式完整記錄這場污染整治工程的歷程,展現政府單位、專家學者、中石化公司及在地居民如何共同面對歷史遺留問題。計畫旨在反思經濟發展與環境保護的平衡,提醒大眾關注居住環境,為未來世代創造更乾淨健康的生活空間。茲執行期間之工作成果摘要說明如下: 一、紀錄片製作 人物訪談:完成21位受訪者訪談,包括政府機關首長、中石化公司代表、專家學者及在地居民代表。 版本製作:完成國語版60分鐘完整版、15分鐘精華版、3分鐘濃縮版及1分鐘宣傳版,並審查與修訂;另製作英語、台語、客語及日語版本等不同語言之60分鐘完整版。 二、影像紀錄書冊 內容涵蓋污染事件始末、整治歷程與未來展望,提供平裝版與精裝版各80冊,適用於推廣與館藏。 三、電子書 影像紀錄書冊進行電子化,以支援多樣化閱覽平台使用,更加便於閱讀及推廣。 四、電子有聲書 模擬真實書本翻頁效果,搭配說書呈現,支援多樣化平台使用,適合孩童、老人及視障人士,提升觸及範圍與族群多樣性。本計畫藉由多元媒體形式保存與傳遞此事件的歷史與啟示,期望成為環境保護的重要借鏡。 五、影展參展 協助環保局將本案建置影片投稿至國際性影展,為配合本片未來使用規劃及明年度參展規劃,參加本國舉辦之國際性影展-台灣國際台灣國際紀錄片影展(Taiwan International Documentary Festival, TIDF)。
中文關鍵字 中石化安順場址


專案計畫編號 經費年度 112 計畫經費 3970 千元
專案開始日期 2023/11/28 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 楊幸樺
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林才順 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 03.中石化(台鹼)安順廠土壤污染整治場址整治紀錄片建置計畫期末報告(定稿)1209R4(含附件)(倉儲版R1).pdf 7MB 「中石化(台鹼)安順廠土壤污染整治場址整治紀錄片建置計畫」期末報告書

CPDC (TAIC) An-shun site soil pollution remediation site remediation achievement documentary shooting plan

英文摘要 This project, spanning from November 28, 2023 to November 30, 2024, has documented the entire process of a pollution remediation project through a documentary film. The film showcases how government agencies, experts, the China Petrochemical Development Corporation, and local residents collectively addressed this historical environmental issue. The project aims to reflect on the balance between economic development and environmental protection, raise public awareness about living environments, and create a cleaner and healthier living space for future generations. The following is a summary of the project's accomplishments. 1.Documentary Production Interviews: Completed interviews with 21 individuals, including government agency heads, representatives of CPDC Corporation, experts and scholars, and local resident representatives. Version Production: Completed a 60-minute full version in Mandarin, a 15-minute highlight version, a 3-minute condensed version, and a 1-minute promotional version,along with review and revisions. Additionally, 60-minute full versions were produced in English, Taiwanese, Hakka, and Japanese to reach a wider audience. 2.Visual Record Book The content covers the beginning and end of the pollution incident, the remediation process, and future prospects. A total of 80 copies each of paperback and hardcover editions were provided, suitable for promotion and archival purposes. 3.E-Book The visual record book was digitized to support usage on various reading platforms,making it more convenient for reading and promotion. 4.Electronic Audiobook Simulates the effect of flipping through a real book, combined with storytelling,and supports usage on various platforms. It is suitable for children, the elderly, andvisually impaired individuals, enhancing its reach and audience diversity. This project preserves and conveys the history and lessons of this event through diverse media formats, aiming to serve as an important reference for environmental protection. 5.Film Festival Participation Assisted the Environmental Protection Administration in submitting the film of this case to international film festivals. To align with the future usage plan of this film and the participation plan for next year, it participated in an international film festival held in Taiwan — the Taiwan International Documentary Festival (TIDF).
英文關鍵字 China Petrochemical Development Corporation An-Shun Site.