

中文摘要 台灣每年約有15萬噸廢輪胎產出,其中約70%作為輔助燃料去化途徑占最大宗。然由於輔助燃料因環保問題將逐步限禁燃燒,因此廢輪胎資源再利用趨勢已漸由「線性經濟鏈的能源利用」轉向「循環經濟鏈的物質利用」。另一方面,台灣為自行車生產及研發之先進國家,為因應全球推行淨零排放、循環經濟、碳關稅、ESG議題對外銷出口造成衝擊。因此,本計畫為協助自行車產業減碳永續發展需求,規畫開發自行車用輪胎添加廢輪胎再生橡膠技術,創新利用bis(3-triethoxysilyl propyl) tetrasulfide (TESPT)矽烷偶聯劑與再生橡膠之解鏈自由基形成硫化鍵而不再自交聯,同時與白煙(SiO2)形成Si-O-Si共價鍵進而提升分散均勻性,使自行車輪胎可減少原生橡膠用量,緩解廢輪胎造成環境汙染和資源浪費之問題,並協助國內輪胎產業升級轉型,開拓全球自行車輪胎市場綠色新商機。
中文關鍵字 廢輪胎、再生橡膠、自行車


專案計畫編號 EPA-112-XA03 經費年度 112 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2023/02/18 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 吳志宏
主辦單位 循環署回收基金管理會 承辦人 江讚軒 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿版543B20459環保署期末報-FY112年度自行車用輪胎添加廢輪胎再生膠技術開發計畫.pdf 10MB

Technology development of raw rubber compounds blending with the devulcanized waste tire rubber for bicycle tires application

英文摘要 It was about 150 thousand tons/year of waste tire were generated in Taiwan. The bulk of the waste tire nearly 70% which is incinerated for energy utilization pattern. However, the waste tire which is incinerated for “energy utilization pattern”, causing serious environmental pollution and resource wastage for linear economy. An environmental-friendly method of recycling is strongly desired for “circular use of materials” is the best choice for circular economy. Besides, Taiwan has a strong supply chain in the global bicycle industry and is an important base for the production and R&D of bicycles. In response to a global current trends and export challenges of net zero emissions, circular economy, carbon tariff, and ESG (Environmental, social and governance) in the Taiwan's bicycle industry. Therefore, the goal of this project is to developing technology on the virgin rubber compounds blending with devulcanized waste tire rubber for bicycle tires application. The inhibits self-crosslinking of reclaimed rubber using a bis(3-triethoxysilyl propyl) tetrasulfide (TESPT) silane coupling agent. Simultaneously, the TESPT acts as a sort of intermediary which bonds rubber compounds to inorganic materials (SiO2). Finally, the bicycle tires will decreased virgin rubber consume (beneficial to carbon reduction), and supply the value-added digestion way for domestic waste tire and promote bicycle tires products export trade competitiveness.
英文關鍵字 Waste tire, Reclaimed rubber, Bike